

I dare you to stop us GL
Just tell me what your positions are on these issues.

Pro-life or Pro-death?

Against gay marriage or you defend it because you're secretly gay?

Against stem cell research or you want to defy God by curing his diseases?

Pro-animal rights or we can do what we want to those inferior beings?

Think Global warming is real or Al Gore created this liberal conspirasy?

Against Illegal immigration or we should let everyone in no matter what?

For the war or for the terrorists?

For the death penalty or reward the child murderer with food, clothing, excercise and shelter for life at the expense of the taxpayers?

For Universal Healthcare or go fuck yourself poor people?

For Jessica's law or Pedophiles have needs too?

For affirmative action or against racism?

For torture or letting millions die?

Tax breaks for the wealthy or poor people should pay more of their overall income than rich people?

Small government or big brother?

Public school uniforms or freedom to wear what you want?

You know what? Just tell me if you're a liberal or a conservative.
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Thank goodness you didn't let your own view prejudice your choices on the survey.
I am some of both on most of those.
Thoes seem to be laid out as this or that and no other options. The best answer is often neither of the this or that choices.
Pro-life or Pro-death?


Against gay marriage or you defend it because you're secretly gay?

# I think gays should be able to enjoy the benefits of divorce just like hetros.

Against stem cell research or you want to defy God by curing his diseases?

# for stem cell research

Pro-animal rights or we can do what we want to those inferior beings?
# I think republicans should be treated humaneny in spite of their inferior humansitic status.

Think Global warming is real or Al Gore created this liberal conspirasy?
# Global warming and associated climate change is real. the only questions are how fast ? How far and how much what we do effects it ?

Against Illegal immigration or we should let everyone in no matter what?
# I am against illegal immigration, but think we shoudl review and revamp our legal immigration system.

For the war or for the terrorists?
I am for the war against trerrorism, that does not include Iraq though.

For the death penalty or reward the child murderer with food, clothing, excercise and shelter for life at the expense of the taxpayers?
# outsource them to contract Mexican prisons.

For Universal Healthcare or go fuck yourself poor people?
# I am for some form of universal healthcare.

For Jessica's law or Pedophiles have needs too?
# Pedophiles have a need to be shortened above the shoulters.

For affirmative action or against racism?
# Yep

For torture or letting millions die?

# the food and lack of healthcare thing ?

Tax breaks for the wealthy or poor people should pay more of their overall income than rich people?

#Rich people should pay more of their wealth than the lower incomes ones, since they get to enjoy a bigger piece of the pie.

Small government or big brother?
# I am for smartly organized and ran smaller government that favors the people not the corps.

Public school uniforms or freedom to wear what you want?

# I am for public school uniforms or at least uniform dress codes.
Preferrable the little quilted Mao suits. for winter wear,
But I will answer the survey.

As far as gay marriage, I believe if the federal government is going to give benefits to married couple then marriage should not be defined by religion .

I am all for curing diseases.

Animal rights are great, as long as it is preventing abuse or misuse. Thats about it.

Global warming is about politics more than it is about climate change.

Illegal immigration should be addressed. A good open worker program could stem the tide of illegal workers.

I am all for the war in Afganistan. But Iraq was not part of 9/11 and was not nearly as involved in funding or training terrorists as quite a few other nations were.

I am all for capital punishment, as soon as we can be absolutely sure we are executing the right person. But that is close to impossible. Besides, investigating and trying a capital case costs as much as keeping someone in prison for several decades.

Universal healthcare is not the answer. From what I have read 80% of the people in the US have health insurance. So universal healthcare is all about screwing up the healthcare of 80% of the people so the other 20% can get something for nothing. And do you want the federal government in charge of your healthcare? Tell me what they have ever done efficiently or well?

Jessica's law is good.

Affirmative action was needed in its time. That time is passed and it should be ended.

I am against torture. For one thing, the information you get is notoriously unreliable. And for another thing, I believe we have to live by standards not sink to the level of the worst of humanity.

Tax breaks for everyone! But the idea of soaking the rich to pay for everyone else's life is stupid. That amounts to punishing the successful for their success.

Smaller government all the way. (although, you seem to be in favor of universal healthcare, which is big government all the way)

I am in favor of privatizing the entire education system.
Against gay marriage or you defend it because you're secretly gay?

# I think gays should be able to enjoy the benefits of divorce just like hetros.

Just tell me what your positions are on these issues.

Pro-life or Pro-death?


Against gay marriage or you defend it because you're secretly gay?

I defend it because I'm secretly gay.

Against stem cell research or you want to defy God by curing his diseases?

I want to defy God, but not because it will cure disease

Pro-animal rights or we can do what we want to those inferior beings?

Moderately pro-animal rights, which basically means I like eating them too much to give them any.

Think Global warming is real or Al Gore created this liberal conspirasy?

It's as teh real as Jesus

Against Illegal immigration or we should let everyone in no matter what?

We should let everyone in no matter what

For the war or for the terrorists?

For the terrorists

For the death penalty or reward the child murderer with food, clothing, excercise and shelter for life at the expense of the taxpayers?

I'd like to reward the child murderer with food, clothing, excercise, and shelter for life at the expense of the taxpayers.

For Universal Healthcare or go fuck yourself poor people?

I suddenly wish I were against universal healthcare

For Jessica's law or Pedophiles have needs too?

Pedophiles have needs too.

For affirmative action or against racism?

I'm not sure what bias you're trying to through out here.

For torture or letting millions die?

Letting millions die.

Tax breaks for the wealthy or poor people should pay more of their overall income than rich people?

Poor people should paymore of their overall income than rich people.

Small government or big brother?

Big brother FTW

Public school uniforms or freedom to wear what you want?

Yeah you're probably 12.

You know what? Just tell me if you're a liberal or a conservative.

I'm a conversative.
Food, clothing, and a hole 24 hours a day. Well, that's a rich, rewarding lifestyle. I'm sure anyone would desire to be perpetually confined in these luxury spas that murderers stay in for the rest of their life. It seems like it almost encourages murder, actually.
Hey! You could have a future as a Political Pollster! You seem to have a knack for being able to frame a question so as to get the answer desired, and this is the primary qualification for most poll writers these days.
Hey! You could have a future as a Political Pollster! You seem to have a knack for being able to frame a question so as to get the answer desired, and this is the primary qualification for most poll writers these days.

No Dixie, he does not have a "knack" for it.

That ain't bad....learn those lines and with a little acting you can be a big hit on you tube.....just put your heart into that "STOP IT,JUST STOP IT"....

Oh yeah....Obermann will be talking about your video in a day to two...

Boy "R" you clever.. Nobody has ever heard that powerfully "funny" joke b4! It's just soooo Hip! Nobody would guess how much of a fogey you are!
