Thanks/Groans Should we keep them?


Staff member
I'm soon going to upgrade the site so I can add the new Christmas Gift for our posters this year. Does anybody think that Thanks/Groans are worthwhile and should be kept? If so, why... If not, why?
it used to be fun, groaning the morons, getting groans from the morons. seeing the thanks on more serious posts I make. but I can live without it.
i like the thank/groan system. it cracks me up. look at ugly young boys above whining about groans.

people need affirmation damocles, take away the groan/rep system and you will kill them. murder them.

a rep system will never take the place of the groan or a thanks. it can't it lacks imagination. foresight. hindsight.

i think that the thanks/groan system is abused as would the rep system

but then what else is new

so i say leave it should consider it a form of free speech like profanity, it helps keep the inmates busy
Why not keep the thanks and dump the groans.

Thanks are nice when someone makes a good point; but it doesn't warrent typing out a response.
Groans are usually just used to poke at someone.
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I like the system......I visit one board which does not use them......I run across threads or comments that I like and I have no way of expressing that to the poster without responding to it.....I use the "thanks" button here more than the "groan".....
I would prefer to have the site run as fast and smooth as possible.

dont need the thanks and groans.

I wouldnt mind the groans being gone becuase I never use it.

The thanks I could just tell the person I like their post
So far I get the feeling that most people would prefer to have thanks w/no groans. Am I getting the right impression?