Tea Party darling probed


"The Associated Press, quoting a "person with knowledge of investigation," reports from Baltimore that federal authorities are probing the finances of failed Senate Republican candidate Christine O'Donnell of Delaware to determine if she broke the law by using campaign money to pay personal expenses.

Update at 1:58 p.m. ET: The AP says the source spoke on condition of anonymity to protect the identity of a client who has been questioned in the probe.

The case, which has been assigned to two federal prosecutors and two FBI agents in Delaware, has not been sent to a grand jury, the AP says.

O'Donnell raised more than $7.3 million in her run for the Senate.

The AP says the former campaign manager for the Delaware Republican did not immediately respond Wednesday to questions. O'Donnell lost to Democrat Chris Coons in November.

Update at 2:37 p.m. ET: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), the national ethics group, previously called O'Donnell's use of more than $7 million in donated funds "Magic Money," and repeated a claim that she had misused campaign resources for personal expenses, including household rent, The News Journal reports from Wilmington.

"Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell spent the 2010 campaign responding to nearly endless questions about her integrity, including allegations she had treated her campaign account like her personal piggy bank," CREW said in summarizing its questions about O'Donnell's record.

The group earlier this year asked the FEC to investigate, and called for the U.S. Attorney in Delaware to examine the possibility of criminal campaign law violations, the News Journal reports.

Party leaders also accused O'Donnell's committee of illegally coordinating paid advertisements and communications with the Tea Party Express."

"The Associated Press, quoting a "person with knowledge of investigation," reports from Baltimore that federal authorities are probing the finances of failed Senate Republican candidate Christine O'Donnell of Delaware to determine if she broke the law by using campaign money to pay personal expenses.

Update at 1:58 p.m. ET: The AP says the source spoke on condition of anonymity to protect the identity of a client who has been questioned in the probe.

The case, which has been assigned to two federal prosecutors and two FBI agents in Delaware, has not been sent to a grand jury, the AP says.

O'Donnell raised more than $7.3 million in her run for the Senate.

The AP says the former campaign manager for the Delaware Republican did not immediately respond Wednesday to questions. O'Donnell lost to Democrat Chris Coons in November.

Update at 2:37 p.m. ET: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), the national ethics group, previously called O'Donnell's use of more than $7 million in donated funds "Magic Money," and repeated a claim that she had misused campaign resources for personal expenses, including household rent, The News Journal reports from Wilmington.

"Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell spent the 2010 campaign responding to nearly endless questions about her integrity, including allegations she had treated her campaign account like her personal piggy bank," CREW said in summarizing its questions about O'Donnell's record.

The group earlier this year asked the FEC to investigate, and called for the U.S. Attorney in Delaware to examine the possibility of criminal campaign law violations, the News Journal reports.

Party leaders also accused O'Donnell's committee of illegally coordinating paid advertisements and communications with the Tea Party Express."


That's not fair. If she was campaigning and holding a regular job the poor gal would have been exhausted. Why shouldn't funds go towards supporting her while she traveled her district convincing her constituents she was a good witch?
Actually, and I could be wrong here...I'll have to research it. But I think she can use those campaign funds to draw a salary but it does have to be documented that she is drawing said salary and that it must be reported by her as income and the appropriate taxes paid on that income.
Actually, and I could be wrong here...I'll have to research it. But I think she can use those campaign funds to draw a salary but it does have to be documented that she is drawing said salary and that it must be reported by her as income and the appropriate taxes paid on that income.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she can also claim any remaining $ as income after the election.
Actually, and I could be wrong here...I'll have to research it. But I think she can use those campaign funds to draw a salary but it does have to be documented that she is drawing said salary and that it must be reported by her as income and the appropriate taxes paid on that income.

No, you can't do that. What people do is hire their friends and family as "campaign consultants" and use the funds to pay friends and family.
She reportedly has no job.

"...One former O'Donnell staffer, Kristin Murray, recorded an automated phone call for the Delaware Republican Party just before the primary, accusing Miss O'Donnell of 'living on campaign donations - using them for rent and personal expenses, while leaving her workers unpaid and piling up thousands in debt.'

Another former aide, David Keegan, said he became concerned about Miss O'Donnell's 2008 campaign finances as she fell behind on bills and had no apparent source of income besides political contributions.

He submitted an affidavit to CREW alleging that she used campaign money to cover meals, gas, a bowling outing, and rent to a landlord, Brent Vasher.

Mr Vasher, a nephew of Mr Keegan's and a one-time boyfriend of Miss O'Donnell, declined comment when asked by The AP if he had been contacted by authorities.

Mr Vasher bought Miss O'Donnell's house in 2008 after she was served with a foreclosure notice, then charged her rent to stay there, according to CREW's complaint.

During her three failed Senate bids, Miss O'Donnell had numerous campaign treasurers, many of who left after serving brief stints.

After losing two treasurers in 2009, she named herself treasurer until this past summer.

Another short-term treasurer took over in August and resigned less than two months later, when Mr Moran added the treasurer's role to his campaign manager responsibilities.

Miss O'Donnell, who announced just after Election Day that she had signed a book deal, hasn't held a full-time job in years and has struggled to explain how she makes a living.

She reported in July that she earned only $5,800 in income for the previous 18months through freelance public relations work.

She should have given up her apartment and lived in hotels. Travel expenses are allowed.

That said, I hardly think the Obama (Biden) administration are behind this. She was soundly defeated. They have no additional motive. OTOH, the dems hate anything and everyone associated with the TEA party movement.

However, there could be some motivations for GOP influence involvment. Not necessarily with starting the investigation, but with making sure it is well publicized. Most campaign finance issues are handled quietly, resulting in a few fines. Funny this should be front page - except the GOP isn't exactly pleased with the TEA party's activities upsetting their apple carts.

Maybe both parties are doing their best to preclude O'Donnell from possible future runs for office?
...The Washington-based watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission making similar allegations and asked Delaware's federal prosecutor to investigate..."


lmao troll...you saw my thread but are to cowardly to address me so you respond here

yes, you are legion troll or some former poster with a weird obsessive grudge against me
She reported in July that she earned only $5,800 in income for the previous 18months through freelance public relations work.

Sounds like she's the ideal person for our present economy. Just think of the example she could set!! :whoa:


She reportedly has no job.

"...One former O'Donnell staffer, Kristin Murray, recorded an automated phone call for the Delaware Republican Party just before the primary, accusing Miss O'Donnell of 'living on campaign donations - using them for rent and personal expenses, while leaving her workers unpaid and piling up thousands in debt.'

Another former aide, David Keegan, said he became concerned about Miss O'Donnell's 2008 campaign finances as she fell behind on bills and had no apparent source of income besides political contributions.

He submitted an affidavit to CREW alleging that she used campaign money to cover meals, gas, a bowling outing, and rent to a landlord, Brent Vasher.

Mr Vasher, a nephew of Mr Keegan's and a one-time boyfriend of Miss O'Donnell, declined comment when asked by The AP if he had been contacted by authorities.

Mr Vasher bought Miss O'Donnell's house in 2008 after she was served with a foreclosure notice, then charged her rent to stay there, according to CREW's complaint.

During her three failed Senate bids, Miss O'Donnell had numerous campaign treasurers, many of who left after serving brief stints.

After losing two treasurers in 2009, she named herself treasurer until this past summer.

Another short-term treasurer took over in August and resigned less than two months later, when Mr Moran added the treasurer's role to his campaign manager responsibilities.

Miss O'Donnell, who announced just after Election Day that she had signed a book deal, hasn't held a full-time job in years and has struggled to explain how she makes a living.

She reported in July that she earned only $5,800 in income for the previous 18months through freelance public relations work.

"The Associated Press, quoting a "person with knowledge of investigation," reports from Baltimore that federal authorities are probing the finances of failed Senate Republican candidate Christine O'Donnell of Delaware to determine if she broke the law by using campaign money to pay personal expenses.

Update at 1:58 p.m. ET: The AP says the source spoke on condition of anonymity to protect the identity of a client who has been questioned in the probe.

The case, which has been assigned to two federal prosecutors and two FBI agents in Delaware, has not been sent to a grand jury, the AP says.

O'Donnell raised more than $7.3 million in her run for the Senate.

The AP says the former campaign manager for the Delaware Republican did not immediately respond Wednesday to questions. O'Donnell lost to Democrat Chris Coons in November.

Update at 2:37 p.m. ET: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), the national ethics group, previously called O'Donnell's use of more than $7 million in donated funds "Magic Money," and repeated a claim that she had misused campaign resources for personal expenses, including household rent, The News Journal reports from Wilmington.

"Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell spent the 2010 campaign responding to nearly endless questions about her integrity, including allegations she had treated her campaign account like her personal piggy bank," CREW said in summarizing its questions about O'Donnell's record.

The group earlier this year asked the FEC to investigate, and called for the U.S. Attorney in Delaware to examine the possibility of criminal campaign law violations, the News Journal reports.

Party leaders also accused O'Donnell's committee of illegally coordinating paid advertisements and communications with the Tea Party Express."


I have to admit...if I was single....I'd like to probe her too!
..."O’Donnell originally said that people with ties to Vice President Joe Biden, a Democrat, were behind the accusations, but on Thursday she talked about some of her own former staff members, including one staffer her campaign fired in 2008, as a source of the complaints.

She said the complaint is a “re-emergence of the same CREW (Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington), [funded by financier George Soros, according to O’Donnell] that was filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) several months ago.”

She added that these charges are similar to what happened post-election two years ago to GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who campaigned for O’Donnell this year.

After John McCain and Palin lost the election to President Obama, Palin was questioned on her use of campaign funds, particularly in relation to the costs of wardrobe for her and her family.

“They [opponents] did the same thing to Sarah Palin,” said O’Donnell. “It doesn’t matter if six months from now, I’m cleared. They’re hoping that the damage is done simply by launching the investigations, and then in the court of public opinion, people aren't going to be paying attention.”

..."O’Donnell has acknowledged she paid part of her rent at times with campaign money, arguing that her house doubled as a campaign headquarters. FEC rules prohibit using campaign money for a candidate’s mortgage or rent.

While the FEC frequently investigates and pursues civil cases involving election laws, criminal prosecutions against candidates for such violations are rare. Campaign finance experts say the distinguishing factor is intent.

“You have to have a knowing and willful violation,” said Stan Brand, a veteran campaign finance attorney in Washington.

Craig Engle, another campaign finance attorney, said a criminal case might never materialize and said even criminal prosecutions typically result in financial penalties, not prison time — although the law allows for a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

“The law is actually fairly clear,” he said. “You cannot make any personal use of campaign contributions ... it even itemizes things that would be considered personal use.”

O’Donnell, a tea party favorite, scored a surprise victory in the Delaware Senate Republican primary this year only to be beaten badly by Democrat Chris Coons in the general election.

Her latest campaign set a state record by raising more than $7.3 million, but she has been dogged by questions about her personal and campaign finances, in part because she has run for the Senate three times since 2006 without a full-time job and with little outside income.

The two former campaign workers — Keegan and Kristin Murray — have alleged that she routinely used political contributions to pay personal expenses such as meals, gas and rent. She also has faced a tax lien, a bankruptcy proceeding and a lawsuit from the university she attended over unpaid bills..."

I got this this morning. But you'll never hear it from the midia.

Michelle's Job before she became the first lady!!!

Wow, she must have been really good at her job. For those that don't know it ----- there are some really good jobs in Illinois .

At the top right hand corner of page 17 of the New York Post, January 24, 2009, was a column entitled, "Replacing Michelle" in the National Review, The Week.

Here it is below as it appeared:

"Some employees are simply irreplaceable. Take Michelle Obama: The University of Chicago Medical center hired her

in 2002 to run 'programs for community relations, neighborhood outreach, volunteer recruitment, staff diversity and minority contracting'.

In 2005 the hospital raised her salary from $120,000 to $317,000 - nearly twice what her husband made as a Senator.

Her husband, Barak Obama, had just become a US Senator.

He sure had. He requested a $1 million earmark for the UC Medical Center, in fact. Way to network, Michelle!

Now that Mrs. Obama has resigned, the hospital says her position will remain unfilled. How can that be, if the work she did was vital enough to be worth $317,000?

Let me add that Michelle's position was a part time, 20 hour a week job."

Recession is when your neighbor loses his job.
Depression is when you lose your job.

Recovery is when Obama loses his job!
When a conservative makes a tax error liberals scream bloody murder, yet Rangel was a major tax cheat and got a standing ovation from his fellow Democrats.