TEA Party hate anyone?


Well-known member
The Tea Party continues to claim that racism, ethnocentrism, and xenophobia are not driving forces in its movement, but the actions of its members continues to belie those claims. Many of the movement’s causes have targeted Latinos — advocating for harsh immigration laws, referring to them as “anchor babies” and “welfare queens,” urging followers to attack Latinos, and fighting to rewrite the 14th amendment to remove its guarantee of birthright citizenship.
Tuesday in New Mexico, the strains of racism and ethnocentrism that exist in the Tea Party movement emerged again. As Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) prepared to tour a nonprofit organization in Farmington, he was met by a dozen Tea Party protesters, one of whom asserted that Lujan was not an American. The Farmington Daily Times reports:
Darrel Clark of Farmington said he came for “a chance to see the elusive representative.”
“He needs to get out of politics and make room for an American,” Clark said.
Luján is a lifelong New Mexican. Clark later explained that he meant an “American patriot.”
Though Clark did not elaborate on what he meant by “American patriot,” it’s not hard to understand his implication.
Lujan, however, was born in Santa Fe, has lived in the U.S. all his life, and is the son of a public school administrator and the speaker of New Mexico’s state House of Representatives. According to the Daily Times, Lujan took the protests and their insults “in stride.” “It’s important that we get out to visit our constituency,” Luján said. “We think that’s important, and we’ll continue to do that.”

Which of Gradys positions differ from yours, Alley-ass? If any.
lol...there are examples of this in the dem party, but that is ok to zappa. his hatred of the tea party overrides logic and truth.
Teatards should arm themselves so they can kill their fellow Americans, says this Teabagger:




I see it's ok to label every member of the TEA party according to it's minority, it must also be ok to label every liberal as a hateful hypocrite who wishes death upon seriously ill women. Seeing as how the only one to reply to my labeling post was skidmark in his attempt at humor, it must be acknowledged by the liberals on this board that that is exactly what you are.
Funny how the Teabaggers whose lunacy I expose never seem to be representative of the "movement".

Is that like saying that you can't label your bowel movement "stinky" according to a particulary smelly turd or two?

Just wondering.
You're exposing a lot of lunacy, that's for sure. I'd have to say you're the chief exposure of lunacy. Tell me, when you get up from the toilet, do you have to turn around and look in there to see what happened?

You probably still live in your mom's basement, on food stamps, welfare, use meth, queer, and still wet the bed.
You're exposing a lot of lunacy, that's for sure. I'd have to say you're the chief exposure of lunacy. Tell me, when you get up from the toilet, do you have to turn around and look in there to see what happened?


Here's some more Teatardedness for you to agree with:
