Teacher leaves gun & ammo in school cabinet accessible by 3rd graders


New member
I've seen some Santa Ana scools where I'd strongly recommend carrying. Don't know if this was one of them. But if it was, the no-carry-in-schools law makes them a lot LESS safe.

But this teacher is STUPID. Who on earth leaves a gun where unsupervised 3rd graders can find it? And ammo to boot. That certainly IS "child endangerment", and a stay in the clink should help clear the teacher's head. If it doesn't, then maybe a longer stay.

Maybe she'll make some excuse like, with the laws being so (unconstitutionally) anti-gun, she figured she was less likely to get caught with the gun out of sight in a cabinet where she could still get to it if the worst happened. Maybe somewhat reasonable, but that's not good enough. She's a teacher, she knows how squirrelly and inquisitive kids are, and putting it where they can eventually find it is criminally reckless. Not much different from letting kids wander near a pool with an unlocked gate.

Story says she "no longer works at the school". I'll bet. She may have trouble finding work at any other school, too. That may be a little extreme, but when someone does something this dumb, with such potentially disasterous consequences, they have to take what comes.



3rd Graders Find Gun in Classroom Cabinet; California Teacher Arrested

Thursday, April 03, 2008

SANTA ANA, Calif. — An elementary school teacher was arrested after her third-grade students found an unloaded handgun and ammunition in a classroom supply cabinet, officials said Thursday.

Teacher Jayne DeArmond was arrested Wednesday for investigation of possession of a firearm on a school campus and misdemeanor child endangerment after students at Diamond Elementary School found the weapon, said Angela Burrell, a spokeswoman for the Santa Ana Unified School District.

Students had access to the cabinet, where the gun and ammunition were kept in a drawer, Burrell said.

DeArmond was released on $20,000 bail late Wednesday and no longer works at the school, Burrell said. It wasn't immediately clear if DeArmond had retained an attorney.

Santa Ana police referred calls to the school district.
You have to wonder if there are other classrooms with hidden guns brought in by a teacher. Considering the environment found at some schools, God knows I wouldn't blame them, silly no-guns-in-schools laws or not. "I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six". But I sure hope they've done a better job of keeping them out of any possible contact with the kids, than this teacher did.

Up above a suspended-ceiling tile, or behind a false panel no one knows is there in the teacher's desk that takes a poke in a certain carefully-designed place with a pen before it opens, or something like that. Small combination safes are also available, that are very secure but quietly pop open when the right combination of buttons is pressed, again somewhere where students wouldn't think to look, etc.

But in a cabinet where anyone can open it and see the piece? Sheesh.
She should be put in jail for having a gun on school grounds. Anyone should. If you come onto my yard packing, get the fuck out, you aren't allowed in my house you lunatic. Same logic applies to schools.