T.C.s Are Making A Comeback


Verified User

Facebook is expected to provide details on Tuesday of a virtual currency, or cryptocurrency, it plans to launch next year.


Facebook said it hopes the currency, dubbed GlobalCoin, will avoid the rollercoaster volatility of “blockchain” technologies such as bitcoin.


Cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin, employ encryption techniques to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds. Decentralized, they operating independently of a central bank.

Facebook to introduce new cryptocurrency
Posted By -NO AUTHOR
On 06/17/2019 @ 6:15 pm


Bitcoin was always worth less than fictional T.C.s. Watch this 1950 movie if you do not know what a T.C. is. If you do not want to watch the entire movie move the cursor to near the end and watch T.C. Jeffords burn a trunk full of T.C.s. before he gets shot.

The name is the only difference between cryptocurrency and T.C.s that begs a question: Who gets shot after they burn up cryptocurrency?

Bitcoin is a fraud that will ultimately blow up, according to JP Morgan boss Jamie Dimon, who said the digital currency was only fit for use by drug dealers, murderers and people living in places such as North Korea.

Speaking at a conference in New York, the boss of America’s biggest bank said he would fire “in a second” anyone at the investment bank found to be trading in bitcoin. “For two reasons: it’s against our rules, and they’re stupid. And both are dangerous.”

Bitcoin is a fraud that will blow up, says JP Morgan boss
Angela Monaghan
Wed 13 Sep ‘17 06.26 EDT


A hospital in the UK sprung a new one on me with “behavioral addiction.” Sticking a needle in your arm, or placing your money on a roulette wheel is behavior. Suckers who read the Daily Racing Form, or study the stock market, is behavior that justifies the wagers. In short: There is no addiction until money changes hands. “Behavioral addiction.” in this article prompted me to revisit my views on every addiction:

Healthcare experts say that crypto trading can become a behavioral addiction and that addicts in these cases are hooked on monitoring the minute-by-minute fluctuations in the market value of their traded tokens.

Addicted to Trading? Scottish Hospital Treats Cryptocurrency Addiction
Published: 28/05/2018 20:50
Conor Maloney @iWriteCrypto


Drug and alcohol addicts know that their behavior is an addiction. Bitcoin addicts certainly know gambling is an addiction, but that does not stop them from “investing.”

Gambling is addictive. So is eating a pound of chocolate every day. Collecting ‘things’ is addictive. Just think of all those stories about hoarders filling their apartments to the ceilings.

People on message boards defending television remind me of dug addicts protecting their pushers. Drug addicts are said to have a monkey on their backs. Television addicts are being ridden hard by a gorilla.

There have been countless books, seminars, clinics, cures, charities, and TV talk shows devoted to every addiction known to man except one: Addiction to television.

If you cannot accept that TV is an addiction, or admit that you might be an addict, think about the withdrawal symptoms you will experience should television suddenly disappear from your life. Better still, go cold turkey and pull the plug on your TV. Then examine your withdrawal symptoms when you start missing your daily fixes. (Most TV addicts will scream for a booster shot in less than a week.)

Every addiction has an overpowering influence on society in that every addiction has bootleggers making money from the personality who buy whatever is being sold. Television is the most destructive addiction ever sold to the public by government drug pushers. No sane person wants drug pushers in their life, yet billions worldwide invite liberalism’s pushers into their homes every day. Not only that, those same people encourage their children to listen to the bootleggers for hours on end.

Americans have a healthy distrust of government, yet many believe every word television tells them in entertainment shows and news broadcasts. A strange aberration to say the least.

It has been my experience that Lefties who would silence someone else’s opinion deceive themselves into believing that their own view is a universal truth rather than an opinion based upon their own personal bias. The fun begins when idiots express opinions. An idiot’s opinion remains the opinion of an idiot; it does not take on weight because it is said on television or in cyberspace.

The glass crutch

When a drunk is drinking he or she can lick the world. They do not need, or want, anything except their little cup of happiness, or courage, or love, or whatever the individual drunk wants the glass crutch to be.

When drunks go on the water wagon they do not throw away their crutch —— they replace it with a loved one, a friend, an employer; anyone they can find who will not dump them. People who cannot handle alcohol, but still insist on drinking adult beverages, are social cripples who need a crutch in order to function sober or drunk. Alcoholism is no more complicated than that.

If you allow yourself to become a glass crutch for a sober rummy you have nobody to blame but yourself for whatever comes your way. Family members almost always reach a breaking point and walk away from a drunk; usually after they have suffered a great deal of emotional damage. Walking away is called tough love.

Note that alcoholism is a unique addiction in that drinking sensibly is considered a social grace.

Addicts of every stripe come up with creative excuses rather than stop feeding their addictions. Making excuses
is one of the symptoms all addicts have in common.

There was a time when everyone knew that a reformed drunk was the most annoying person in the world. Once they sobered up they immediately began telling everyone how to live. Amended drunks never have the good sense to take a lesson from tarts who would not dream of telling anyone how to love after they, the tarts, resurrect their virginity. Sensible people understood this and ignored sober drunks, but that is getting harder to do nowadays. Prominent rehabilitated drunks became the Left’s newest gurus while nobody was looking.

Public confessions came about because Socialists/Communists always thought if they did away with private property they would do away with most of the sins in the world. As it turns out they were wrong. Collective ownership of real property led to collective sin followed by collective guilt as public confessions clearly demonstrate. Indeed, a confession announced on a talk show is a good career move these days.

The run of the mill booze hound is seen as a social pariah condemned to share his or her guilt on a catch-as-catch-can basis.

The best kept secret in soul baring is that only the rich and famous are granted universal absolution by a talk show host. The penance imposed on a famous person after publically admitting to impetuous tippling always revitalizes a career which, I suspect, prompted the confession in the first place.

In my youth, I sailed the seven seas and drank with the best of them who never drew a sober breath. That does not mean I will throw in with a reformed lush moralizing whether it be in print or on television. I guess I am trying to find out why famous dry drunks, usually from among the ranks of Hollywood’s legions, have any more to say that is worth listening to than does your average terpentine connoisseur who also saw the light?

Having once been a falling down drunk does not give anybody special insight into anything except how to fall down.

Successful people are not alcoholics —— they are heavy drinkers. Many show biz folk were known for justifying tippling. Famous comedian from a bygone era, Joe E. Lewis, was noted for his drinking. One of his lines is a classic: "You see more old drunks than you see old doctors."

The late Bing Crosby was a "heavy drinker." Bing used to tell the story about the time he and his drinking buddy, Phil Harris, were driving back to their hotel after a day of golfing in Scotland. The road they were on went past a scotch distillery. It was nighttime and the road was dark, but the plant was all lit up and obviously a beehive of activity.

Bing joked "See Phil, they can make it faster than you can drink it."

Harris replied "Yeah, but I got them working nights."

I have never been an uptight teetotaler; so I have nothing against an adult who can handle a couple of heave-aheads without losing their job, kicking the dog, punching out illiterate librarians, and all the rest of the charges a few drunks are certainly guilty of. In fact, being around happy drunks when they are in their cups is a damned sight more fun than being around Communist/Socialist priests in any condition.

The public trough addiction

In my mind drunks and environmental addicts have a lot in common. Even if I engage in psycho-babble to the best of my abilities, I doubt if anyone else will see the connection between rum pots and environmentalists the way I see it. Let me try anyway.

The environmental addiction is sui generis in that their behavior addiction feeds at the public trough.

The major difference between environmental addicts and drunks is that drunks lean on individuals; whereas, environmental addicts lean on tax dollars to get through those terrifying nights when sleep will not come because somewhere in the world somebody is stepping on a cockroach.

Environmental addicts are social cripples driven to acquire control in order to compensate for their infirmities. Environmental addicts are absolutely certain their deficiencies provides them with superior insight.

NOTE: At least boozers and drug addicts had to work or steal to feed their addictions. Environmental addicts are the government’s costumers who get it free. Simply stated: Whoever heard of a tax dollar environmentalist leaning on family and friends for financial aid?

I never met an environmental true believer who did not start preaching about saving this, that, or the next thing the minute they smelled an opening. Many years ago I met one who went on and on about saving a few patches of dead coral reef because it took nature millions of years to make them. He swore they were objects of beauty. I swore they looked like rocks. The truth: Environmental addicts are not interested in saving rocks or roaches; they insist on saving the world for posterity, even when it does not need saving.

The gambling addiction

OTB put a dent in neighborhood bookmakers. Accepting markers from the saps is the only way makers can survive:

Top Court Paves Way for Legalized Sports Betting
George Tsartsianidis/Dreamstime)
Monday, 14 May 2018 10:24 AM


I am not sure how Wall Street’s gambling casinos will deal with sports betting. Betting in Wall Street casinos is called investing. Wall Street sharpshooters can hardly call sports betting investing.

Incidentally, wise guys will tell you “Never bet on anything that walks on two legs.” I think they meant stock brokers, wrestlers, and roosters.

Do not get me wrong. I have no objections to gambling. I do object to the government shilling for the casinos.

Always remember that poker or pinochle —— golf or tennis —— are GAMES. Every game requires precise skills; hence, the most skilled player will beat the addict every time. Conversely, skilled game players are notoriously poor gamblers. The best poker player in the world cannot predict the winner in a walkover.

Betting on the gees-gees, or the galloping dominoes, or buying stocks is gambling. So if you are an addict do not send for the gendarmes when you lose.

The charity hustle addiction

Charity addicts suckered by institutional compassion are the worst of the lot. Much worse than every other addict. Charity bootleggers have been around since the first government was formed. They will be around forever because addiction-free individuals are forced to support the charity addiction. Inevitably, being forced to pay the bootleggers ends up by working for the addicts physically, financially, and politically. In short: Charity addicts do not care how many addicts they create well-knowing society will pay to care for them without curing them.

Finally, weakness, or genes, or lack of character, does not create an addict. Gullibility is the stuff addicts are made of.
It is still a T.C. no matter how they spin it.

Unlike the decentralized bitcoin, the new cryptocurrency announced Tuesday by Facebook will be governed by a select group of people based in Switzerland.

Facebook currency to be 'governed' by Swiss-based elites
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/18/2019 @ 8:05 pm



So Swiss bankers can see through it:


In the years before and during World War II, many Jews deposited money and valuables in Switzerland, where banking secrecy laws could protect their assets from the Nazis. And soon after the war ended, the battle over abandoned accounts and looted assets left in that country began.

In Lawsuit Against Swiss Banks, A Hope to Do Justice to a Father's Memory
NOV. 12, 1996

It is still a T.C. no matter how they spin it.

Cryptocurrencies is one battle I hope China wins:

The U.S. Risks Losing Out to China on Cryptocurrencies
Peter Roff
3 hours ago


Cryptocurrencies can “buy” goods and services. I have three questions:

1. Can cryptocurrencies buy a government’s real currency? ANSWER: NO.

2. Who pays off when nobody will accept your cryptocurrency? ANSWER: She does:

3. Can cryptocurrencies buy silver and gold? ANSWER: NO.

Gold Is A Better Way: And Other Wealth Building Secrets Wall Street Doesn't Want You to Know
By Advantage Gold
Friday, 24 August 2018 11:50 AM


Gold is not as scarce as sellers want you to believe because the same gold has been reclaimed over and over for thousands of years; i.e, the supply increases. That means it is possible for the average person to own a piece of jewelry containing a grain or two of gold that was mined in ancient Egypt. There is a grain of truth in the pawnshop come-on “We buy old gold” even though no one can tell if a piece of gold contains any gold that was mined centuries ago, or if the entire gold content in an object was mined in Canada last year. Once gold is mined only a small fraction ever returns to nature. The same is true of silver, platinum, palladium, etc.

There is no such thing as pure gold or pure silver. Karat is the word used by retailers to denote content. The term used at the refinery level is five nines —— 99.999. Precious metals can be refined out to any number of nines (remove foreign alloys), but each step in the process adds to the cost of the final product. For example: 99.99999 gold is refined by special order for customers who have a use for extra-fine gold. The nines to the right of the decimal point can be run out to infinity and it still will not be pure gold.

NOTE: Gold was refined from sea water by a French company in the 1930s, but the process proved too expensive. Here is the thing about gold in today’s world.

Say that it takes one barrel of oil to produce enough energy to recover one ounce of gold from sea water and refine it into ingot form. Do the math. Put a barrel of oil at $100 means that an ounce of gold can be sold for approximately 15 times more than it cost to recover and refine. That is a nice markup in anybody’s store.

. . . the price of gold fluctuates between $1,500-1,700 per ounce.

How much is the U.S. dollar worth?
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Thursday, March 29, 2012


Try to find a sucker who will give you one troy ounce of gold for any amount of cryptocurrency.

Parenthetically, not many average Americans have two pounds of gold to pay for one pound of butter.

The Silver Bubble

The craftsmanship involved in fashioning silver (gold) objects into jewelry is inconsequential to anyone in the business. Craftsmanship counts for nothing when a professional is doing the buying no matter how much the seller may think the craftsmanship increases the value of grandma’s prized possession.

Silver certificates are a type of representative money issued between 1878 and 1964 in the United States as part of its circulation of paper currency. They were produced in response to silver agitation by citizens who were angered by the Fourth Coinage Act, which had effectively placed the United States on a gold standard. The certificates were initially redeemable for their face value of silver dollar coins and later (for one year – 24 June 1967 to 24 June 1968) in raw silver bullion. Since 1968 they have been redeemable only in Federal Reserve Notes and are thus obsolete, but still valid legal tender and thus are still an accepted form of currency.

Large-size silver certificates (1878 to 1923)were issued initially in denominations from $10 to $1,000 (in 1878 and 1880) and in 1886 the $1, $2, and $5 were authorized. In 1928, all United States bank notes were re-designed and the size reduced. The small-size silver certificate (1928–1964) was only regularly issued in denominations of $1, $5, and $10. The complete type set below is part of the National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.


Removing silver from coins further devalued money after the treasury stopped issuing silver certificates.

Those two policies give cryptocurrencies the appearance of real money. How many people do you know who believe they can turn in their paper currency for silver coins?

In the same vein have you noticed how hard they are pushing silver as an investment? There must be a big bunch of suckers in the world to attract so many sharpshooters trying to unload as much silver as they can at the highest price before the silver bubble breaks. Allow me to explain my analysis.

Photography once used the most silver by far. (That is why Hollywood called it the Silver Screen.) When electronic imaging replaces silver nitrate negatives there will be an over-abundance of silver available for coinage, jewelry, objets d’art, doorknobs, toilet seats, and everything else under the sun.

Silver is reclaimed from medical x-rays worldwide. Silver is reclaimed from all of its various commercial applications; copper wire, coins, jewelry, silver plate, dentistry, and so on. Scientists inventing more ways to produce images without using silver nitrate is a bubble on the verge of bursting. People now take pictures with cell phones then print copies of the pictures on their computers; so it is only a matter of time before silver nitrate imaging becomes a thing of the past.

In addition to electronic imagining copper/silver wire is being replaced by fiber optics in transmission lines.

There is a tiny percentage of silver in every copper wire (not more than 3 percent). Cell phones are already reducing the need for telephone lines in new homes. Every transmission line, every extension cord, every copper wire in every building contains silver. Think about the total tonnage after all of that silver is reclaimed along with the copper. And that is without counting all of the silver still in the ground.

Without photography there will be so much silver in the world my guess is that in the very near future the price of silver will drop so low governments will return to minting silver coins in order to stabilize the market.

Semiprecious gemstones set in a precious metal are best removed from the setting so the silver, gold, platinum, and stones can be sold separately. In short: The parts are worth more than the whole.

Damn few gemstones are really precious to begin with. One person in a million will ever see a truly precious gemstone in their lifetime, let alone own such a treasure. Semiprecious gemstones are next to worthless; so when a dealer offers a price for a piece of jewelry he wants the metal not the stones. If the piece is in mint condition and the dealer figures he can resell it as is he will still offer you a lot less than the combined worth of the metal and the stones. Selling jewelry is a minefield for the average person.

Hollywood contributes to the scam with all of those movies about jewelry robberies. In real life a fence pays 10 cents on the dollar for hot ice. Imagine how much a fence would pay an amateur! If you insist on stealing only steal nice clean untraceable money.

When all is said and done, precious metals are only worth what someone else is willing to pay for them, as is true of all goods and services.

Finally, anyone following this thread would do well to read the most famous speech in this country’s history.

"A Cross of Gold"


William Jennings Bryan was talking about absentee ownership before the term became known. Notice three things in the speech:

1. The Democrat Party did stand for working Americans before the party became the party of absentee owners and tax dollar millionaires.

2. Every American owned precious metal in the form of silver coins.

3. Every American purchased the necessities of life with silver coins or silver certificates.
Last edited:

It ain’t exactly counterfeit money, but it is fake.

I would like to ask Mad Maxine exactly how she intends to bailout Monopoly Money with tax dollars?

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said that Facebook, with some 2 billion users around the world, "is continuing its unchecked expansion and extending its reach into the lives of its users." She called Libra "a new Swiss-based financial system" that potentially is too big to fail and could require a taxpayer bailout.

At least gambling casinos redeem their chips with good coin of the realm:

Mnuchin's comments came a few days after Trump tweeted: "I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity."

If they want to get into the financial business, Facebook and its dozens of partner companies in the venture will have to accept the kind of tight regulation that banks are under, Trump said.

Facebook's new currency plan is under scrutiny in Congress
Marcy Gordon, Ap Business Writer
Updated 9:21 am CDT, Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Scrutiny alone does not prevent a taxpayer bailout.

Frankly, bailing out Confederate Money makes more sense than bailing out fake money.

I would add antiques to Mark Cuban’s list:

Cuban says bitcoin's price is as arbitrary as the value of baseball cards, comic books or even fine art. He insists that bitcoin has no value, but is only worth something because people claim it is.

Every time I watch a few minutes of Antiques Roadshow I ask myself “Where in hell are the customers when the ‘SPECIALIST’ tells the owners their prized possession is worth tens of thousands of dollars?”

NOTE: Specialists never tell the suckers how much auction houses charge in commissions. I believe commissions are usually around 60 percent for big ticket items. In short: Bitcoins have the same value as antiques as long as saps are willing to buy them.

Incidentally, UP is the name of the game. Unfortunately for the buyers, at some point the last owner gets stuck when he or she cannot find a sucker willing to pay more they paid for an item of ‘value’.

Money always has a degree of value because of the government’s authority to prop it up with taxation, confiscate private fortunes, as well confiscate real property for a variety of government reasons. In recent years, our federal government gave the EPA (i.e.. the United Nations) the authority to fine and/or confiscate real property for environmental garbage reasons.

Note that paper money began losing value when the the U.S. went off the gold standard. Today’s paper dollar has much less purchasing power than it had when a dollar was backed by gold and silver.

When all is said and done, precious metals are only worth what someone else is willing to pay for them, as is true of all goods and services.

Finally, anyone following this thread would do well to read the most famous speech in this country’s history.

"A Cross of Gold"


Bottom line: Crypto gamblers are wrong. Money printed by a government is the only thing that has value of a sort.

For the record, crypto enthusiasts say the same thing about fiat money: They say the U.S. dollar is merely a piece of paper that only has value because people believe it does.

Billionaire Mark Cuban trashes Bitcoin, says it's worthless
The Western Journal By The Western Journal
Published September 30, 2019 at 7:37pm


p.s. The currency of a country defeated militarily is the only money that becomes worthless. Defeated currencies cannot buy a damn thing, but they do retain a penny or two of value to collectors.
Fonda explained on Instagram, that she wore Pomellato jewelry "because it only uses responsible, ethically harvested gold and sustainable diamonds."

Jane Fonda rewears red gown from 2014 to the 2020 Oscars -- and looks better than ever!
Liz Calvario?
Feb 10th 2020 10:12AM

https://www.aol.com/article/entertainment/2020/02/10/jane-fonda-rewears-red-gown-fro m-2014-to-the-2020-oscars-and-looks-better-than-ever/23922784/

What in hell is she talking about?

Gold is not as scarce as sellers want you to believe because the same gold has been reclaimed over and over for thousands of years; i.e, the supply increases. That means it is possible for the average person to own a piece of jewelry containing a grain or two of gold that was mined in ancient Egypt. There is a grain of truth in the pawnshop come-on “We buy old gold” even though no one can tell if a piece of gold contains any gold that was mined centuries ago, or if the entire gold content in an object was mined in Canada last year. Once gold is mined only a small fraction ever returns to nature. The same is true of silver, platinum, palladium, etc.

And diamonds are forever.
Good God! Does this mean the end of T.C.’s and bitcoins?

Cashless Global Currency

● Total control by the state or its proxy
● Savings could result from not using special paper, printing, ink, labor, and metal alloys but then those in the trade would become unemployed
● If an attack occurs on the Smart Grid and there is no power, there are no financial transactions possible without some cash, a substitute, or barter
● In the event of a national disaster, i.e., earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, tornado, power outages, transactions can be made by cash, commodity money, or barter
● An EMP attack or intense solar flares would make cash or one world currency worthless and people will resort to theft
● A cashless or global currency would give banks extraordinary power with no cap on interest rates or their control
● Cashless transaction will always be traceable and thus the person’s location
● One world currency in a cashless market would eliminate exchange rates, currency trading futures, eliminate a substantial sector of the job market and thus revenues
● Black markets and illegal activities would be eliminated, and everyone will be forced to pay taxes on every penny
● Children under 18 would be excluded from holding credit cards and thus excluded from financial transactions without cash; no more grandma cash gifts, lawn mowing money, or rainy-day cash savings in a jar
● Prostitution will have to be legalized and client’s names become public record

Legal or illegal, the oldest profession is the last outpost for collective bargaining. So what are johns going to use to pay hustling girls?

● Billions of Muslims would lose hawala transactions which are based on cash
● Conducting monetary policy about money stock will be altered as cash disappears and one world government such as the U.N. would have to do it
● Labor will be purchased and sold with electronic credits and debits
● How would the value of one world currency be decided? Will it be tied to gold, silver, platinum, or some other precious metal or decided arbitrarily by the United Nations?
● The destabilization of economies via counterfeit currency between countries would be eliminated as a tactic of war if only one currency exists
● What would cyber attacks do to a single grid of digital money?
● What would happen to third world nations that are not so electronically wired and depend heavily on cash and barter? How could they possibly make transactions in digital money?
● Would there be electronic counterfeit of digital currency across the globe and who would police it?
● Yet “The Bank of International Settlements is getting headlines again because of its direction of central banks to go cashless.”

War on Cash and One World Currency
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
July 23, 2020



And what will I insert in a one-armed bandit when I visit my favorite gambling palace? After all, the slot in slot machines is made for coins.
In the same vein have you noticed how hard they are pushing silver as an investment? There must be a big bunch of suckers in the world to attract so many sharpshooters trying to unload as much silver as they can at the highest price before the silver bubble breaks. Allow me to explain my analysis.

Before you run out and buy silver know that this commercial posing as news is a con job:

US Mint Delays Silver Shipments Due To "Global Silver Shortage"
Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden
Friday, May 28, 2021 - 12:45 PM
