Thanks to The Obama, North Carolina did very well on Tuesday


Loyal to the end
We have a Republican governor for the first time in 20 years. In 2010 we elected majorities of Republicans in the House and Senate for the first time since Reconstruction, and last Tuesday they both became super-majorities.

A dominant 12-percentage-point win over Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton gives McCrory not only the ability to claim a mandate, but also proof of across-the-aisle skills that attracted voters for President Barack Obama....The GOP gained supermajorities in the state House and Senate through Tuesday’s election, meaning legislators could override any McCrory veto.

And in the US House, we've increased our coalition by at least two and taken the majority lead:
North Carolina voters Tuesday chose at least nine Republicans to represent the state in the U.S. Congress, electing a 13-member delegation whose makeup is vastly different as a result of new district boundaries that made certain the flip from the current Democratic majority...

And in a fourth race that was being watched nationally because of its expected closeness, incumbent U.S. Rep. Mike McIntyre, a Democrat, and David Rouzer, a two-term Republican state senator, are headed to a recount in the 7th District. Merely 507 votes separated the candidates, according to unofficial results...

Democrats held seven or eight of the 13 seats from North Carolina in each of the past three terms of Congress, with a current 7-6 majority of the delegation.
Thanks to Obama winning, humanity has a chance to continue it's existence for an indeterminately lengthened amount of time.
Thanks for admitting destruction is part of your platform.
Destruction of the Democrat Party, yes:

North Carolina Republicans can never remember soaring so high in state government with Pat McCrory entering the Executive Mansion and expanding GOP majorities at the Legislative Building come January.

Democrats can't remember sitting so low.

As the dominant force in North Carolina politics for more than a century, Democrats almost always held all the strings of power in Raleigh. They'll all be cut after last week's election. The Democrats' 20-year winning streak for governor is over. They'll hold barely one-third of the legislature's seats, and Republicans remain the majority on the state Supreme Court.

Democrats also took hits in federal races. North Carolina was the only battleground state President Barack Obama lost in his successful re-election campaign. And Democrats lost at least three U.S. House seats.
Based on the last few census numbers and the resultant change in federal electors, it appears that your beloved North East is the loser. :D
Poor prune, I have to remind him again of this:

We have a Republican governor for the first time in 20 years. In 2010 we elected majorities of Republicans in the House and Senate for the first time since Reconstruction, and last Tuesday they both became super-majorities.

And in the US House, we've increased our coalition by at least two and taken the majority lead...
State politics affects me much more than the feds. And The Obama is marginalized by the House. Poor prune, lives in the Gay State.
Apparently you don't, because it doesn't apply here. In fact I challenge you to illustrate otherwise.

What does apply is 'when life hands you lemons, make lemonade'.
Apparently you don't, because it doesn't apply here. In fact I challenge you to illustrate otherwise.

What does apply is 'when life hands you lemons, make lemonade'.

State politics affects me much more than the feds.

Federal conservative win (grapes too high to reach) State politics affects me much more than the feds (the federal grapes were sour anyway. These state grapes affect me much more.) Retard bitch.