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I find it bizarre the Islamic fundamentalist terrorists appear to have ceased with acts of violence against Christian Western world alliances almost the same time as this so-called "pandemic" Covid 19 started.
How considerate of them. The Police in UK. France. Australia and elsewhere are so busy beating up good citizens for not wearing a mask or visiting their neighbour or posting an anti government, anti PC comment you would think this a good time for the fundamentalists to take advantage.
Perhaps its because we have done the damage - shutting down democracy and basic freedom/rights - ourselves. (our own politicians).
We even cover our faces. LOL LOL
I find it bizarre the Islamic fundamentalist terrorists appear to have ceased with acts of violence against Christian Western world alliances almost the same time as this so-called "pandemic" Covid 19 started.
How considerate of them. The Police in UK. France. Australia and elsewhere are so busy beating up good citizens for not wearing a mask or visiting their neighbour or posting an anti government, anti PC comment you would think this a good time for the fundamentalists to take advantage.
Perhaps its because we have done the damage - shutting down democracy and basic freedom/rights - ourselves. (our own politicians).
We even cover our faces. LOL LOL

A shame.
Struggle with what? Bullshit? All I need to do is flush it. No problem.
Aaah, I get you now. YOU believe it is a terrible, terrible, thing for one to dig out the brown faced foreign peoples. It took me a few minutes but of course the lefties, such as yourself, do this all the time.
And you think that my citing the islamic terrorist guys is a bad thing because they are brown skinned and foreign and you have a misplaced false, fake empathy for them. In short: You think citing terrorism is racist. LOL LOL LOL
Aaah, I get you now. YOU believe it is a terrible, terrible, thing for one to dig out the brown faced foreign peoples. It took me a few minutes but of course the lefties, such as yourself, do this all the time.
And you think that my citing the islamic terrorist guys is a bad thing because they are brown skinned and foreign and you have a misplaced false, fake empathy for them. In short: You think citing terrorism is racist. LOL LOL LOL

Dude, I fucking hate Islamic terrorists. I want them all killed. Get it right.