Supreme Court rules 6-3 for Fischer. Cooked up J6 obstruction felonies are thrown out.

6-3....the gist of it is....obstruction can’t be mere must be tied to “real things”....documents, papers, things....that could, would result in obstruction.
Only effects 20% of the cases, two of Trump’s lesser charges, and the Court basically bounced it back to the lower Court, meaning it can surface again

The decision was the typical textbook Textualism bullshit, because “otherwise” wasn’t directly specified in the original law there was no way to determine what it meant, although there was a reason why Congress at the time added “otherwise” to the law. Interesting how this Court applies it Textualism/Originalism bullshit when they want to issue a conservative opinion bit completely shelve other times as with the immunity case

And if one doesn’t interpret a violent attack aimed at stopping the Congress from fulfilling their Constitutional responsibilities as obstruction tough to say what is obstruction
They will declare Trump president for life.
If it came down to it, it wouldn’t be out of the question

Which raises the point I keep making, if Trump is elected, who is going to stop him from anything, literally anything, he wants to do? Certainly not this Court, the GOP, the right wing media, the cult, the Constitution, he will have free reign, even if he wants to stay on the WH in 2028
If it came down to it, it wouldn’t be out of the question

Which raises the point I keep making, if Trump is elected, who is going to stop him from anything, literally anything, he wants to do? Certainly not this Court, the GOP, the right wing media, the cult, the Constitution, he will have free reign, even if he wants to stay on the WH in 2028
Yes. Hard to understand why our nation has a death wish.