The armor is peeling: McCain's Secret, Questionable Record

If he was going to be selected early to Admiral it is EASY to prove. Sign the release and send his full unadulterated file to news agencies. That will put an end to this story one way or the other. Actually I would like McCain to admit or deny the story first THEN have his file released. That would be the best measure of the man's character. This story reeks of coming in under sniper fire.
His fifth loss of a plane has vanished from public records, but should be a subject of discussion in his Navy file. It wouldn't be surprising if his naval superiors worried that McCain was just too defiant, too reckless and too crash prone.


I was just speculating earlier that McCain crashed his plane in north vietnam through gross pilot negligence, rather than the heroic "he was shot dow" narrative.

I was just speculating earlier that McCain crashed his plane in north vietnam through gross pilot negligence, rather than the heroic "he was shot dow" narrative.

He's crashed 5 planes and according to his class performance and ranking, probably never should have been a pilot.

More telling .. it appears that he didn't suffer as a POW as much as many have been led to believe .. I wonder if this is why many of his fellow POW's can't stand him?

The armor is peeling.
You guys are playing with fire.

As soon as the narrative of "Democrats slander War Hero McCain!" begins to emerge, you will have united the conservatives squarely behind McCain.

They are unhappy with him, and short of some collossal fuckup like this it seems likely they won't give him sufficient support to win.

But stuff like this will make them jump on the McCain bandwagon.
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You guys are playing with fire.

As soon as the narrative of "Democrats slander War Hero McCain!" begins to emerge, you will have united the conservatives squarely behind McCain. They are already unhappy with him, and short of some collossal fuckup like this it seems likely they won't give him sufficient support to win.

I'm not too sure many republicans don't already know what is being said.

If his war record proves different than what he's been saying and what's in his book, republicans can get upset all they want .. won't matter.

By the way, we're not repeating anything that has not already been said .. BY REPUBLICANS AND KARL ROVE

"The word is that he (McCain) wouldn't have made the grade as a naval aviator had not his father and grandfather been flag officers, but that's beside the point.

McCain was awarded a Silver Star, a Legion of Merit for Valor, a Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Stars, two Commendation medals, two Purple Hearts and a dozen service awards. Unfortunately the narratives for the awards only speak of his having undergone extreme mental and physical cruelties at the hands of his captors, and were described as "boilerplate" and "part of an SOP medal package given to repatriated (Vietnam-era) POWs" by Naval officers Hack interviewed. The medals were basically given out for being there, not for heroism.

The problem here is not that McCain didn't have terrible things done to him for a long time -- he did. The problem is that neither he -- nor anybody else who was in prison camp -- had a choice about whether they were endangered. But medals for heroism are supposed to be given out for actual heroic action, taken willfully and at great personal risk. They shouldn't be awarded simply because someone survived an involuntary ordeal. And didn't survive it as well as many others. McCain was quoted as saying "O.K, I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital" four days after his capture and later signed a confession declaring himself a war criminal. And although McCain refused an early release, the word is that he was ordered to do so by his U.S. POW commander.

It was unquestionably a long, painful nightmare for McCain to log all that time in a North Vietnamese prison and, for that, he deserves genuine sympathy -- the kind of sympathy you reserve for someone who survived a five year battle with cancer. And the experience may (or may not) have made him a better person. But based on the facts, he's not a war hero. And it speaks poorly of him to let his handlers promote him to the public in that way."
You guys are playing with fire.

As soon as the narrative of "Democrats slander War Hero McCain!" begins to emerge, you will have united the conservatives squarely behind McCain.

They are unhappy with him, and short of some collossal fuckup like this it seems likely they won't give him sufficient support to win.

But stuff like this will make them jump on the McCain bandwagon.

Well, first this is a message board. The obama campaign isn't going to do this, and the american public isn't reading this obscure board.

Second, the way to do this, is just how the republicans have done it for years. Make it a whisper campaign, and spread viral emails through the internet. It can't be traced to Obama.

Where do you think the Reverend Wright "fiasco" started? With republican whisper campaigns, and republicans passing racist emails to each other and spreading the viral messages on the interwebs.
Well, first this is a message board. The obama campaign isn't going to do this, and the american public isn't reading this obscure board.

Second, the way to do this, is just how the republicans have done it for years. Make it a whisper campaign, and spread viral emails through the internet. It can't be traced to Obama.

Where do you think the Reverend Wright "fiasco" started? With republican whisper campaigns, and republicans passing racist emails to each other and spreading the viral messages on the interwebs.

yes my man is correct except he refuses to acknowledge where it really came from...

I mean let's be honest Cawacko is worth hundreds of thousands. Therefore my homeboy/homegirl Cypress knows what I am spending.
Well, first this is a message board. The obama campaign isn't going to do this, and the american public isn't reading this obscure board.

Second, the way to do this, is just how the republicans have done it for years. Make it a whisper campaign, and spread viral emails through the internet. It can't be traced to Obama.

Where do you think the Reverend Wright "fiasco" started? With republican whisper campaigns, and republicans passing racist emails to each other and spreading the viral messages on the interwebs.
Yup. Just like Bush kept saying he wasn't swiftboating Kerry. Thank the gawds there is "plausible deniability"...

Yup. 'Something different' code-named 'change' is doing exactly the same as they always have. I can't say I'm disappointed.

It's always nice to have direct evidence of how it is really just more of the same...
Yup. Just like Bush kept saying he wasn't swiftboating Kerry. Thank the gawds there is "plausible deniability"...

Yup. 'Something different' code-named 'change' is doing exactly the same as they always have. I can't say I'm disappointed.

It's always nice to have direct evidence of how it is really just more of the same...

Hey screw you Damo. Pay me my respects. Whatever....
Whatup, there Wackster? I see you are drunkenposting again...

No Sir. I would like to thank you Damo because some (let's be honest, most) of the ladies on your board want yours truly, i.e. Cawacko.

Funny how being a sex symbol overcomes (no pun intended LadyT) all else.
No Sir. I would like to thank you Damo because some (let's be honest, most) of the ladies on your board want yours truly, i.e. Cawacko.

Funny how being a sex symbol overcomes (no pun intended LadyT) all else.

LMAO. Thanks Cawacko. This was a funny way to start a day.
ahh so swift boating it gonna play again in this election.

Swiftboating is the creation or manipulation of false, biased, or subjective information.

Truth is the telling of the historical record.

Why did McCain block the release of classified intelligence dealing with the POW probleM?

That's not a swiftboat, that's a question .. and there are a lot of republicans who have been asking that question for years, like Bob Smith and Bob Dornan .. Mr. UltraConservative himself.

Why did McCain block legislation that passed 401-0 in the House that required those who testified before the Armed Services Committee on POW's to tell the truth under penalty o flaw?
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