T.J. Is Under Attack From Two Priesthoods


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History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813

Sad to say, Americans should be worried sick that their country is more priest-ridden today than it was when T.J. issued his danger warning.

Every freedom-loving American should know that Communist priests in the Democrat Party lined up with Roman Catholic priests. Both religions have tremendous influence and unlimited wealth, but I would give Catholic priests the edge because the head priest speaks to a billion or so Roman Catholic true believers, while the message Democrat priests deliver is watered down somewhat because Communism is less believed, and much less trusted than Catholic ideology.

NOTE: American Communists always believed that the person running the Democrat Party is their pope. If there is any truth to my observation that makes China Joe Biden the pope:

Joe Biden: 'I Am The Democratic Party Right Now'
By Sarah Rumpf
Sep 29th, 2020, 9:36 pm


Democrat Party priests also believe that foreign Communist leaders like Xi Ping are their pope’s cardinals for all intents and purposes?

It was these excerpts from two article that prompted this message:

Afineevsky is a fierce opponent of Trump and in particular his border policy, with which Francis is also obsessed.

The Pope really doesn’t like Republicans
David Patrikarakos
October 31, 2020



Critics have pointed out that only a small portion of Trump’s wall – 20 miles – has been constructed on land where no barriers previously existed.

Border wall's fate to be determined by election
By WND News Services
Published November 1, 2020 at 4:53pm


This is my danger warning:

After Republicans win a landslide victory tomorrow they better overhaul immigration laws from top to bottom before 2022. If they avoid dealing with immigration, legal and illegal, —— AGAIN —— they will surely lose both chambers in the midterms just as they handed the House to Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi in 2018.

Social media is blanketed with opinions predicting the results of today’s election. Every possibility is covered except one —— T.J.’s wisdom:

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. Thomas Jefferson


The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that ... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed. Thomas Jefferson


What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. Thomas Jefferson to James Madison

The Second Amendment is the most overt political statement in the Constitution because it tells the American people to defend themselves against foreign enemies and their own government. Thanks to the democracy that American Communists are murdering to implement, the constitutional Right of self-defense now encompasses a philosophical component —— ‘It is better to shoot an avowed enemy trying to enslave you than it is live a slave.’

Bottom line: Accurately determining the reason Americans own a gun is the most precise pre-election poll of all:

With the election looming, 2020 became the all-time best year for gun sales in American history.

More than 16.5 million guns were sold through the month of October, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis of FBI data released on Monday. That's about 1.6 million more than all of 2016—the previous record holder. It also represents four million more sales than in 2019—an increase of over 33 percent. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the gun industry's trade group, also estimated nearly seven million people purchased a gun for the first time between January and October.



The record sales come during a year in which Americans have faced a pandemic, economic downturn, prisoner releases, racial tension, and rioting. Those factors, as well as a contentious presidential election, have driven sales throughout the year, according to industry experts. And those gun sales—especially to new owners—are now likely to drive votes.

"This much is clear as we head into Election Day: Americans of all political persuasions are exercising their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms and doing so in record numbers," NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva said in a statement.

As in 2016, it is likely the stark contrast between gun policies offered by President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden will motivate gun owners to vote. Oliva said gun owners will be motivated to turn out because of Democrats' embrace of far-left gun-control measures. Biden has expressed support for gun bans, while vice presidential candidate and California senator Kamala Harris previously endorsed gun confiscation.

"It cannot be discounted that today's gun buyers are faced with polar opposites of presidential candidates when it comes to protecting Second Amendment rights," Oliva said. "President Donald Trump vowed to safeguard this right and former vice president Joe Biden and his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris, have both embraced outright confiscation of lawfully owned firearms as the headliner of the most far-reaching gun-control agenda to be presented to the American voter."

Oliva argued the surge in sales was evidence that Americans were already showing their disinterest in new gun-control policies. He said October 2020 saw the most sales of any October on record—a trend that has continued for seven months.

"America is watching and is already voting with their wallets when it comes to lawful firearm ownership," he said. "This has been a sustained period of firearm sales since March. This is clearly not a one-off event."

He expects the record pace to continue as November and December have historically been the busiest months for gun sales.

2020 Sets All-Time Gun Sales Record
Stephen Gutowski
November 2, 2020 6:00 PM


The New World Order crowd has been advancing Woodrow Wilson’s influence since 1917:

Make the world safe for democracy.

Peace Without Victory. (The Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the war in Afghanistan.)

Americans would do well to compare Wilson’s influence to Thomas Jefferson’s:

Second Amendment.
Accurately determining the reason Americans own a gun is the most precise pre-election poll of all:

T.J. won a squeaker in Montana.

Montana voters blocked localities from instituting their own gun restrictions on Tuesday despite a massive spending campaign by gun-control advocates.

The referendum, which passed with 51 percent support,

Pro-Gun Montana Ballot Referendum Passes Despite Millions Spent by Gun-Control Activists
Stephen Gutowski
November 5, 2020 6:40 PM


If the SCOTUS allows China Joe Biden and his bureaucrats to steal the presidency the MINORITY Parasite Class will abolish the Second Amendment.

Parenthetically, the American people will suffer the most because Trump refused to fire every Clinton-Obama holdover. The American people will pay an enormous price for Trump’s political cowardice if Biden and Kamala Harris become president.
After Republicans win a landslide victory tomorrow they better overhaul immigration laws from top to bottom before 2022. If they avoid dealing with immigration, legal and illegal, —— AGAIN —— they will surely lose both chambers in the midterms just as they handed the House to Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi in 2018.

Forgive the Monday morning quarter backing, but had Trump done this in 2017 Diarrhea Mouth would not be speaker of the house today:

The Trump administration will press its bid to exclude illegal aliens from the population baseline for awarding House seats on Monday in the Supreme Court, a move that would shift political clout away from states with large undocumented populations.

Trump Asks Supreme Court To Keep Illegal Immigrants Out Of Redistricting
Kevin Daley
November 29, 2020 5:00 AM


In addition to NOT getting a President Pelosi, a Republican would become president if the election fraud is decided by Congress.
