The 25th Amendment is Now a Live Option for Removing Biden


Verified User
No sane/reasonable/responsible American adult who has any interest in the outcome of the November 2024 Presidential election would deny that Joe Biden is OBVIOUSLY mentally unfit to be President (right now), let alone for another 4 years. Moreover, many members of the American electorate are doubtless pissed about the Democrats deceitful 3 1/2 year long cover-up operation to conceal the truth of Biden's pronounced cognitive impairment from dementia. Joe Biden is cognitive "train wreck" and was already demonstrably unfit to discharge the powers and duties of POTUS when he was inaugurated January of 2021.

It is imperative that Biden resigns from office immediately. But his life-long affliction with narcissism, self-conceit and arrogance will not permit this. As politicianJoe Biden has never given a flying f**k about anyone but himself and maximising his power and status. I have very little sympathy for Biden because the truth is that ever since he was first elected to the Senate he has been an inveterate liar, a grifter and a braggart who has about as much moral integrity as a $20-dollar whore.

And even now, at the age of 81, and enveloped in the mental fog of dementia,he stubbornly remains a reprobate by instinct, a man who refuses to do what he knows (deep down) is the right thing. Biden is not merely a vile human being though, he is a very dangerous one because he more concerned about gratifying the desires of his own bloated ego than the national security of the country he swore to protect and defend.

If Biden continues to stubbornly flout the calls from both his Party's elders and members of Congress to stand down, then he must be "forcibly" removed as as soon as possible. America cannot have a Commander-in-Chief who is "non compos mentis."


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the US Constitution makes it clear that a President who in mentally (or physically) unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office must be stand down. It provides a clear mechanism to achieve this in the 25th Amendment.

So, the primary question in the case of President Biden is - "Is the President Biden mentally disabled such that he cannot carry out the powers and duties of his office?. The answers is: "Yes, this is blatantly obvious. If so he MUST remove himself from office OR be removed from office as soon as possible.

So far all of the advise Biden has been given by Senior members of his party, like "Queen Nancy" and big "Barry O" and "Shifty" Adam Schiff (as well as a growing number of Democrat members of Congress) telling him that he really, really, (really) should not contest the November 2024 election for a range of different political reasons has fallen on deaf ears. Biden stubbornly refuses to quit the Presidential race against Trump. But telling Biden he should abandon his campaign for the November election because the polls show he cannot win or funding from wealthy corporate donors has dried up, or if he is defeated by Trump the Democrat Party could very lose control of both Houses of Congress and so on, is beside the point.

The point being that he is clearly mentally unfit to be President and MUST , therefore, immediately stand down, either of his own accord, or, be removed, by law, against his will. This is what the Constitution says in no uncertain terms via the 25th Amendment. And that is the end of the story - finis. The 25th Amendment MUST be invoked immediately. This, at least, is what SHOULD/OUGHT be done according to the ultimate law of the land.


In the case of President Biden the 25th Amendment WOULD REMOVE BIDEN relatively promptly if the rthose specified to "trigger" it had the guts to do so. DEMOCRATS UNFORTUNATELY HAVE A WELL-EARNED REPUTATION FOR BEING SPINELESS SCARIED-CATS. THEY ARE AFRAID THAT IF THEY DO SOMETHING BOLD AND DECISIVE WITHOUT GETTING PERMISSION FROM ALL OF THE PARTY'S GRAND POO-BAHS, THEY WILL GET IN TROUBLE AND MAYBE EVEN HAVE THEIR BOTTOMS SPANKED.(Here is a relevant (true) example...Back in 1994 a young Democrat ,29 year-old, Kamala Harris ,was working in a very lordinary, low-profile job as a courtroom prosecutor (a Deputy DA) in California. Later hat same year she entered into a steamy relationship with an older man in his early 60's . That man was a powerful, Black, Democrat "King - Pin" - a dude called Willie Brown. At the time he began his aAfaire de Corps with Kamala, Willie was the Speaker of the California assembly and regarded as one of the state's most influential legislators. Such was his political power , he knew then -President ,Bill Clinton, personally (Clinton famously named him, "the real Slick Willy") During the time she was having her affair with Willie Brown, she acquired the nick-nama, "SPANK". This was because the fact leaked out that whenever Kamala misbehaved or did something Boss Willie thought was naughty, he would yank her panties down then give her a dem good spankin' on her bare ass in his bedroom. This show how the powerful/elite Democrats turn the majority of Democrats into passive, craven, "frightened rabbits."I.e. from a young age member of the Democrat rank and file are vigorously punished for not doing as they are told , or daring to take any independent action not approved of by the elite, upper hierarchy).


I'll use the current case of President Biden to illustrate how the 25th Amendment is evoked. as specified in Section (4).

(!) Vice President, Kamala Haris together with a "majority" of the members of cabinet transmit a written declaration to the Speaker of the House and the current President of the Senate stating that President Biden is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. The Vice President (Kamala) will then assume the office of Acting President.

(1) It it correct that President Biden is currently and incontrovertibly, mentally impaired to the degree that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of President? "YES."

(2) Is it true that the Vice President and a majority of the cabinet would be fully aware of this? "YES".

(3) Would KAMALA and a majority of cabine members be prepared to evoke the 25th by transmitting a joint written declaration to the Speaker of the House and the current President of the Senate stating that the PresidentBiden is unable (on account of his advanced dementia) to execute the powers and duties of his office? Given the the most powerful voices in the Democrat Party (Obama, Pelosi, Jeffries, and Co; )have already publicly confirmed that - to put it bluntly - thet Biden in unfit to be Pe President and want him promptly removed,from office, the answer would VERY LIKELY be "YES".

(4) When the written declaration is received, KAMALA HARRIS will immediately assume the office of "ACTING PRESIDENT".

(5) If Biden remains defiant, he is authorised to send his own written declaration to to the Speaker of the House and thePresident of the Senate stating that he IS to discharge the powers and duties of his office. If Biden were to do this he would resume his office within 4 days.

(6) Then if the VP and a majority of the members of the cabinet send ANOTHER WRITTEN DECLARATION to the Speaker of the House and the current President of the Senate restating that Biden is mentally unfit and thereby unable to discharge the powers and duties of POTUS, the issue is then handed over to CONGRESS to decide.

(7) Congress must then assemble within 48 hours for this purpose.

(8) If, within 21 days Congress determines by a TWO - THIRDS vote of both the Senate and the House of Representatives that Biden is unfit and unable to to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the VP (Kamala Harris) will resume the role of Acting President. Is it realistic to expect the two-third vote in both Houses would be forthcoming? I think "Yes it is". This is because every member of Congress knows perfectly well that Biden has pronounced dementia that renders him unfit and unable to discharge the duties and responsibilities of President long (years) before the Presidential debate of 27th June exposed the fact. To argue otherwise would be egregiously dishonest. Equally, the American electorate is now fully aware of the truth regarding the extent of Biden's cognitive degeneration, and that is a symptom of a real medical disorder - not merely natural symptom of age-related, Grandpa-type "mental slowing and endearing, "benign eccentricity". Consequently id Congress did meet the two thirds vote requirement for Biden's removal it would likely trigger widespread public outrage across the country, and this could well have very dangerous consequences.

(9) Finally Biden's current medical condition (i.e.Vascular Dementia) cannot be satisfactorily ameliorated d/cured ,; it is irreversible and guaranteed to grow progressively more severe with time. Biden would consequently has no prospect whatsoever of resuming his Presidency.

That would place Kamala, and her choice of running mate, at the top of the Democratic ticket.

That's all for now, folks

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Dear fucking idiot con

You have to have EVIDENCE

it doesn’t work by just saying “ I think he’s compromised health wise”

Fuck you very much
Dear fucking idiot con

You have to have EVIDENCE

it doesn’t work by just saying “ I think he’s compromised health wise”

Fuck you very much
The word "evidence" does not appear anywhere in the text of the 25th Amendment.

So why don't you go and stick your finger up your poxy Bung-Hole.

You'll get more cheap thrills doing that than you will by posting ignorant, Libtard bullshit on this forum.
Dear fucking idiot con

You have to have EVIDENCE

it doesn’t work by just saying “ I think he’s compromised health wise”

Fuck you very much
Read the post I sent todat to the Current Events forum.


It's a longish post and I know that you have the attention span of a blue-assed fly, so you will have to try WEELY, WEELY hard to maintain your concentration for about 10 mins if you wish to read the truth of the matter re the 25rg Amendment stipulating the necessity for any kind of scientific, medical, legal, etc evidence to be presented in any part of the process that is used when a Moon-bat demented President life Biden is told: "Hit the Road, Jack - YOU'RE FIRED !!

That's all for now.

Later, COCK-BREATH ! :sick::sick:

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!

The word "evidence" does not appear anywhere in the text of the 25th Amendment.

So why don't you go and stick your finger up your poxy Bung-Hole.

You'll get more cheap thrills doing that than you will by posting ignorant, Libtard bullshit on this forum.

It's never been used so the procedure itself is unknown territory.