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Welcome to our study
about the Presidential Elections

The study Thank you for your interest in this study about the upcoming
Presidential Elections and the past Primaries and Caucuses.
The purpose of the study is to get more insight in the complexity of voting behavior.

How long does it take?
Are there any risks? This entire study will take approximately 10-15 minutes. There are no risks or discomforts from participating in this study. The study is completely anonymous and voluntary. You can withdraw at any time.
Participation in this study may benefit you by gaining a broader understanding of voting behavior (and of the process of psychological research as well).
You have to be at least 18 years to be eligible.

A small token
of our appreciation Everyone who participates in the survey
will take part in a drawing for
one of three gift certificates by Amazon ($50, $30, $20).

Who we are ... We are a team of social psychologists
(Nicole Harth, Robert Böhm, & Friedrich Funke)
from the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask the principal researcher of this study.

Let's go! If you are willing to take part in our study, please click the button below.
I took it. I also wrote them a long response at the end at how some of their logic is flawed in my opinion, lol.
I took it. I also wrote them a long response at the end at how some of their logic is flawed in my opinion, lol.
I did as well. If anybody gets one of the Amazon.com gift cards, tell us about it.

I should sticky this thread.
The ones that predict Obama will win in a landslide? Yes, I am very worried about that.
I'm not worried either candidate will win in a landslide. Its more likely that Asshate's green alien buddies will come down and take over with their superior technology.

Of course, you may have simply been reading polls conducted by that group that predicts NY is in play...
I'm not worried either candidate will win in a landslide. Its more likely that Asshate's green alien buddies will come down and take over with their superior technology.

Of course, you may have simply been reading polls conducted by that group that predicts NY is in play...
When they got here what would they do with it?
When they got here what would they do with it?
Kill Asshate as retribution for trying to give their plans away. Then they would take over, dissolve all governments, and place us under a territorial ruler from their political system. Any noncompliance would be met with swift military action. Resistance is futile!