Terrified Righties try to keep Americans from seeing the truth


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Boehner’s office cuts off C-SPAN cameras as GOP takes verbal beating

A strange thing happened Wednesday morning on Capitol Hill.

As Rep. Stenny Hoyer (D-MD) attempted to call for a vote to extend a payroll tax cut to middle class and working Americans, his Republican colleagues adjourned the House and walked out of the chamber. And if that weren’t odd enough, it got even stranger: As Hoyer railed against them for failing to help working Americans, footage from C-SPAN went silent, then cut away.

Moments later, C-SPAN took to the Internet to explain that it wasn’t their doing, but someone working for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH).

The incident occurred mere moments after the House went into session. Hoyer made a motion for a vote on the Senate’s payroll tax cut extension, which would extend the lower rates for another two months, but the Republican presiding over the House did not acknowledge the motion. He instead adjourned the House, then got up and walked out.

“As you walk off the floor, Mr. Speaker, you’re walking away, just as so many Republicans have walked away from taxpayers, the unemployed, and very frankly, as well, from those who will be seeking medical assistance from their doctors, 48 million senior citizens,” Hoyer can be heard saying.

“We regret, Mr. Speaker, that you have walked off the platform without addressing the issue of critical importance to this country, and that is the continuation of the middle class tax cut, the continuation of unemployment benefits for those at risk of losing them, and a continuation of the access to doctors for all those 48 million seniors who rely on them daily for help.”

And that’s when the audio cut out. Seconds later, footage faded to a shot of the capitol from outside.

Moments later, someone at C-SPAN took to Twitter and explained: “C-SPAN has no control over the U.S. House TV cameras – the Speaker of the House does.”

It’s for reasons just like this, one might infer, that Boehner told C-SPAN back in February it would not be allowed control its own cameras.

“As you walk off the floor, Mr. Speaker, you’re walking away, just as so many Republicans have walked away from taxpayers, the unemployed, and very frankly, as well, from those who will be seeking medical assistance from their doctors, 48 million senior citizens,” Hoyer can be heard saying.

????.....would that be the ten month reduction in the extension the House approved just last week?..........I still haven't quite figured out why the Democrats demanded this ten month reduction......can anyone explain that?......
Ah yes, such deplorable "partisanship"... :(

Breaking Speaker Pelosi's News Blackout

New technologies broke a news blackout attempted by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Friday afternoon, 8/1/08, starting at 11:30 am (Eastern) Real Time News was the only window to a major event in the House of Representatives. The Democratic Party controlled-House had just voted to adjourn for a 5-week vacation without voting, or even engaging in debate, on solutions to America's energy crisis. As the Democrats went out to their gasoline-powered cars to drive to the airport to board jet fuel-powered aircraft, the House Republicans stayed on to present their All of the Above Energy Plan. Despite Speaker Nancy Pelosi removing the press from the gallery, and having lights, microphones and C-Span cameras turned off, media coverage continued, against House rules, entirely via Twitter and Qik live cell-phone video.

Thanks to Rep. John Culberson (R-TX) there was one small camera recording the events. Twitter messages alerted America to the historic events. Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ) named the event "The New Boston Tea Party", but that was quickly changed to "The Boston Tweet Party" by the new, tech real-time media. Messages flew across the country to anyone wanting to participate, as Culberson led the Real Time Media charge sending out live messages from the House floor.

Ah yes, such deplorable "partisanship"... :(

Breaking Speaker Pelosi's News Blackout

New technologies broke a news blackout attempted by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Friday afternoon, 8/1/08, starting at 11:30 am (Eastern) Real Time News was the only window to a major event in the House of Representatives. The Democratic Party controlled-House had just voted to adjourn for a 5-week vacation without voting, or even engaging in debate, on solutions to America's energy crisis. As the Democrats went out to their gasoline-powered cars to drive to the airport to board jet fuel-powered aircraft, the House Republicans stayed on to present their All of the Above Energy Plan. Despite Speaker Nancy Pelosi removing the press from the gallery, and having lights, microphones and C-Span cameras turned off, media coverage continued, against House rules, entirely via Twitter and Qik live cell-phone video.

Thanks to Rep. John Culberson (R-TX) there was one small camera recording the events. Twitter messages alerted America to the historic events. Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ) named the event "The New Boston Tea Party", but that was quickly changed to "The Boston Tweet Party" by the new, tech real-time media. Messages flew across the country to anyone wanting to participate, as Culberson led the Real Time Media charge sending out live messages from the House floor.


More republican drivel. Boehner is a criminal and needs to get booted. LEARN TO LIKE IT :)
????.....would that be the ten month reduction in the extension the House approved just last week?..........I still haven't quite figured out why the Democrats demanded this ten month reduction......can anyone explain that?......

If you'd like to discuss that particular topic, perhaps you should start a thread and do just that.

The topic of discussion in this thread is Boehner pulling the plug on C-Span because he didn't want Americans seeing how cowardly House Republicans were
They pivoted by passing their year-long extension, which had poison pill riders attached to it (drug testing for unemployment recipients, for example, because in this economy if you're jobless it must be because you're high).

Republicans don't actually favor a full-year extension. For example, Texas Rep. Pete Sessions, who chairs the House GOP's campaign committee, told the Los Angeles Times in September that it is a "horrible idea"...

This scenario seems familiar—House Republicans playing, as Florida GOP Rep. Thomas Rooney put it, "high stakes poker" in an effort to push their extremist agenda, with the stakes being the economy and people's livelihood—it is.

We've seen this scenario play out again (see the near-government shutdown in April) and again (recall the unnecessary debt ceiling crisis in August).

The big difference is that even Senate Republicans are fed up with their wild-eyed, Tea Partying House brethren.

"It angers me that House Republicans would rather keep playing politics than find solutions," Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown said after the House voted Tuesday to reject the Senate's bipartisan bill.

"Their actions will hurt American families and be detrimental to the fragile economy." Nevada GOP Sen. Dean Heller said the House maneuvering "is about political leverage."

If you'd like to discuss that particular topic, perhaps you should start a thread and do just that.

The topic of discussion in this thread is Boehner pulling the plug on C-Span because he didn't want Americans seeing how cowardly House Republicans were

I think my comment is relevant......they are hardly cowardly for voting a year long extension of the cuts.....what exactly did the Democrats accomplish with their obstructionism?......Cspan was probably turned off because the House was no longer in session......
A full-year extension of the tax cut had been embraced by virtually every lawmaker in both the House and Senate but had been derailed in a quarrel over demands by House Republicans.

Senate leaders of both parties had tried to barter such an agreement among themselves a week ago but failed, instead agreeing upon a 60-day measure to buy time for talks next year.

Thursday's decision by Boehner, R-Ohio, to cave in to the Senate came after days of criticism from Obama and Democrats.

But perhaps more tellingly, GOP stalwarts including Republican senators and outside strategists warned that if the tax cuts were allowed to expire, Republicans would take a political beating

Republicans granted a one year extension on December 13, Democrats blocked that extension in favor of a temporary 60 day extension.....it remains to be seen if Democrats will come around and agree to a full extension......
Republicans granted a one year extension on December 13, Democrats blocked that extension in favor of a temporary 60 day extension.....it remains to be seen if Democrats will come around and agree to a full extension......

Minus the 9 poison pills...
Okay... So another Democrat decides to grandstand and use the House floor and public airwaves to spread Democrat propaganda and talking points, and the Speaker has enough and turns the lights out.... are you butt hurt, or do you not comprehend what just happened to you? This isn't a filibuster, this isn't a platform for you to spread lies and distortion, and bash or rail on republicans. It is the US House of Representatives, they have rules and guidelines, parliamentary procedures and ethical decorum, it is not your personal political soapbox, and enough is enough!

You pinheads all need to have a great big tall glass of Fuck Off!
Boehner’s office cuts off C-SPAN cameras as GOP takes verbal beating

A strange thing happened Wednesday morning on Capitol Hill.

As Rep. Stenny Hoyer (D-MD) attempted to call for a vote to extend a payroll tax cut to middle class and working Americans, his Republican colleagues adjourned the House and walked out of the chamber. And if that weren’t odd enough, it got even stranger: As Hoyer railed against them for failing to help working Americans, footage from C-SPAN went silent, then cut away.

Moments later, C-SPAN took to the Internet to explain that it wasn’t their doing, but someone working for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH).

The incident occurred mere moments after the House went into session. Hoyer made a motion for a vote on the Senate’s payroll tax cut extension, which would extend the lower rates for another two months, but the Republican presiding over the House did not acknowledge the motion. He instead adjourned the House, then got up and walked out.

“As you walk off the floor, Mr. Speaker, you’re walking away, just as so many Republicans have walked away from taxpayers, the unemployed, and very frankly, as well, from those who will be seeking medical assistance from their doctors, 48 million senior citizens,” Hoyer can be heard saying.

“We regret, Mr. Speaker, that you have walked off the platform without addressing the issue of critical importance to this country, and that is the continuation of the middle class tax cut, the continuation of unemployment benefits for those at risk of losing them, and a continuation of the access to doctors for all those 48 million seniors who rely on them daily for help.”

And that’s when the audio cut out. Seconds later, footage faded to a shot of the capitol from outside.

Moments later, someone at C-SPAN took to Twitter and explained: “C-SPAN has no control over the U.S. House TV cameras – the Speaker of the House does.”

It’s for reasons just like this, one might infer, that Boehner told C-SPAN back in February it would not be allowed control its own cameras.


Wow, it is becoming more like the USSR.