Television Outed By Hot Mic


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Covering up for Hillary Clinton has been the only game in town since she was first lady.

The FBI, the CIA, and the DoJ got away with devoting millions of dollars and an unknown number of man-hours to the coverup.

How to Calculate Man Hours
Co-authored by Michael R. Lewis
Updated: June 10, 2019

Media drives the getaway car for every stickup.

On the plus side, television got caught red handed this time:

Why are you blabbing your political nonsense in the sports and hobbies section again?

To Jade Dragon: Because posting my political insights in this forum annoy you so much they might prompt you to mind your own goddamned business.

Forum: Sports, Hobbies & Pictures

Talk sports, post pictures, or talk about other interests...

In the same vain:

Roman Polanski Faces Fresh Rape Accusation from 1975
by Ben Kew
10 Nov 2019

Lets be fair on this one. What the hell, Bill Clinton gets away with it. At the very least a Hollywood rapist deserves the same treatment illegal aliens and refugees get.

Roman Polanski to Judge Say I've Done My Time And I'll Come Back
3/10/2017 3:15 PM PST

Whether or not Roman Polanski does the perp walk anytime soon remains to be seen. The first thing that falls by the wayside is the old saw “We are a nation of laws.” That does not upset me too much because I never believed it anyway. What troubled me back when Polanski was raping little girls was in the news is that Hollywood Lefties tried to establish immunity for the crime.

The underlying theme for Polanski’s support has always been that he is an artist; therefore, he is above punishment. Everything else was a smokescreen. Had an average guy who was known to vote Republican eluded the law for decades the Hollywood fruitcakes would be screaming for blood.

When Hollywood liberals rushed to Polanski’s defense I was reminded me of Walter Sickert:

Published yesterday, Cornwell's Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper, Case Closed points the finger of guilt at the Impressionist painter Walter Sickert, who was known to frequent London's seamy underbelly around the time of the murders.

Patricia Cornwell fingers painter as Jack the Ripper
November 13 2002

Assuming Cornwell had it right, there is no doubt that Hollywood Lefties would insist that Jack the Ripper is above the law were he alive today simply because he was an artist.

NOTE: Nobody in Hollywood ever said that Charles Manson was above the law after he murdered Polanski’s pregnant wife, Sharon Tate. Manson’s mistake was in not being an artist. Hollywood elitists would have been in a quandary had Manson been one of their own.

I always got the impression that some show biz women defending Polanski would consider it an honor to be raped by a famous director. I think they see it as a good career move. A cynic might say that raping a tramp is not a crime.

Here are a few articles that sprang up like weeds at the time. Most in Hollywood and Europe defended Polanski like he was the one who was raped.

Roman Polanski arrest: Hollywood unites in his defence
Jeremy Kay
Monday 28 September 2009 11.57 EDT

And you might want to check out Whoopi Goldberg’s weird defense of Polanski.

Whoopi On Roman Polanski: It Wasn't 'Rape-Rape'
Lindsay Robertson
9/28/09 1:00pm


Polanski Arrest Brings Shock, Amazement in Hollywood
By: Sharon Waxman
September 27, 2009, 5:01PM CDT

Happily, Jack Cashill went to the heart of the matter:

September 29, 2009
Polanski Crime Worse Than People Know
By Jack Cashill