Thank You Arnold


Well-known member
Sales tax jumped 100 bps today in California. Way to go Arnold. How lucky we are to have you as our 'leader'.
join a tea party protest..time to show these bastards we are tired of it and we're not going to take anymore.
You know, Arnold Shwarzenagger was really a gift. He's way better than Gray Davis. Good job, California Republicans!

Actually it was really the Independents and some Democrats that gave him the win. Remember Tom McClintock ran as well and he was the conservatives favorite (not to say some conservatives didn't vote for Arnold of course but your true hard core conservatives went with Tom). And California tilts heavily Democratic/Independent so those remaining Republicans could only do so much on their own to help Arnold win.
Arnold has been neutered by being married to a Kennedy..he really is a girly man now..
Actually it was really the Independents and some Democrats that gave him the win. Remember Tom McClintock ran as well and he was the conservatives favorite (not to say some conservatives didn't vote for Arnold of course but your true hard core conservatives went with Tom). And California tilts heavily Democratic/Independent so those remaining Republicans could only do so much on their own to help Arnold win.

Yeah, no way Arnie could have won CA without the democrats.