The american voter simply cannot trust the Democrat party anymore


Well-known member
Nor can we trust the LW media. Together they have lied, conspired, and attempted to hide the truth about Joe Biden for YEARS now. They blustered at the very idea that Joe could be mentally unfit to serve and called it right wing propaganda and a republican smear tactic when the truth is everyon e knew he was not equipped from the very beginning of this total shit show. They totally ignored his decades long track record of selling access. They said the Hunter Biden laptop story was a Russian disinformation campaign when they all KNEW it was not because they did not want the public delving into the story because it also implicates Joe going back many years.

Enuff is finally ENUFF. Either they are complete and total LIARS,....OR......they are imbecilic and without the ability to see the massive evidence standing right in front of them that Joe is and has been far too mentally compromised to serve. Even if they do make THE SWITCH,...why on Earth would you trust them NOW? You cant. Up until just a few days ago they all sang in unison how Joe was as sharp as a tac and up to the challenge but now suddenly this NEW candidate is the ultimate answer and best for the United States. Thats just silly absurd and stupid,....if they really were the best candidate they would have ran them THIS election cycle and replaced Joe legitimately,..................BUT THEY DIDNT.

The LW apparatus is compromised,....badly. Their judgement simply cannot be trusted by ANYONE. The proof is everywhere and to deny it simply exposes them as even bigger liars than we already KNOW they are. Lets just be honest for a minute...........almost NOBODY is THIS stupid,....they absolutely KNEW Joe was a mental train wreck,....they simply didnt care. So no,....this is NOT about stupidity, that could at least be forgiven. This is about absolute and total DISHONESTY. To frame it any other way would in itself be even bigger dishonesty. OWN IT! This is what YOUR lies have done, one elses. Own it now,.........its been well earned!
Time for the dems to throw in the towel on Joe and let the old guy have at least a little dignity. Then they can march in their next Liar and propaganda artist. We simply cant let this go on anymore. I think they may even be trying to get the old guy to "stroke out" in an attempt to gain the sympathy vote for whichever liar they march in as his replacement. Not even kidding.