The Apocalypse

I saw that Rana. I found it interesting on a few levels:
1) I had read recently that Coulter was having a harder time getting airtime on the usual cable shows that she frequents. Her schtick is old, and she's just not in demand anymore. It's kind of funny that she went on MSNBC.

2) Matthews seemed both bemused and a bit fascinated by her. He thanked her 3-4 times at the end - I think he genuinely liked having her on the show.

3) Her comments on Iraq were predictably reprehensible. She didn't want to go into the reasons for war - just that Americans were now tired of war and that we shouldn't do it anymore. But she still supports that decision to invade - and said "we tried it" and it didn't work out. Incredible callousness about the lives lost in that statement.