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Will you take "entitlement" benefits?

  • No, I'm a true Conservative

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Guns Guns Guns

Seems to me that a true Conservative would sign a pledge never to accept any taxpayer-funded entitlement benefit.
Over the course of my working life, I will pay at least $200,000 into Social Security -- not including my employer's half, and not accounting for future inflation and cost of living increases. You're saying in order to be a true conservative, I must refuse to collect a minuscule percentage of what I put into the system? Sorry, but that's a bullshit argument. Just because we oppose the system doesn't mean we shouldn't try to reclaim a small amount of what was confiscated by the government.
An interesting question but why not extrapolate and ask the conservative to ride roads they paid for, or bridges they built, or eat any food regardless of source or safety, or enter contracts that are not binding by any law, or marry with no rights, or drive roads with no rules, or fly planes without insurance or FCC safety, or police their areas of life, or work with no law nor rules concerning labor practices, or live near a toxic site with no regulation, or bank with no guarantee the money is insured - we could go on and on but conservatives are really sponges on a society and the liberal constitutional democracy/republic they whine and whine and whine about paying for through taxes, a sad bunch of citizens for sure.
An interesting question but why not extrapolate and ask the conservative to ride roads they paid for, or bridges they built, or eat any food regardless of source or safety, or enter contracts that are not binding by any law, or marry with no rights, or drive roads with no rules, or fly planes without insurance or FCC safety, or police their areas of life, or work with no law nor rules concerning labor practices, or live near a toxic site with no regulation, or bank with no guarantee the money is insured - we could go on and on but conservatives are really sponges on a society and the liberal constitutional democracy/republic they whine and whine and whine about paying for through taxes, a sad bunch of citizens for sure.

You're an idiot. Conservatives are not against roads, highways, police, or sensible safety regulations.

Seriously, seek help.
Over the course of my working life, I will pay at least $200,000 into Social Security -- not including my employer's half, and not accounting for future inflation and cost of living increases. You're saying in order to be a true conservative, I must refuse to collect a minuscule percentage of what I put into the system? Sorry, but that's a bullshit argument. Just because we oppose the system doesn't mean we shouldn't try to reclaim a small amount of what was confiscated by the government.

You certainly wouldn't be guaranteed 200k using other investments. If the stock market crashed, society would either have to let you starve to death or pick you up on welfare otherwise.
This dipstick needs to take the pledge to quit drinking during work hours.

WOW...everyone look at this!

The dipsy douchebag disloyal poked her head out from under the rock she calls home long enough to actually post something rather than just hit me with the usual 15-20 neg reps.

She must have snagged herself another bottom feeder at the local watering hole last night and her nether regions is feelin all tingly for the first time in months...LOL
WOW...everyone look at this!

The dipsy douchebag disloyal poked her head out from under the rock she calls home long enough to actually post something rather than just hit me with the usual 15-20 neg reps.

She must have snagged herself another bottom feeder at the local watering hole last night and her nether regions is feelin all tingly for the first time in months...LOL

It's really a shame it bothers you so little like you claim all the time. I mean the neg reps.

The fat ones always scream loudest and PRick, you are a screamer! Now re-tie the string to your wrist so you know how to bring that little guy up for air when you need to take a whiz. Lord knows you're not getting any judging by that grotesque body of yours! The smell coming off you could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon. BATHE Dude, BATHE!!


I think we can! :rofl:
It's really a shame it bothers you so little like you claim all the time. I mean the neg reps.

The fat ones always scream loudest and PRick, you are a screamer! Now re-tie the string to your wrist so you know how to bring that little guy up for air when you need to take a whiz. Lord knows you're not getting any judging by that grotesque body of yours! The smell coming off you could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon. BATHE Dude, BATHE!!


I think we can! :rofl:


I claim "all the time" that neg reps bother me so little?


I'd ask you to link to some of the posts where I make that claim...and if I did so "all the time" then by golly it should be simplicity itself...but who here wants to bet ol Tuna Twat won't be able to produce one single post proving her allegation.

No, the truth is, before today, I hadn't said word one about neg reps in MONTHS, but since when has the TRUTH mattered to a Geriatric Gash like disloyal?

I claim "all the time" that neg reps bother me so little?


I'd ask you to link to some of the posts where I make that claim...and if I did so "all the time" then by golly it should be simplicity itself...but who here wants to bet ol Tuna Twat won't be able to produce one single post proving her allegation.

No, the truth is, before today, I hadn't said word one about neg reps in MONTHS, but since when has the TRUTH mattered to a Geriatric Gash like disloyal?

I am sorry the little dick comment bothered you, but it gets lost in all that massive cellulite and fat. It's a proportion thing PRick, and fatboy youse is ALL outta WHACK!!

You're not the only chick here that gets to exaggerate. All the boyz you torture here daily will testify to that you big fat guuuurl!

Now please spin this and remember to tell Yurt to thank me. I finally got you to climb out of his ass. You seem a little too comfy intimating you have a thing for his foreskin. Things getting so bad at home PRick, you're thinking about jumping the fence???

Fugettaboutdit!. Even a desperate diseased drag queen wouldn't do you. Now go take a freakin' bath!
What do you mean by "taxpayer funded entitlement"? Are you talking about Social Security and Medicare which are supposedly funded by a portion taken out of each of our pay? Are you speaking only about things like food stamps? What do you think you are "entitled" to from the government? Why are you "entitled" to this stuff? Is it because you paid for it? What did you do to deserve it?

I'm fascinated. Really... Which supposed "entitlements" do you think I'd be signing away?

"The kind of government program that provides individuals with personal financial benefits (or sometimes special government-provided goods or services) to which an indefinite (but usually rather large) number of potential beneficiaries have a legal right (enforceable in court, if necessary) whenever they meet eligibility conditions that are specified by the standing law that authorizes the program. The beneficiaries of entitlement programs are normally individual citizens or residents, but sometimes organizations such as business corporations, local governments, or even political parties may have similar special "entitlements" under certain programs. The most important examples of entitlement programs at the federal level in the United States would include Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, most Veterans' Administration programs, federal employee and military retirement plans, unemployment compensation, food stamps, and agricultural price support programs."
Over the course of my working life, I will pay at least $200,000 into Social Security -- not including my employer's half, and not accounting for future inflation and cost of living increases. You're saying in order to be a true conservative, I must refuse to collect a minuscule percentage of what I put into the system? Sorry, but that's a bullshit argument. Just because we oppose the system doesn't mean we shouldn't try to reclaim a small amount of what was confiscated by the government.
You must have went to the same school as SF.....most people will draw more money out of SS then they put into it by the time they kick the bucket.
In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) reiterated the GOP’s commitment to tackling the ballooning costs of entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

Accounting for more than 60 percent of the federal budget, entitlement costs are the primary drivers of the national deficit.


“We’ve got to put everything on the table — entitlements need to be on the table,” Eric Cantor says.

“When you’re talking about folks 54 and younger, we need to talk about the fact that you’re not going to get the benefits you’re expecting, or this country is going to go bankrupt if we don’t do something.”


Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday that the debt-ceiling debate provided Congress with a rare opportunity to make sweeping changes to entitlement programs and spending, and that he would not vote to raise the level without significant budget cuts and revisions to Medicare and Medicaid.


House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan said Tuesday that President Obama "punted on the budget" and that entitlement programs are driving the national debt.

"You have to do entitlement reforms if you are serious about this budget, if you are serious about this debt," Ryan said.


WOW...everyone look at this!

The dipsy douchebag disloyal poked her head out from under the rock she calls home long enough to actually post something rather than just hit me with the usual 15-20 neg reps.

She must have snagged herself another bottom feeder at the local watering hole last night and her nether regions is feelin all tingly for the first time in months...LOL

He's a troll, we can say whatever we want about him...
The hypocrisy of the Teatards is boundless.

One of them actually boasted about getting a "free" alternator for their car from a police department motor pool their company performs work for, and commented that they may get a better price on future work as a result.

Then, the hypocrite claimed "police property" could be legally and ethically disposed of in any fashion deemed proper by the motor pool....

And this two-faced liar wants to cut unnecessary government spending - as long as he gets to define "unnecessary".