Thank God The Clintons Only Had One


Verified User

As if Joe Biden succoring his son with Ukrainian oligarch cash weren't enough nepotism for the princeling political class, here come the big leaguers in that game, the Clintons.

According to the New York Post:

The retirement of longtime New York Rep. Nita Lowey could open the door for a political newcomer with big political name — Chelsea Clinton.

“Is Chelsea Clinton going to make her move?” one New York Democrat asked shortly after learning of Lowey’s retirement.

Page Six first reported in 2016 that the former first daughter was being groomed for the 17th district seat. The district includes Rockland County and portions of Westchester, including the Chappaqua home of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

“Chelsea would be the next extension of the Clinton brand,” a source said at the time.


Rather than have Chelsea prove her chops at a minimum in a contested district, Democrats have wheeled out an easy one for her, a safe, solid blue district with no major exertion needed to win, as if to ensure that there is always a Clinton somewhere in power.

Funny how that coincides with Chels also signing her name to the claptrap book about 'gutsy women' her mom Hillary Clinton was shilling as her possible new presidential campaign entry, which is just the thing for getting press coverage before announcing a candidacy.

It's like the whole thing was planned all along.

And it's an amazingly bad idea. For all Chelsea's fantastic collection of academic honors or $100,000 a year consulting jobs, has the presidential daughter ever said so much as one thing that suggests any scintilla of talent or creativity? She's exists as a reminder that the ivy league system is probably to at least a certain extent, rigged.

So is the New York City and northward district ready to help perpetrate a Clinton dynasty by handing the pampered princess this easy seat? It will be if these people vote for her. It's possible they won't - this time it seems there is some primary competition which might have been what prompted Lowey to throw in the towel. But it won't be a good thing for the Democrats to entrench an elite, built on scions of past lions, in place of the current dinosaurs who, like Lowey, are getting ready to retire.

October 11, 2019
Ready for Rep. Chelsea Clinton?
By Monica Showalter

Take a look a Nita Lowey and Hillary Clinton. The reason Lowey decided not to run for the Senate in 2000 failed the smell test:

Lowey strongly considered running for the United States Senate in 2000, but stepped aside when First Lady of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton announced her candidacy. Lowey was considered a top contender for appointment to Clinton's Senate seat after Clinton was nominated to be Secretary of State, but in a December 1, 2008 phone interview with the Associated Press, she stated that she isn't interested in giving up her senior seat on the House Appropriations Committee.

After Lowey handed Clinton the Senate seat in 2000, the “tough NY press corps” was not taking any chance that an empty suit, Rick Lazio, would pull-off an upset; so the “tough NY press corps” insured Hillary’s victory by asking powderpuff questions while she was tiptoeing around the state on her infamous listening tour:

The committee has been in operation for almost a week, but now she can officially start the exploring, which she will do today, when she begins a summerlong "listening tour" with a four-day jaunt through Upstate New York.

The tour opens at the farm of retiring Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.), the intellectual heavyweight she hopes to replace, and continues with an education round table at the State University of New York at Oneonta. Thursday she will start early with another "listening event" in Cooperstown -- this time about health care, a topic with which she has some familiarity.


"Hillary Clinton is eager to begin this tour and looks forward to listening to New Yorkers across the state," Wolfson said.

First Lady Beginning New York 'Listening' Tour
By Michael Grunwald
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 7, 1999; Page A4

NOTE: Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reports that Chelsea Clinton is starting small. Her planned listening tour will not take her beyond the boundaries of New York’s 17[SUP]th[/SUP] congressional district.

In 2006, Hillary had a cinch in the person of Kirsten Gillibrand who dived in the tank faster than a Cormorant dives for a fish. Gillibrand got the Senate seat as a payoff when Hillary resigned to become secretary of state. (Gillillbrand went on to win a special election in 2010 against a Republican cadaver.)

In 2008, Hillary could not beat a community organizer right out of the Chicago sewer system.

Now jump to 2011:

NY-18 Rep. Nita Lowey's office says it's not true she's leaving the office she won in 1988 to pave the way for a Chelsea Clinton bid for Congress.


Lowey "stepped aside for Hillary once. She ain't going to do it for the kid," said one skeptical Dem.

Lowey "stepped aside for Hillary once. She ain't going to do it for the kid," said one skeptical Dem.

Update 3: Our Glenn Blain spoke with Westchester Democratic Chairman Reginald LaFayette, who said he’s heard no talk of Clinton running for Congress. LaFayette fully expects Lowey to run for re-election next year.

October 26, 2011 6:24 PM
Team Lowey Squashes Chelsea Clinton Story (Updated x 4: Now With More Squashing)
BY Celeste Katz

Time marches on. Nita Lowey is retiring next year. QUESTION: Is Lowey stepping aside for the kid? ANSWER: My best guess is that a little money changed hands in order to provide Lowey with a few creature comforts in her retirement years.

An article by Keith Riler An Aristocracy of Incompetence could have been written for the Clintons today. In every field of human endeavor —— except politics —— competence is easily measured. A worthwhile competent businessman or a talented artist may, or may not, pass skill on to an offspring. Naturally, an individual may very well be the first in his or her family to have real talent. More often than not talent and competence ends with the original.

In politics, incompetence passes for governing skill because the test of time is the only measuring tool. Unfortunately for media darlings, incompetence is obvious right from the start. Happily, history punishes incompetent those ‘leaders’ despite media efforts to canonize them by forgetting them, or worse still by telling the truth.

Bill Clinton, more than any other president in recent years, is living proof that presidents are wasting their time when they are driven to acquire the kind of fame that ends up being taught to school children for centuries à la Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, and so many more. I cannot put America’s Founding Fathers at the top of every list of historical men who had competent governing skills in abundance because the Department of Education is erasing them from public school curricula. I should say replacing the Founders with filthy Democrats like the Clintons, Obama, and Joe Biden etc.

A slew of Socialists/Communists who acquire political fame while they are alive are forgotten more quickly than every other kind of political animal. Joe Stalin is a Communist that Russians cannot forget fast enough. In time, even Lenin will only be remembered because of his tomb; much like Ulysses S. Grant. Lenin might make a comeback if a Russian Groucho Marx asks “Who is buried in Lenin’s tomb?”

NOTE: Karl Marx is still hanging in there as a Communist like a dead pope, but not remembered as a politician.

In order to claim competence a live politician need only preach one of the following: We’s all God’s Chillun, the common good, feed the poor, cure the sick, educate the illiterate who remain stupid after they can read and write, and so on.

Moralizing is an incompetent politician’s substitute for competence. Media support is the one sure thing an incompetent politician can hand down to an offspring.

Former co-president, Hillary Clinton, had even less governing competence than Bill. Neither of the two ever had a political thought that was good for individual liberties. They only think government control and whatever strengthens government’s grip on free people.

Chelsea running for Nita Lowey’s seat convinces me that Mrs. Clinton is laying the groundwork for establishing a matriarchate rather than going for traditional, male-dominated, dynasties like the Kennedys, the Longs in Louisiana, the Rockefeller clan who combined a private fortune with a political dynasty, et al. At first glance Mrs. Clinton only has one daughter to work with. A closer look includes her Feminazi sisters.


Presidential candidates are supposed to have governing experience. The MSM makes a big deal out of lack of governing experience when the candidate is not one their favorites. Obviously, experience is not required for the House or Senate.

When Hillary Clinton ran for the Senate in 200 her experience consisted of marrying Bubba, being a crooked lawyer in Arkansas, being first lady, and being in charge of bimbo eruptions. When she ran for the Democrat party nomination in 2008 her Senate experience was a joke at best. Hussein had even less experience than Clinton. Did her Senate record put a dent in Hussein’s short tenure in the Senate? Answer: Both did nothing of value for the country, but Clinton took eight years to do it.

Do not look for the “tough New York press corps” to be any more critical of Chelsea than they were of Hillary in 2000 and 2006.

Everything Keith Riler said will hold true should the Clintons get their matriarchy up and running with Chelsea:

Finally, the Clinton Crime Dynasty is the closest thing to the Kennedy Dynasty you can find with one notable caveat. Ted Kennedy would have been put in jail if he openly committed the crimes the Clintons commit with impunity.

There is another piece of evidence to support monarchy’s rebirth. The reports of how elected officials are routing big bucks to their kinfolk by going through lobbying firms, passing legislation favorable to themselves, influence peddling, and so on, amounts to an American variation of ancient nepotism.

Totalitarian Communist countries and monarchies have much in common, not the least of which is fierce nepotism. Nepotism at the state and local levels is not new. Previously nepotism meant soft-touch government jobs for relatives. Today, nepotism amounts to millions of tax dollars directed to worthless family members.

It is no mystery why the late Senator Ted Kennedy liked big government? Uncle Teddy never had to face a flock of chronically unemployed relatives hitting him up for a double-sawbuck every now and then.

NOTE: When John F. Kennedy, Jr. died in a plane crash in 1999 it was reported that there were over 80 Kennedys in “public service.” The end of famous Kennedys might be in sight, but nepotism guarantees that the American people will be supporting the Kennedy family for generations to come.

Now that nepotism is running rampant in the federal government, America’s early promise of a fair government is further diminished.

Interestingly, monarchies codify nepotism. The concept of civil service was a solution to the evils of nepotism. Contemporary nepotism not only sterilizes the procedure for becoming a civil servant, civil service itself was turned into a joke every time anyone claims they are going into government because they want to give something back. Many immigrants dive into the public trough as soon as they get here; so I have to ask exactly what they give back? From the things I heard educated immigrant parasites say on the talkies over the years, I would just as soon they not give anything back.
Don't drag God into vendettas, propaganda, and hate. It curses his name.

all right wing crap sites who very likely get ideas and money from Russia


If we reflect on the current crises that afflict our nation, look no further than the poison injected into our national bloodstream by the Clintons.

There is no need to go back to the numerous scandals that bedeviled Bill Clinton's days in office, as governor of Arkansas, and as president. Hillary was behind them all: Whitewater, bimbo eruptions, foreign money (remember Charlie Trie?). Bill Clinton was a walking, talking, serial philanderer scandal. He was rightfully impeached for lying under oath. The man was and remains a cad. But when it comes to criminality, Bill can't hold a candle to Hillary. Machiavelli would be proud: "Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception." Hillary's entire life in politics has been about deception in the certain belief that she is smarter than everyone else, when in fact she is as transparent as a piece of glass. Those of us who have had to endure her presence in our public life for decades saw her for who and what she was long ago, a greedy, power-hungry pol with delusions of grandeur.

Consider though that it is the Clintons who have polluted our national politics since 1992. Sure, JFK was an adulterer, LBJ was a creep on many levels, but Hillary really does take the cake. She still thinks she won the 2016 election! She is the Stacey Abrams of national politics, fantastically deluded. And yet it is the Clintons who have led us to the present moment, the ridiculous attempt by the Democrats to impeach a successful president based on calculated lies and treachery that began with the "dossier" that Hillary commissioned Fusion GPS to produce.

All that has followed can be traced back to Hillary's campaign to be president and to insure her victory by deceit. But she was an expert at subterfuge long before she ran for president. She used her stint as Secretary of State to enrich herself with her pay-to-play scheme with the Clinton Foundation as her front. She sucked up millions into her faux charity and she saw to it that the payees got what they wanted - 20% of our uranium for example, sold to Russia. Hillary was an equal-opportunity greed machine. She sold access to America's largesse to the highest bidder. She did not distinguish between good and evil and most of those from whom she took vast sums of money were not our allies. When she lost the election, all that payola dried up for obvious reasons.

Hillary Clinton is responsible for the devastation that has been visited upon Libya. That was her baby. It was Hillary who refused to send help to our guys stranded in Benghazi when our embassy was under attack. She let Ambassador Christopher Stevens be killed. She was behind the scheme to run American guns from Libya to Syria. She proved her callous lack of foreign policy judgment with that fateful disaster. She should never again be even remotely close to having to make such decisions. Had her husband Bill had the courage, he would have taken out Osama bin Laden when he had the several chances and the horrific crime of 9/11 might have been prevented. Had Bill Clinton's Deputy AG Jamie Gorelick not built her "wall" preventing communication between intel agencies about their independent investigations of potential terrorists, 9/11 might well have been prevented. In short, the Clintons and their henchmen have done incalculable damage to this country. They are responsible for countless deaths, here and abroad. And yet this hopelessly narcissistic woman decries her loss in 2016 and still claims she won!

The three-year investigation that was in fact a cover-up operation can be traced directly to Hillary Clinton. Her coterie of fellow schemers who were dedicated to insuring her victory spent millions, lied, cheated and deceived the American people with the certainty she would win. It is a miracle that despite all their cheating, their underhanded attempt to destroy Trump, he still won. It is as though the hand of providence stepped in to save the nation. Blinded by their loathing of Trump the interloper, they've lost their minds. Their attempt to remove him from office will fail and in the process they will have revealed to all how patently perverse they are. The Democrats driving this impeachment inquiry -- Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, et. al, should be driven from office with the contempt they deserve. But we can thank the Clintons for bringing us to this crossroads. They are the bacteria that brought this national flesh-eating disease to the American psyche. They have long been a scourge on our body politic and it must end. We are where we are because of them, along with their conviction that they are superior beings entitled to rule. Each of the Democrat candidates for the presidency are following Hillary's lead - remake America into something it was never meant to be.

What is the cure for the disease? Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and their partners in crime, all those fake whistleblowers, need to be rebuked and called out for what they are - fascists masquerading as Americans. May the Horowitz, Barr and Durham reports bring them to their knees and expose them for the anti-constitutionalists, anti-Americans that they are. Trump is the ultimate anti-biotic, elected to cure the Clinton disease.

October 12, 2019
The Clintons: Flesh-eating disease of the American body politic
By Patricia McCarthy

The answer to the title question in this fantastic article is enough to strike terror terror in the hearts of every American:

October 12, 2019
Will We Ever Prosecute?
By Gordon Wysong

ANSWER: Hillary Clinton will never be charged with the one crime that is too big to punish.

Mr. Wyson’s analyses is spot on in ordinary prosecutions:

Just start with the low-hanging fruit, and get as far as possible.


So, too, can rabid prosecution of bit players in the Russian Hoax forever change the landscape in plots involving treason.

Imprisoning foot soldiers is not applicable in Hillary Clinton’s case. On the instant Hillary lost the election she was supposed to win the entire power structure in this country began covering up for her. In plain English, nobody with authority is going to pick the low-hanging fruit because those targets must be charged with treason.

Finally, I used to think that frying a small potato was the way get to the top of the food chain. Now I think differently. Every one of Hillary’s co-conspirator knew one thing while they were committing treason —— Nobody Talks —— Everybody Walks —— is the best, and only, insurance policy they have if they want to stay out of prison.
As if Joe Biden succoring his son with Ukrainian oligarch cash weren't enough nepotism for the princeling political class, here come the big leaguers in that game, the Clintons.

According to the New York Post:

The retirement of longtime New York Rep. Nita Lowey could open the door for a political newcomer with big political name — Chelsea Clinton.

“Is Chelsea Clinton going to make her move?” one New York Democrat asked shortly after learning of Lowey’s retirement.

Page Six first reported in 2016 that the former first daughter was being groomed for the 17th district seat. The district includes Rockland County and portions of Westchester, including the Chappaqua home of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

“Chelsea would be the next extension of the Clinton brand,” a source said at the time.


Rather than have Chelsea prove her chops at a minimum in a contested district, Democrats have wheeled out an easy one for her, a safe, solid blue district with no major exertion needed to win, as if to ensure that there is always a Clinton somewhere in power.

Funny how that coincides with Chels also signing her name to the claptrap book about 'gutsy women' her mom Hillary Clinton was shilling as her possible new presidential campaign entry, which is just the thing for getting press coverage before announcing a candidacy.

It's like the whole thing was planned all along.

And it's an amazingly bad idea. For all Chelsea's fantastic collection of academic honors or $100,000 a year consulting jobs, has the presidential daughter ever said so much as one thing that suggests any scintilla of talent or creativity? She's exists as a reminder that the ivy league system is probably to at least a certain extent, rigged.

So is the New York City and northward district ready to help perpetrate a Clinton dynasty by handing the pampered princess this easy seat? It will be if these people vote for her. It's possible they won't - this time it seems there is some primary competition which might have been what prompted Lowey to throw in the towel. But it won't be a good thing for the Democrats to entrench an elite, built on scions of past lions, in place of the current dinosaurs who, like Lowey, are getting ready to retire.

October 11, 2019
Ready for Rep. Chelsea Clinton?
By Monica Showalter

Take a look a Nita Lowey and Hillary Clinton. The reason Lowey decided not to run for the Senate in 2000 failed the smell test:

Lowey strongly considered running for the United States Senate in 2000, but stepped aside when First Lady of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton announced her candidacy. Lowey was considered a top contender for appointment to Clinton's Senate seat after Clinton was nominated to be Secretary of State, but in a December 1, 2008 phone interview with the Associated Press, she stated that she isn't interested in giving up her senior seat on the House Appropriations Committee.

After Lowey handed Clinton the Senate seat in 2000, the “tough NY press corps” was not taking any chance that an empty suit, Rick Lazio, would pull-off an upset; so the “tough NY press corps” insured Hillary’s victory by asking powderpuff questions while she was tiptoeing around the state on her infamous listening tour:

The committee has been in operation for almost a week, but now she can officially start the exploring, which she will do today, when she begins a summerlong "listening tour" with a four-day jaunt through Upstate New York.

The tour opens at the farm of retiring Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.), the intellectual heavyweight she hopes to replace, and continues with an education round table at the State University of New York at Oneonta. Thursday she will start early with another "listening event" in Cooperstown -- this time about health care, a topic with which she has some familiarity.


"Hillary Clinton is eager to begin this tour and looks forward to listening to New Yorkers across the state," Wolfson said.

First Lady Beginning New York 'Listening' Tour
By Michael Grunwald
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 7, 1999; Page A4

NOTE: Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reports that Chelsea Clinton is starting small. Her planned listening tour will not take her beyond the boundaries of New York’s 17[SUP]th[/SUP] congressional district.

In 2006, Hillary had a cinch in the person of Kirsten Gillibrand who dived in the tank faster than a Cormorant dives for a fish. Gillibrand got the Senate seat as a payoff when Hillary resigned to become secretary of state. (Gillillbrand went on to win a special election in 2010 against a Republican cadaver.)

In 2008, Hillary could not beat a community organizer right out of the Chicago sewer system.

Now jump to 2011:

NY-18 Rep. Nita Lowey's office says it's not true she's leaving the office she won in 1988 to pave the way for a Chelsea Clinton bid for Congress.


Lowey "stepped aside for Hillary once. She ain't going to do it for the kid," said one skeptical Dem.

Lowey "stepped aside for Hillary once. She ain't going to do it for the kid," said one skeptical Dem.

Update 3: Our Glenn Blain spoke with Westchester Democratic Chairman Reginald LaFayette, who said he’s heard no talk of Clinton running for Congress. LaFayette fully expects Lowey to run for re-election next year.

October 26, 2011 6:24 PM
Team Lowey Squashes Chelsea Clinton Story (Updated x 4: Now With More Squashing)
BY Celeste Katz

Time marches on. Nita Lowey is retiring next year. QUESTION: Is Lowey stepping aside for the kid? ANSWER: My best guess is that a little money changed hands in order to provide Lowey with a few creature comforts in her retirement years.

An article by Keith Riler An Aristocracy of Incompetence could have been written for the Clintons today. In every field of human endeavor —— except politics —— competence is easily measured. A worthwhile competent businessman or a talented artist may, or may not, pass skill on to an offspring. Naturally, an individual may very well be the first in his or her family to have real talent. More often than not talent and competence ends with the original.

In politics, incompetence passes for governing skill because the test of time is the only measuring tool. Unfortunately for media darlings, incompetence is obvious right from the start. Happily, history punishes incompetent those ‘leaders’ despite media efforts to canonize them by forgetting them, or worse still by telling the truth.

Bill Clinton, more than any other president in recent years, is living proof that presidents are wasting their time when they are driven to acquire the kind of fame that ends up being taught to school children for centuries à la Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, and so many more. I cannot put America’s Founding Fathers at the top of every list of historical men who had competent governing skills in abundance because the Department of Education is erasing them from public school curricula. I should say replacing the Founders with filthy Democrats like the Clintons, Obama, and Joe Biden etc.

A slew of Socialists/Communists who acquire political fame while they are alive are forgotten more quickly than every other kind of political animal. Joe Stalin is a Communist that Russians cannot forget fast enough. In time, even Lenin will only be remembered because of his tomb; much like Ulysses S. Grant. Lenin might make a comeback if a Russian Groucho Marx asks “Who is buried in Lenin’s tomb?”

NOTE: Karl Marx is still hanging in there as a Communist like a dead pope, but not remembered as a politician.

In order to claim competence a live politician need only preach one of the following: We’s all God’s Chillun, the common good, feed the poor, cure the sick, educate the illiterate who remain stupid after they can read and write, and so on.

Moralizing is an incompetent politician’s substitute for competence. Media support is the one sure thing an incompetent politician can hand down to an offspring.

Former co-president, Hillary Clinton, had even less governing competence than Bill. Neither of the two ever had a political thought that was good for individual liberties. They only think government control and whatever strengthens government’s grip on free people.

Chelsea running for Nita Lowey’s seat convinces me that Mrs. Clinton is laying the groundwork for establishing a matriarchate rather than going for traditional, male-dominated, dynasties like the Kennedys, the Longs in Louisiana, the Rockefeller clan who combined a private fortune with a political dynasty, et al. At first glance Mrs. Clinton only has one daughter to work with. A closer look includes her Feminazi sisters.


Presidential candidates are supposed to have governing experience. The MSM makes a big deal out of lack of governing experience when the candidate is not one their favorites. Obviously, experience is not required for the House or Senate.

When Hillary Clinton ran for the Senate in 200 her experience consisted of marrying Bubba, being a crooked lawyer in Arkansas, being first lady, and being in charge of bimbo eruptions. When she ran for the Democrat party nomination in 2008 her Senate experience was a joke at best. Hussein had even less experience than Clinton. Did her Senate record put a dent in Hussein’s short tenure in the Senate? Answer: Both did nothing of value for the country, but Clinton took eight years to do it.

Do not look for the “tough New York press corps” to be any more critical of Chelsea than they were of Hillary in 2000 and 2006.

Everything Keith Riler said will hold true should the Clintons get their matriarchy up and running with Chelsea:

Finally, the Clinton Crime Dynasty is the closest thing to the Kennedy Dynasty you can find with one notable caveat. Ted Kennedy would have been put in jail if he openly committed the crimes the Clintons commit with impunity.

There is another piece of evidence to support monarchy’s rebirth. The reports of how elected officials are routing big bucks to their kinfolk by going through lobbying firms, passing legislation favorable to themselves, influence peddling, and so on, amounts to an American variation of ancient nepotism.

Totalitarian Communist countries and monarchies have much in common, not the least of which is fierce nepotism. Nepotism at the state and local levels is not new. Previously nepotism meant soft-touch government jobs for relatives. Today, nepotism amounts to millions of tax dollars directed to worthless family members.

It is no mystery why the late Senator Ted Kennedy liked big government? Uncle Teddy never had to face a flock of chronically unemployed relatives hitting him up for a double-sawbuck every now and then.

NOTE: When John F. Kennedy, Jr. died in a plane crash in 1999 it was reported that there were over 80 Kennedys in “public service.” The end of famous Kennedys might be in sight, but nepotism guarantees that the American people will be supporting the Kennedy family for generations to come.

Now that nepotism is running rampant in the federal government, America’s early promise of a fair government is further diminished.

Interestingly, monarchies codify nepotism. The concept of civil service was a solution to the evils of nepotism. Contemporary nepotism not only sterilizes the procedure for becoming a civil servant, civil service itself was turned into a joke every time anyone claims they are going into government because they want to give something back. Many immigrants dive into the public trough as soon as they get here; so I have to ask exactly what they give back? From the things I heard educated immigrant parasites say on the talkies over the years, I would just as soon they not give anything back.

He-he, that Chelsea sure is a charmer, isn't she? And I thank GOD as well that the Clintons didn't have more than one child.
It is no mystery why the late Senator Ted Kennedy liked big government? Uncle Teddy never had to face a flock of chronically unemployed relatives hitting him up for a double-sawbuck every now and then.

When John F. Kennedy, Jr. died in a plane crash in 1999 it was reported that there were over 80 Kennedys in “public service.” The end of famous Kennedys might be in sight, but nepotism guarantees that the American people will be supporting the Kennedy family for generations to come.

The public trough will be feeding a lot more mouths when these two use their influence to get government jobs for needy kin. Between them they have 6 kids who will presumably breed a lot more Kennedys in the years ahead:

Amy Kennedy, 44, is considering vying for the Democratic nomination in a south New Jersey congressional district. The traditionally Republican district, which covers Atlantic City, is currently held by Rep. Jeff Van Drew, 66, a longtime Democratic lawmaker who switched parties last week to become a Republican over President Trump’s impeachment.

Up the Atlantic coast in Massachusetts, her cousin-in-law, Rep. Kennedy, 39, is running for the Democratic Senate nomination against incumbent Ed Markey — a prize tantamount to a general election win in the deep blue state.

‘Brand is not what it used to be’: Kennedys brace for 2020 election tests
by Naomi Lim & David Mark
December 27, 2019 12:01 AM

NOTE: “Teacher” Amy Kennedy was already feeding on tax dollars in the education industry. If she is elected she could be writing checks for fellow parasites far into the future.
Democrat Amy Kennedy is her family's last hope for a toehold in the next Congress after cousin-in-law Rep. Joe Kennedy III's defeat this week in his Massachusetts Senate primary.

Amy ain’t blood kin:

Amy Kennedy, former Rhode Island Rep. Patrick Kennedy's partner and the late Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy's daughter-in-law, is running to become the first Camelot wife to hold elected office.

Amy Kennedy burdened by family mantle in closely watched House race
by Naomi Lim
September 02, 2020 08:46 PM

Whether Amy wins or loses, the parasite class will love her. In any event the public trough will still be down by the head with Kennedy freeloaders:

NOTE: When John F. Kennedy, Jr. died in a plane crash in 1999 it was reported that there were over 80 Kennedys in “public service.” The end of famous Kennedys might be in sight, but nepotism guarantees that the American people will be supporting the Kennedy family for generations to come.​
