Teabagger turns flee-bagger; witch walks

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Teabagger witch rides her broom off talk show:


The trouble started when Morgan asked O'Donnell about a part of her book that discussed gay marriage. That's when O'Donnell accused him of "borderline being a little bit rude."

O'Donnell repeatedly urged Morgan to drop the topic of gay rights, but Morgan would not back down, asking another question about the Pentagon's repeal of its "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

O'Donnell said the gay marriage issue is not relevant or what she is championing, saying the book is meant to inspire the tea party movement to "bring America back to the second American revolution."

O'Donnell began looking off camera while asserting that Morgan should only ask her what she told him she wanted to talk about. At that point O'Donnell claimed she was being pulled away, as a handler tried to block the camera.

Morgan, for his part, didn't look particularly invested or bothered when he asked, "Where are you going? You're leaving?"


Too funny in a not funny (ha-ha) way.

At least Palin just changed the subject when she was asked questions she couldn't answer.
The Dalai Damocles says fleeing a talk show when the questions get uncomfortable is "smart".

Looks like her 15 minutes are about up:

Christine O'Donnell attempted to salvage her national book tour Thursday night at a downtown Barnes & Noble, where she signed copies of the newly released "Troublemaker" for about a dozen fans.

The event capped off a rocky two days marked by O'Donnell's refusal to answer pointed questions about her political record. On Wednesday, she abruptly walked out during a live interview with CNN's Piers Morgan when he questioned her views on gay marriage.

On Thursday morning, she hung up the phone during a radio interview when the conversation grew testy.

O'Donnell describes "Troublemaker" as "a political memoir slash campaign diary slash position paper slash rallying cry" in the book's introduction.

After she signed books, she did an interview with The Huffington Post.

Watch the hilarious video at the link below – almost nobody showed up, and she has trouble spelling “patriot” as she inscribes a copy of her shitty book. Teabaggers are fucking morons.


Teabagger witch rides her broom off talk show:


The trouble started when Morgan asked O'Donnell about a part of her book that discussed gay marriage. That's when O'Donnell accused him of "borderline being a little bit rude."

O'Donnell repeatedly urged Morgan to drop the topic of gay rights, but Morgan would not back down, asking another question about the Pentagon's repeal of its "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

O'Donnell said the gay marriage issue is not relevant or what she is championing, saying the book is meant to inspire the tea party movement to "bring America back to the second American revolution."

O'Donnell began looking off camera while asserting that Morgan should only ask her what she told him she wanted to talk about. At that point O'Donnell claimed she was being pulled away, as a handler tried to block the camera.

Morgan, for his part, didn't look particularly invested or bothered when he asked, "Where are you going? You're leaving?"



When she said Morgan should only ask her what she told him she wanted to talk about Morgan should have responded, "Do you want to interview yourself?"

Her comments leave the impression any future interviews will be nothing more than rehearsed scrips staged to appear as legitimate interviews. No one will take them or her seriously assuming anyone still does so.
When she said Morgan should only ask her what she told him she wanted to talk about Morgan should have responded, "Do you want to interview yourself?"

Her comments leave the impression any future interviews will be nothing more than rehearsed scripts staged to appear as legitimate interviews. No one will take them or her seriously assuming anyone still does so.

But according to Damo and Yurt, Morgan was the one in the wrong for asking questions NOT on Ms O'Donnell's pre-approved list...it appears as thought they want every interview everywhere to sound like the standard Faux News "interview"...nothing but softball questions perfectly teed up by the interviewer so the interviewee can knock them out of the park and get the desired sound byte.
But according to Damo and Yurt, Morgan was the one in the wrong for asking questions NOT on Ms O'Donnell's pre-approved list...it appears as thought they want every interview everywhere to sound like the standard Faux News "interview"...nothing but softball questions perfectly teed up by the interviewer so the interviewee can knock them out of the park and get the desired sound byte.

Please point to where I said they had an agreement. Otherwise quit trying to build that straw man.
fuck this stupid bitch. she should have known what she was getting in to when she started spewing idiotic statements, writing a book about them, then accepting interviews from known liberal talk show hosts.
fuck this stupid bitch. she should have known what she was getting in to when she started spewing idiotic statements, writing a book about them, then accepting interviews from known liberal talk show hosts.

I thanked you for the first part of your post, so she should basically just stick with Fox News, so no one will point out her idiocy! Good advice!
She hung up on a phone interview with a radio station, too, and then tried to blame it on "satellites".
I thanked you for the first part of your post, so she should basically just stick with Fox News, so no one will point out her idiocy! Good advice!

why just the first part? wouldn't that mean that you're flat ignoring the main stream media postulate that TEA people are targets for liberals and establishment politicos?
why just the first part? wouldn't that mean that you're flat ignoring the main stream media postulate that TEA people are targets for liberals and establishment politicos?

The media goes after anything that will make them money. this week it is Christine, next week, who knows. You ignore Fox News and they aren't liberal, plus all the other right sided talking heads. You dislike liberals so they are your target.
The media goes after anything that will make them money. this week it is Christine, next week, who knows. You ignore Fox News and they aren't liberal, plus all the other right sided talking heads. You dislike liberals so they are your target.

are you forgetting that i dislike conservatives as well?
why just the first part? wouldn't that mean that you're flat ignoring the main stream media postulate that TEA people are targets for liberals and establishment politicos?

'TEA people' are fucking idiots. Including you.
