Surge = Escalation



Six Army brigades, a National Guard unit and three military headquarters have been ordered to Iraq next summer in a move that would allow the U.S. to keep the number of troops largely steady there through much of next year.

The planned deployments involve about 26,000 troops and would maintain 14 combat brigades in Iraq from about February to early fall. But the decisions do not rule out potential changes as military leaders assess the security there and eye more troop withdrawals.

Even as violence in Iraq has plunged in the past year, cautious Pentagon leaders have resisted insistent public and congressional calls for more rapid and hefty troop pullouts. Instead, top commanders insist the security situation remains fragile, and the improvements reversible.

That assessment was reflected in a report sent to Congress Tuesday in which the Pentagon expressed concern in the turnover to Iraqi government control — beginning Wednesday — of tens of thousands of Sunni fighters who turned against al-Qaida with U.S. support. About 100,000 of the fighters — many former insurgents — are now on the U.S. payroll.
How can you say the surge worked if all it means is no one comes home and we are thinking of sending even more?
should have used the surge in the early part of the war. Its definitely working but the question is.. working for what and at what cost?

We need to be spending money on our own country not iraq.
Its working to keep the deaths down.

I have a great idea that would keep the deaths down.

Come Home.
its also working to get the iraq economy up and running again. But your absolutely right its time to back off into the permanent bases with 50k troops and take rest home.
How can you say the surge worked if all it means is no one comes home and we are thinking of sending even more?

Your not paying attention to what is going on right now. Didn't NBC tell you that troups are leaving iraq, and going to Afganistan? Your not paying attention. shut up and pay attention!
Its working to keep the deaths down.

I have a great idea that would keep the deaths down.

Come Home.

That was bidens stance on Viet Nam. Same as here--we should not have gone in most likely--but we left--and the Cambodia (I believe) slaughter was in action. How many died then?
No matter when we leave Iraq, twenty , one hundered years, whatever.

They will resume killing each other like they have since the split of the Muslim religion.
so long as the oil is flowing to the US for the next 50 years like it did with Saudi arabia then the bush mission is complete and successful.
should have used the surge in the early part of the war. Its definitely working but the question is.. working for what and at what cost?

We need to be spending money on our own country not iraq.
Chap that has to be the UGLIEST avatar I have ever seen. Angels in 4