Tentative hello!

The Party is over now that the Christian Nationalists have lost their Dear Leader Trump.
But, if you like to watch grown people cry a lot, you've come to the right place.
The Party is over now that the Christian Nationalists have lost their Dear Leader Trump.
But, if you like to watch grown people cry a lot, you've come to the right place.

...^ from the queen of crying. LOL!
Already cleared the driveway for the GF to get to work. We got 14 inches (of snow). That 14" excites you, doesn't it Jack?

Do you swallow? Askin' for Jack...

you sure do seem to have a lot of graphic gay fantasies....just because you are a stupid fuck right wing loser does not mean you should suppress your gayboy tendencies. nobody cares about your personal life or what his name is. you just be you.
you sure do seem to have a lot of graphic gay fantasies....just because you are a stupid fuck right wing loser does not mean you should suppress your gayboy tendencies. nobody cares about your personal life or what his name is. you just be you.

You excited too? Pervert...
Hiya. Found out a few pals are here...so....thought I would come see what it's all about. :)

Croeso/Welcome. There are a few bright and decent people on here, and quite a few extremist trumpers, who believe nothing can be true unless their Fuhrer has said it, contradicted it and said it again five times. It is an interesting study in the pathology of nutter-politics, and a fascinating lesson about what accepting silly lies can do to the mind.


I'm pretty new here also, a couple months. As you've seen, these people can't even greet a newcomer without resorting to childish insults and incivility. Hard to feel that you're being welcomed. I, and hopefully you, would like to see that change. How can our nation remain strong and free when citizens automatically lash out at people who are only guilty of holding different opinions??

Here's hoping we will have interesting, spirited, and thoughtful discussions in the days and weeks to come.

I'm pretty new here also, a couple months. As you've seen, these people can't even greet a newcomer without resorting to childish insults and incivility. Hard to feel that you're being welcomed. I, and hopefully you, would like to see that change. How can our nation remain strong and free when citizens automatically lash out at people who are only guilty of holding different opinions??

Here's hoping we will have interesting, spirited, and thoughtful discussions in the days and weeks to come.

The 'Reality' here at JPP is a partisan 'Red Team/Blue Team' mentality.
Good Luck with a rational conversation/discussion of any topic that isn't based on 'Team Loyalty'.