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I am not an American ( I'm an Australian), but I have always - since my early 20s - been extremely interested in American politics, and for lots of reasons.

This post is about the American flag (i.e. the red, white and blue coloured, "Stars and Stripes" emblem).

My understanding was always that all Americans were VERY proud of their flag and the beliefs and values that it symbolised.

Pride in the "Stars and Stripes" cut across any and all political divisions in the US.

But it seems to me that this is not the case anymore. I might have this wrong, but in modern-day America the "Stars and Stripes" has increasingly been portrayed as a banner of the reactionary political right. Proudly flying the American flag in public or having one on display outside your home is viewed as passe and "UNCOOL" and somewhat "vulgar" This is because it's what TRUMPERS and MAGA Republicans do - i.e. people who are ignorant, white supremacists and the opposite of "Woke" The same people are stereotyped as primitive gun - toting yahoos who own Ford (F-series) pickup trucks and spend half of their lives watching professional sports (like basketball and gridiron).

I am a major fan of Donald TRUMP and I watch all of his rallies. At his rallies there are alway plenty of "Stars and Stripes" banners on display, and the whole events are almost LITERALLY coloured : red, white and blue, in a nod to the American national flag Yet whenever I see an (official) Democrat, political rally or watch a group affiliated with the Democrats campaigning some liberal political issue or cause in public, (like that disgraceful, LGBTQ rally where a bunch of gay men rode about their push-bikes naked - frightening children in the crowd as they "flopped and jiggled" their way past them !!), there are no "Stars and Stripes" flags to be seen anywhere (??).

Do you think my observations (above) are accurate, or are they just something I have imagined ??

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!