talk to the people who were bombed about who started the war



Here in Tskhinvali, there was no doubt that Georgia started the war with Russia and much bitterness about the rain of artillery and rockets that the government of President Mikheil Saakashvili used in its efforts to capture the city. The Georgian government said much of the destruction of Tskhinvali was caused by a Russian counteroffensive, but that argument carries no weight with residents here, some of them clearly traumatized.

People insist that a terrible barrage struck the city late Aug. 7 and continued into the morning -- accounts supported by Western monitors who were also forced into their cellars. Indeed, buildings used by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe were damaged, one severely.

"Grad came and hit us," said Garik Gabayev, referring to the fearsome BM-21 multiple rocket system employed by Georgian forces. "Grad" is a word that has entered the vocabulary of this town, cited by one resident after another as they described what they experienced.
and you feel confident the media is reporting this accurately? The Washington Post lied us into Iraq you know. Why would they be telling the truth about this?
they are quoting the people who were bombed.

I apologize for being so argumentative but wouldn't it be easy for them to make up quotes or say interview 50 people getting 48 quotes saying one thing, 2 quotes saying the other and the only quotes they use are from the two saying something else?

Why do you trust them in this article but not another? Is it because it fits the viewpoint you already have?
I apologize for being so argumentative but wouldn't it be easy for them to make up quotes or say interview 50 people getting 48 quotes saying one thing, 2 quotes saying the other and the only quotes they use are from the two saying something else?

Why do you trust them in this article but not another? Is it because it fits the viewpoint you already have?

Could you possibly be suggesting that Georgia did not start the war?
Could you possibly be suggesting that Georgia did not start the war?

this is more from a discussion we had last night where she claimed to not trust anything the media reports. Baring some personal contact with people involved in the action she was taking the media's word over how the whole Georgia Russia thing went down. I'm being slightly argumentative here but it seemed to me a case of only wanting to believe the media when it met her preconceived notion (which of course is her right).
this is more from a discussion we had last night where she claimed to not trust anything the media reports. Baring some personal contact with people involved in the action she was taking the media's word over how the whole Georgia Russia thing went down. I'm being slightly argumentative here but it seemed to me a case of only wanting to believe the media when it met her preconceived notion (which of course is her right).

Thanks for clarity.
I believe that Georgia started the war but there is no proof of it by reading the WP....

The WashingtonPost is all right way garbage and has been for the past 5 years since the last editor died. It falls over backwards to support President Bush and the War in Iraq..... It was one of the main media cheerleaders...and many of its stories were total bullshit....

Find another source besides WP, WP is Fox News territory...
