Teary-eyed communists cheer Obama victory


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To no one's surprise, the leaders of the Communist Party USA see Barack Obama's election as the biggest step forward intheir agenda since FDR in 1932. FDR placed massive controls and restrictions on business, implemented major tax increases on the wealthy, put together makework programs to funnel money to the poor and middle class,and tripled the size of government... all before World War II kicked off in 1939.

In stark contrast to the liberas' expectations, these programs are credited with prolonging the Great Depression, until massive deficit spending for WWII armaments finally got things going again.

Now we have a president-elect who favors doing much of it all over again. Small wonder the CP-USA loves it.



Teary-eyed communists cheer Obama victory

Celebrate 'biggest political realignment since 1930s … first step toward a new society'

Posted: November 25, 2008
9:07 pm Eastern

By Aaron Klein

Communist Party USA leaders – including one who spoke with tears in his eyes – held a confab at which they celebrated the election of Barack Obama as "the biggest political realignment since the 1930s" and urged the immediate implementation of socialist policies.

The People's Weekly World, a weekly newspaper affiliated with the Communist Party USA, or CPUSA, reported on a meeting last week of top party leaders who celebrated Obama's election and announced a call to action to "carry out the election mandate, including immediate government steps to help Americans hit by the economic crisis and bringing peace to Iraq and Afghanistan."

CPUSA National Chairman Sam Webb noted the election represented "a necessary first step toward a new society."

He stated that a required remedy to the country's financial crisis "is massive fiscal expansion, large injections of federal money into the economy [to fund public works job programs, extend jobless benefits and food stamps and help Americans hold onto their homes]."

The communist newspaper reported party leaders attending the meeting supported projecting socialism as a fundamental solution to America's woes, claiming the U.S. is "now open to hearing more about [socialism]."

"We need to put out our vision of socialism and how it will come about," Webb stressed.

CPUSA Political Action Chair Joelle Fishman posited that new U.S. policy should "call for taking the profits out of basic needs like health care and energy and explore public ownership."

"At the same time, we should be part of the movement that puts the wind at Obama's back," Fishman added.

The communist newspaper described how CPUSA Executive Vice Chairman Jarvis Tyner – with tears in his eyes – hailed Obama's victory as "[showing] magnificently what our people are made of."
Yeah, its a shame we couldn't keep those fiscally responsible republicans in, huh? Oh wait, they spent like drunken sailors.

Ok, its a shame we couldn't have kept those constitutionally responsible republicans in, right? Oh wait, they did sort of trample on the US Constitution.

Hey, its a shame we couldn't keep those republicans in who tried to say everyone who disagreed with them, criticized them or questioned them was unpatriotic and unamerican, isn't it?
STU just lumps everyone who disagrees with him together. Simple solutions for a simple mind.

not true, except when it comes to guns and gun laws. I've studied them for years and know them better than most.

Anyone is free to disagree with me all they want, but prove that i'm wrong or you do get lumped in the same idiot group.
You know what? This is definitely one area where Republicans are making asses out of themselves .., I hear the radio talking heads repeating the mantra... Communism , Socialism... its frickin embarrassing...

But you know what ... if you visit the forums where liberals get their marching orders ...like huffington post or moveon ... its not any less embarrassing.. these nitwits arnt happy with the Presidency or a large majority in Congress.. they want to put an end to National Discussion/Debate ... they want the complete demise of the Republican PArty.
Its sad commentary when your ICON is Keith Olberman
You know what? This is definitely one area where Republicans are making asses out of themselves .., I hear the radio talking heads repeating the mantra... Communism , Socialism... its frickin embarrassing...

But you know what ... if you visit the forums where liberals get their marching orders ...like huffington post or moveon ... its not any less embarrassing.. these nitwits arnt happy with the Presidency or a large majority in Congress.. they want to put an end to National Discussion/Debate ... they want the complete demise of the Republican PArty.
Its sad commentary when your ICON is Keith Olberman
klaatu they are two sides of the same very unhappy coin. The fact that Obama has selected the people he has, the ones with ACTUAL experience that don't have to spend months doing OJT in the Whitehouse or DOD has pissed off the left. The fact that Republicans got their collective asses handed to them makes the right, understandably, upset. He isn't even president yet and both the left and the right are predicting nothing but doom and gloom. I think they almost hope for the economic, domestic and foreign collapse of the US so they can try to force their brand of extremism down our throats, whether it is disarming americans, or outlawing homosexuality. I am going to wait and see. If Obama can't pull this off there will be someone new in 2012.