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""People who voted a month ago didn't know who the Republican nominee was going to be. They didn't perhaps factor in that it will be about national security because, indeed, with Senator McCain, that's what it will be about," Clinton told CNN Wednesday.

"I have a lifetime of experience. Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience. Senator Obama's campaign is about one speech he made in 2002," she said, referring to the Illinois Democrat's speech in which he announced his opposition to the then-pending invasion of Iraq.

Aside from reminding everyone how despicable these comments are, I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me regarding what she means by a "lifetime of experience" on national security? What does she mean when she says she's "tested"?

For a media that is supposedly "in the tank" for Obama, she's getting a free ride on that one....
Political speaking. If not asked a follow-up then she gets by with it. She's been saying something about "day one" all along, even last night in her speech. I have always wondered where the proof of this is.
"Experience" is a meaningless word establishment politicians throw around whenever they know they're getting their asses kicked. "Experience" in the senate, quite frankly, would be worthless for an executive office, and in any case, Obama could handle the job just as well.

Abraham Lincoln only had two years of elected office behind him (in the house of representatives) whenever he became president. Did it hinder him? No.
In fact, really, if you look at the past, the most "experienced" presidents were usually unnoteworthy. Like Ford, Nixon, LBJ, each of whom had been in politics for decades and had held national office for a long time. Then think about Kennedy (who had barely 8 years in the senate when elected), or Clinton, or even Reagan, all of whom were only beginners or who had little experience. The more time in office, the more spoiled they get. It's a good thing to throw a fresh face up there.
""People who voted a month ago didn't know who the Republican nominee was going to be. They didn't perhaps factor in that it will be about national security because, indeed, with Senator McCain, that's what it will be about," Clinton told CNN Wednesday.

"I have a lifetime of experience. Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience. Senator Obama's campaign is about one speech he made in 2002," she said, referring to the Illinois Democrat's speech in which he announced his opposition to the then-pending invasion of Iraq.

Aside from reminding everyone how despicable these comments are, I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me regarding what she means by a "lifetime of experience" on national security? What does she mean when she says she's "tested"?

For a media that is supposedly "in the tank" for Obama, she's getting a free ride on that one....

yeah, I got nothing on this one. I have no clue.
i liked how in Houston i think obama said.. if she wants to claim bills presidency as her experience thats fine.. but you have to take the good and the bad. cant pick and choose.
Political speaking. If not asked a follow-up then she gets by with it. She's been saying something about "day one" all along, even last night in her speech. I have always wondered where the proof of this is.

Obama seems to have identified this as a potential vulnerability. I saw him bring it up in a couple of interviews today.

I think he got the message that he won't be able to "high road" his way to the Presidency. We're about to see a different campaign from him, though I think he recognizes the difference between fighting tough, and fighting dirty.
jeezz, she's desparate lorax.
I'm sure you won't be happy till Obama pounds her rightfully into sand.
Obama seems to have identified this as a potential vulnerability. I saw him bring it up in a couple of interviews today.

I think he got the message that he won't be able to "high road" his way to the Presidency. We're about to see a different campaign from him, though I think he recognizes the difference between fighting tough, and fighting dirty.

Well here is the problem with that and why I think Obama didn’t go after her on it. I have seen him say that “if Hillary wants to use her 8 years as first lady on her resume, and that’s fine I have no problem with that…” and then he would go on to say, she can’t claim she always had a problem with NAFTA (he is correct there).

Ok the problem – he has let her do that because if he said look lady you are full of S H I T, you were married to the Governor of Arkansas and then to the President. Your only actual “experience” is as a lawyer, and a one and a half term Senator…he takes the big risk of pissing off women, I’d say 50 or 55 and over who stayed home and raised kids, or raised kids and worked but didn’t get as far as their husbands did, but feel that they are due credit for their husband’s success because he couldn’t have done it without that support system they made at home. Now I don’t know if this is right or wrong that they should feel this way. I’m not in their position and I don’t know how I would feel if I were, but I think it’s why he’s shied away.

The fact is – he’s not getting white women over 40. So fuck it, he’s got to take her on on this, and he should have a month ago, because she is full of shit on this 35 years of experience claim, in my opinion. Full of shit.
I don't think he necessarily has to piss women off. He has to "Obama-cize" the criticism, which he already is doing:

"I think that this week she made a series of arguments about why she would be a superior candidate," he told reporters in San Antonio. "She made the experience argument that she’s been making repeatedly, particularly around foreign policy and her ability to handle a crisis."

"I think it’s important to examine that claim and not just allow her to assert it, which I think has been going on for quite some time. She has made the argument that she is thoroughly vetted in contrast to me. I think its important to examine that argument."

"One of the things that I hope people start asking is what exactly is this foreign experience that shes claiming?" Obama added. "I know she talks about visiting 80 countries. Its not clear…was she negotiating treaties or agreements or was she handling crises during this period of time? My sense is the answer is 'no.'"

"I have not seen any evidence that she is better equipped to handle a crisis. If the only criteria is longevity in Washington then she's certainly not going to beat John McCain on that."
She was Bill Clinton's wife. Obviously, that means she has more experience than anyone ever.

Her experience isn't limited to being first lady, and a one and a half term senator. She's served on numerous presidential, corporate and guvenatorial boards and commissions, and had a successful career as one of america's top corporate lawyers.

Certainly, Mitt Romney played up his private sector and corporate experience. He was only a one term governor after all.
Oh, and Obama has a lifetime of substantial and relevant experience outside the senate too.

The "expericence" argument is moronic. They're both highly qualified.
Her experience isn't limited to being first lady, and a one and a half term senator. She's served on numerous presidential, corporate and guvenatorial boards and commissions, and had a successful career as one of america's top corporate lawyers.

Certainly, Mitt Romney played up his private sector and corporate experience. He was only a one term governor after all.

And NONE of that in any way makes her "experienced and tested and ready on day one" to get "that call" Cypress. It's BULLSHIT.
And NONE of that in any way makes her "experienced and tested and ready on day one" to get "that call" Cypress. It's BULLSHIT.

I know. I followed up with how BS the experience argument is. Both of them are highly qualified to be president.
It's particularly BS in light of the 1st quote on the thread, in which she's basically saying she has a "lifetime" of national security experience (compared to 1 speech for Obama).
Darla said:
The fact is – he’s not getting white women over 40. So %^ck it, he’s got to take her on on this, and he should have a month ago, because she is full of s&^% on this 35 years of experience claim, in my opinion. Full of s&^%.

Without beign so coy, can you tell us how you really feel?