Thanks, Al

You couldn't get elected President, so you nominated yourself Goracle of the Global Warming scare.

To enrich yourself and the other LearJet liberals, you found a new way to turn the fear you promote into profits - "carbon credits".

Tax the public into driving less, you said. So fuel (necessary to produce, transport. process, and distribute foodstuffs worldwide) is even more expensive thanks to exorbitant taxes.

No drilling for oil in America. no new refineries, no nuclear power plants, no coal-burning either. All in the name of "the environment".

The world's farmers are diverting grain production from food to ethanol, and surprise, surprise - people too poor to own energy-gobbling McMansions or drive hybrid cars at 100 MPH are now in danger of starving.

Here's the result:,1518,547198,00.html,8599,1730607,00.html
I agree that carbon credits & ethanol are kind of a sham...but your solution is more coal burning, nuke plants, more drilling in America & new refineries?

That's hopelessly stupid...
This is really blood for oil

"Kind of a sham"?

What constitutes a genuine sham in your mind?

So pollution trumps hunger? The more poor folks starve, the more oil there is for Laurie David's jet, eh?

Outside of the Soviet Union (the former Soviet Union - you may recall it was brought down by a Republican president), can you name one nuclear accident?

Can you seriously prefer mass starvation over oil drilling in America as a preferable outcome to this situation?
"Kind of a sham"?

What constitutes a genuine sham in your mind?

So pollution trumps hunger? The more poor folks starve, the more oil there is for Laurie David's jet, eh?

Outside of the Soviet Union (the former Soviet Union - you may recall it was brought down by a Republican president), can you name one nuclear accident?

Can you seriously prefer mass starvation over oil drilling in America as a preferable outcome to this situation?

Three Mile Island came way too close. On the other hand, they've gotten better and safer. I must agree with you, corn shortages are already being felt in China and people are going hungry. Wrong, pollution should not trump people.

Yes to refineries and drilling in ANWAR and where known supplies lie. Yes to coal, while using scrubbers and offering some huge incentives to discovering alternative sources.

I agree that carbon credits & ethanol are kind of a sham...but your solution is more coal burning, nuke plants, more drilling in America & new refineries?

That's hopelessly stupid...

Do you have a better option/solution?...or would you prefer to walk to your service oriented job(minimum wage) and eat left over cake? That al ,et al throws your way!

Three Mile Island came way too close. On the other hand, they've gotten better and safer. I must agree with you, corn shortages are already being felt in China and people are going hungry. Wrong, pollution should not trump people.

Yes to refineries and drilling in ANWAR and where known supplies lie. Yes to coal, while using scrubbers and offering some huge incentives to discovering alternative sources.

we are going to be the next for starvation...I would prefer a little pollution to starvation anyday...!
Ever notice?

America can't build one nuclear power plant because of liberal's (unfounded) fears of atomic Armageddon...Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can build 6,000 new centrifuges at his uranium enrichment plant, and liberals say we should let him alone.
America can't build one nuclear power plant because of liberal's (unfounded) fears of atomic Armageddon...Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can build 6,000 new centrifuges at his uranium enrichment plant, and liberals say we should let him alone.

Bull. I know for a fact that nuke plants are safe, and that accidents are an exceedingly rare occurrence.

However, I'd be interested to hear your plans for disposal of nuclear waste, which has a half-life that is beyond the average human mind's ability to comprehend. Or would you rather just not think about it, and irresponsibly keep creating the stuff in the hopes that a future generation will just be able to deal with it?
And I fail to see how the paltry amount of oil we would get from drilling in America would prevent mass starvation; perhaps you could enlighted me on that, as well.
Bull. I know for a fact that nuke plants are safe, and that accidents are an exceedingly rare occurrence.

However, I'd be interested to hear your plans for disposal of nuclear waste, which has a half-life that is beyond the average human mind's ability to comprehend. Or would you rather just not think about it, and irresponsibly keep creating the stuff in the hopes that a future generation will just be able to deal with it?

You need to tell Europe because they are on the same planet and have beaucoups of em. Have you asked them where they keep their waste ? While you're at it, ask China how they are doing with cleaning up air and water.
You need to tell Europe because they are on the same planet and have beaucoups of em. Have you asked them where they keep their waste ? While you're at it, ask China how they are doing with cleaning up air and water.

I'm not here to defend Europe or China, or to ask them anything.

Can I infer from your remarks that your attitude is f**k it, since Europe & China are creating loads of nuke waste, why shouldn't we as well?
I'm not here to defend Europe or China, or to ask them anything.

Can I infer from your remarks that your attitude is f**k it, since Europe & China are creating loads of nuke waste, why shouldn't we as well?

no--I was just curious if you spend an equal amount of effort condemning them. The environment is global--do you condemn it globally or prefer to just pick America?
no--I was just curious if you spend an equal amount of effort condemning them. The environment is global--do you condemn it globally or prefer to just pick America?

I'm an American. This is a political message board; I vote in America, so that's where my main concerns lie with regard to politics.

But, if it makes you feel better, I condemn Europe & China as well.
Gore is did not win a Peace prize because he is a self appointed anything.

BTW Reagan did not "win" the cold war.

If you recall the world give Gorbachev that distinction.

Just because republicans want to pretend Ronny did it does not make it true.