Taxachusetts opens up war against those who oppose Abortion


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Even as all eyes are on Louisiana for daring to display the Ten Commandments in schools, the Left's Paganism
is getting a shot in the blue state of Taxachusetts.

That's because the state has proudly unveiled a taxpayer-funded campaign of Public Service Announcement ("PSAs")
aimed at destroying pregnancy centers that oppose abortion.

Using taxpayer funds to push a pagan belief system and aggressively punish those who oppose it violates the First
Amendment as the Founders envisioned it and the Supreme Court understood it.

These immoral evil pagan anti Lifers need to be horse whipped, or to be more precise......(D)onkey Whipped!
Even as all eyes are on Louisiana for daring to display the Ten Commandments in schools, the Left's Paganism
is getting a shot in the blue state of Taxachusetts.

That's because the state has proudly unveiled a taxpayer-funded campaign of Public Service Announcement ("PSAs")
aimed at destroying pregnancy centers that oppose abortion.

Using taxpayer funds to push a pagan belief system and aggressively punish those who oppose it violates the First
Amendment as the Founders envisioned it and the Supreme Court understood it.

These immoral evil pagan anti Lifers need to be horse whipped, or to be more precise......(D)onkey Whipped!
you are insane
Even as all eyes are on Louisiana for daring to display the Ten Commandments in schools, the Left's Paganism
is getting a shot in the blue state of Taxachusetts.

That's because the state has proudly unveiled a taxpayer-funded campaign of Public Service Announcement ("PSAs")
aimed at destroying pregnancy centers that oppose abortion.

Using taxpayer funds to push a pagan belief system and aggressively punish those who oppose it violates the First
Amendment as the Founders envisioned it and the Supreme Court understood it.

These immoral evil pagan anti Lifers need to be horse whipped, or to be more precise......(D)onkey Whipped!
That state is a major shithole. I had the unfortunate luck decades ago to live there for too long a time. Besides all the massholes being intellectually challenged they talk like morons. The JPP masshole nippy nob head is a prime example of what's wrong with that sewer.
Even as all eyes are on Louisiana for daring to display the Ten Commandments in schools, the Left's Paganism
is getting a shot in the blue state of Taxachusetts.

That's because the state has proudly unveiled a taxpayer-funded campaign of Public Service Announcement ("PSAs")
aimed at destroying pregnancy centers that oppose abortion.

Using taxpayer funds to push a pagan belief system and aggressively punish those who oppose it violates the First
Amendment as the Founders envisioned it and the Supreme Court understood it.

These immoral evil pagan anti Lifers need to be horse whipped, or to be more precise......(D)onkey Whipped!
We need to go back to before we worshiped pagan science and pagan medicine. God wants 10-20% of women to die in child birth. :eek:
You much prefer killing 65 million babies. You make hitler look like an angel.
65 million babies? Thank God you don't believe in pagan things like science or medicine but religious things like one gets their soul at birth.
I wonder how many times you "spilled your seed" over the years and all those babies died. Did you personally kill 65 million? I bet you make Onan look like a piker.
65 million babies? Thank God you don't believe in pagan things like science or medicine but religious things like one gets their soul at birth.
I wonder how many times you "spilled your seed" over the years and all those babies died. Did you personally kill 65 million?
We know you baby killers killed 65 million babies. We also know you use "science" and "medicine" to help convince yourselves you aren't killing babies. You're killing babies. That's just how it is.
We know you baby killers killed 65 million babies. We also know you use "science" and "medicine" to help convince yourselves you aren't killing babies. You're killing babies. That's just how it is.
How many millions of babies have you killed with your onanism?
Shouldn't you be prostrating yourself while performing self flagellation in penance?
It's clear you don't even understand what I'm talking about. You're a baby killer. Whatever I may or may not be it doesnt change what you are. You people use this asinine argument every time.
So Jews are baby killers to you?

In Jewish law, a fetus attains the status of a full person only at birth at first breath.

Abortion are legal in Israel

All Israeli women seeking to terminate a pregnancy (and have it paid for through state health insurance) must appear before a three-person committee, but in practice nearly all requests are granted. A woman whose request is denied by the committee can still seek an abortion at a private clinic. Estimates are that about half the abortions performed in Israel are done in private clinics. As of 2014, abortions were paid for entirely by the state for women aged 20 to 33, and subsidized abortions were granted for those outside that age range.

Educate yourselves

It's clear you don't even understand what I'm talking about. You're a baby killer. Whatever I may or may not be it doesnt change what you are. You people use this asinine argument every time.
It's clear you don't even understand what you are talking about. You have no evidence of me ever killing a baby, let alone aborting a fetus. You on the other hand have clearly spilled your seed at some point in your life. You can't deny it. It seems to be you that is making the asinine argument since you are calling me names without any evidence to support it.
Say what? God wants 10-20% of women to die in child birth? Care to explain?
There is an attempt to prevent all abortion care even to save the life a mother. That means that women lives will be in danger. Multiple births since there are no abortions increase the chances of women to die in child birth. We would be back to the 1800s where the cause of death for 10-20% of women was the result of child birth