Television Versus The American People In 2020


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Democrats finally realize that democracy and the U.S. Constitution will always be at odds. That is why FOX shamelessly choose the second biggest liar in the Democrat Party to SAVE THE CONSTITUTION. (Obama is the biggest liar.)

It wasn’t CNN or MSNBC that resurrected Hillary Clinton in a perky picture over a story indicating that Obama’s former Secretary of State may be running for 2020 election, it was—FOX NEWS.

When’s the last time anyone saw a front page picture of Clinton being presented as perky?

Today, on Fox News is when.

Fox fully cites Clinton, who is now rebranding herself, Madonna-like as the one and only ‘Savior of the Constitution’.

Fox News Stumping for 2020 Hillary Clinton?
By Judi McLeod
May 26, 2019

Parasites will never stop lying about the glory of democracy —— or stop lying about the evils in the U.S. Constitution. Here is why I must thank FOX for designating Hillary Clinton as spokesperson for the Constitution:

There is no justification for young Alinsky acolytes to claim those rules (commandments) will make the U.S. a better country. Indeed, no other country practices Alinsky’s teachings as religiously as they are followed in this country. (I am not sure Alinshy is known anywhere except here.)

Hillary Clinton is Alinsky’s high priest, and his most successful follower, yet the public is unaware of the part she played in spreading Socialism’s deadliest sect in this country —— more deadly than India’s Thuggees:


Thuggees, a Sanskrit word meaning concealment, were an organized gang of professional assassins – sometimes described as the world's first mafia – who operated from the 13th to the 19th centuries in India. Members of the fanatical religious group, who were infamous for their ritualistic assassinations carried out in the name of the Hindu Goddess Kali, were known as Thugs, a word that passed into common English during the British occupation of India.

2 October, 2014 - 13:52
Thuggees – the Cult Assassins of India

Hillary Clinton was always obvious. She was as dumb in collage as she is today. I always wondered if Hillary’s Wellesley’s sisters now realize that their most famous alumna is a nasty frustrated woman full of rage who worshiped and championed two of the most politically filthy men in history —— Karl Marx and Saul Alinski?

Her senior thesis is a tough read but it is all there:

On the plus side Hillary Rodam Clinton became a figure of ridicule as she aged rather than being seen as a much-loved former president. That judgement is surely the unkindest cut of all.

On the negative side the evil Hillary Clinton did will live on long after her bones are interred with nary a good deed to commend her.

“. . . a story indicating that Obama’s former Secretary of State may be running for 2020 election,. . .”

Let me close with a reminder that FOX leading the Alphabet Networks in face time given to 23 wannabe clowns is a setup for a deadlocked convention. The strategy is obvious:

There are so many clowns hustling campaign donations they reminded me of something I said about Hillary Clinton.

The Clinton machine can waltz in and steal the nomination in a deadlocked convention. Forget that Hillary is old and sick. She does not have to campaign for the nomination. She has women and blacks sewed up, and she will not spend a penny until after she gets the nomination. If beating Trump is the game, Hillary has the “I won the popular vote.” fairytale going for her. Naturally, she has to avoid being indicted before the general election.

Never forget that the press claims a divine Right to elect presidents. Print press failed against Eisenhower in 1952 —— eight years before print handed the the baton to television in 1960. Television dropped the baton against three presidents. Twice against Richard Nixon —— 1968 and 1972. Twice against Ronald Reagan and once against Donald Trump. Television’s influence will never recover if Trump gets a second term regardless which Socialist/Communist the Democrat Party suits up.

p.s. Television’s greatest victory was electing a U.S. Senate Administration in 2008.

Frankly, I never understood why the public allows long-serving senators to get away with the things the public fears in imperial presidents. As I said in 2009 “Obama’s Administration was a Senate Administration.” It was the media that guaranteed a sitting senator would become president in 2008. It mattered not which party he or she came from.

Look at the UN-loving traitors that went with Obama from the Senate to the Executive Branch. Obama never would have been nominated let alone president had he not first served in the Senate. Even Democrats would have balked at handing a street bum the nomination. (After Obama the media gave Democrats a choice between two senators, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.)

Incidentally, television made serving in the Senate a required gradation to the presidency. Filth like John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and the Chicago sewer rat are the rule not the exceptions.

Media moguls are guilty of the evils done by long-serving senators. Media paymasters would fight to the death before they would allow the XVII Amendment to be repealed. It is cheaper to elect and control a majority of senators than it is buy the HOUSE every two years. In short: Senators are bought for six years. Representatives sign two year contracts with media mouths.

Donald Trump is despised because he was not a senator as much as he is hated for being an “outsider.” The overwhelming number of REPUBLICAN U.S. Senators will stab Trump in the back even though television makes the stabbing look like a few honorable senators oppose Trump on principle.
Fox News has never been conservative. They've always been pro-faggot marriage, pro-big government, etc. What they have been is partisan for Republicans, but that appears to be crumbling. One example is the recent hiring of a Democrat crook, the ******* Donna Brazile, who was fired from CNN for giving Hillary the debate questions before a presidential debate.
More garbage from the same poster, least we should be happy he isn't using Russian propaganda sites as his sources any longer
. . . I must thank FOX for designating Hillary Clinton as spokesperson for the Constitution:

Now who do think should be spokesperson for the Constitution? The Equal Justice Tour or Hillary Clinton?

Something happened this weekend that is just too big to ignore, although It is unlikely that you will see any mention of this event on the evening news or read about it in newspapers. A spirited group of American patriots, many traveling from several hundred miles away, gathered in Chappaqua, New York, the hometown of Hillary Clinton, to demand that justice – equal justice be restored to our nation.

The Equal Justice Tour kicked off in Chappaqua, New York, where citizens assembled outside the home of Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday, May 26, 2019, to call attention to her illegal activities as documented by FBI Director James Comey during her tenure as Secretary of State


In the words of Robert Kennedy, “[T]he glory of justice and the majesty of law are created not just by the Constitution - nor by the courts - nor by the officers of the law - nor by the lawyers - but by the men and women who constitute our society - who are the protectors of the law as they are themselves protected by the law.”

Americans Unite to Demand Justice
By Doug Hagmann
May 28, 2019
Fox News has never been conservative. They've always been pro-faggot marriage, pro-big government, etc. What they have been is partisan for Republicans, but that appears to be crumbling. One example is the recent hiring of a Democrat crook, the negress Donna Brazile, who was fired from CNN for giving Hillary the debate questions before a presidential debate.

"pro-faggot marriage"? "...negress..."? Really? Your posts speaks volumes about you. About Fox News? Not so much.
The Clinton machine can waltz in and steal the nomination in a deadlocked convention.​

I forgot that M.O. has blacks and women in her pocket. My gal Judi gave me an idea for five acts of vaudeville. What a laugh riot it would be if another Obama beat Hillary out of the nomination:

Caravan of Crazies Holding Seat Warm for 2020 Clinton-Obama Ticket
By Judi McLeod
May 29, 2019

If looks could kill these two would be chopped meat:

There are so many clowns hustling campaign donations they reminded me of something I said about Hillary Clinton.

The Clinton machine can waltz in and steal the nomination in a deadlocked convention. Forget that Hillary is old and sick. She does not have to campaign for the nomination. She has women and blacks sewed up, and she will not spend a penny until after she gets the nomination. If beating Trump is the game, Hillary has the “I won the popular vote.” fairytale going for her. Naturally, she has to avoid being indicted before the general election.

Mighty Louse is racing the clock. Can she get the nomination before she is indicted?

I have zero faith in the Department of Justice.

Judicial Watch pushing the indictment is the public’s last chance to see Hillary Clinton doing the perp walk.

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