Talk About Flip Flopping...


Well-known member
Just imagine if Obama had said he was not going to the debate unless a deal was made on the bill in congress... then went anyway.

McCain just lost any negotiation ability, he makes threats then does not follow through!

My bet, he drops signifigantly in the polls in the comming week.
My favorite part is this:

After interrupting his presidential campaign to come back to Washington on Thursday morning to try to push forward a $700 billion bailout deal, Mr. McCain remained in his condominium in Arlington, Va., until 12:30 p.m. Saturday, when he emerged and made a one-minute trip in his motorcade to his campaign headquarters around the corner.

Mr. McCain, who arrived home at 4 a.m. Saturday from the presidential debate in Oxford, Miss, could be seen in his car talking on his cell phone. But there was no word from his campaign on who he was talking to, or the extent of his involvement in ongoing negotiations.

By mid-afternoon, Mr. McCain’s closest adviser, Mark Salter, told reporters that Mr. McCain would not go to Capitol Hill on Saturday but would make phone calls to try to push the deal along. “He’s calling members on both sides, talking to people in the administration, helping out as he can,’’ Mr. Salter said.

Asked why Mr. McCain did not go to Capitol Hill after coming back to Washington to help with negotiations, Mr. Salter replied that “he can effectively do what he needs to do by phone.’’

So he had to "suspend" his campaign and refused to debate because he simply had to be in DC working on the bailout plan but now he can suddenly do what he needs to do by phone.

Unbelievable. He's full of shit and tried to hold the bailout plan and perhaps the economic health of the country hostage to try to score a few campaign points. Country first my ass.
My favorite part is this:

So he had to "suspend" his campaign and refused to debate because he simply had to be in DC working on the bailout plan but now he can suddenly do what he needs to do by phone.

Unbelievable. He's full of shit and tried to hold the bailout plan and perhaps the economic health of the country hostage to try to score a few campaign points. Country first my ass.

DH don't forget what they tried to pull by canceling Friday's debate - rescheduling it for Thursday and "postponing" the VP debate - no word on till when.

Did you read what Ed Schultz reported? He said that republican hill sources told him that the campaign staged a mock debate and she was "disastrous". They stopped in the middle of it. I really am trying to figure out if this is the biggest head-fake in history, because now, if she can actually talk without fainting, they pull a possibly game-changing VP debate off. That's how low expectations are. And I'm not a Schultz fan, don't know if he's Bs'ing.

The only thing is - during the couric interview, her voice was shaking. That makes me wonder if this really is that bad, and if so, is there going to be a debate Thursday? I don't see how they could get out of it though.
McCain showed very poor leadership qualities with his statement that he would not debate until we had a bill, then debating when we did not have a bill.