That Good Ol' Trumpy-Hu$tle!!


August 22, 2016 - "After bragging for a year about how cheaply he was running his campaign, Donald Trump is spending more freely now that other people are contributing ― particularly when the beneficiary is himself.

Trump nearly quintupled the monthly rent his presidential campaign pays for its headquarters at Trump Tower to $169,758 in July, when he was raising funds from donors, compared with March, when he was self-funding his campaign, according to a Huffington Post review of Federal Election Commission filings. The rent jumped even though he was paying fewer staff in July than he did in March.

The Trump campaign paid Trump Tower Commercial LLC $35,458 in March ― the same amount it had been paying since last summer ― and had 197 paid employees and consultants. In July, it paid 172 employees and consultants.

If I was a donor, Id want answers,” said a prominent Republican National Committee member who supports Trump, asking for anonymity to speak freely. “If they don’t have any more staff, and they’re paying five times more? That’s the kind of stuff I’d read and try to make an (attack) ad out of it.”

In addition to the rent for Trump Tower space in Manhattan, Trump has paid his eponymous golf courses and restaurants more than $260,000 since his campaign and the RNC struck a joint fundraising deal in mid-May, after he essentially locked up the GOP nomination.

Trump continues to fly to campaign events on his personal Boeing 757 airliner, even though the aging jet burns some $10,000 in fuel every hour. That has made air travel one of the biggest expense categories for his campaign. In July alone, $495,000 went to Trumps company that owns the plane."

He claims he will be the only candidate to make money on his campaign! His donors are such suckers!
He claims he will be the only candidate to make money on his campaign! His donors are such suckers!

Well if you're not going to win you might as well make a few bucks on the deal, in fact if you win you should make a few bucks on the deal as well..:)

I read earlier he jacked up the rates his campaign pays him to use his facilitates X4 wtf??

I am waiting for him to make wearing that ugly hat mandatory for all followers to show trumpfsonian solidarity.. Sold only by the case & @ a lil discount for those that suckered up a few bucks for the campaign, shipped directly from red china..
Trump bribes politicians and Hillary takes bribes from Wall Street. Enjoy your duopoly scam!

Voting is for suckers! That's why Trump and Clinton are the duopoly's standard bearers. Get in line at the polls suckers!
Well if you're not going to win you might as well make a few bucks on the deal, in fact if you win you should make a few bucks on the deal as well..:)

I read earlier he jacked up the rates his campaign pays him to use his facilitates X4 wtf??

I am waiting for him to make wearing that ugly hat mandatory for all followers to show trumpfsonian solidarity.. Sold only by the case & @ a lil discount for those that suckered up a few bucks for the campaign, shipped directly from red china..

August 24, 2016 - "Donald Trump used his campaign funds to buy thousands of copies of his own book at retail cost, simultaneously diverting donor money back into his pockets while artificially boosting his sales figures. It’s a tactic that may be illegal, campaign finance experts say.

On May 10, the Trump campaign paid Barnes & Noble $55,055, according to a filing with the Federal Election Commission. That amounts to more than 3,500 copies of the hardcover version of Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again, or just over 5,000 copies of the renamed paperback release, Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America.

A spokesperson for the Republican nominee told The Daily Beast the books were purchased “as part of gifting at the convention, which we have to do.” Sure enough, delegates in attendance at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July were given canvas tote bags, stamped with the Trump slogan, and filled with copies of Crippled America, as well as Kleenex and Make America Great Again! cups, hats, and T-shirts. Delegates were also given plastic fetus figurines.

“It’s fine for a candidate’s book to be purchased by his committee, but it’s impermissible to receive royalties from the publisher,” Ryan said. “That amounts to an illegal conversion of campaign funds to personal use. There’s a well established precedent from the FEC that funds from the campaign account can’t end up in your own pocket.”

When asked if Trump agreed to forgo royalties for sales of the book, the Trump campaign refused to comment on the record while representatives at Simon & Schuster, Trump’s publisher, did not respond to repeated requests for comment."


Crooked TRUMPY??