The Axis of Evil


Ahorrado por Gracia
There are, primarily speaking, three ideologies of evil at work in the western world: Marxism, Feminism, and GLBT. These three ideologies work collectively towards the goal of sexualizing young children, removing children from the authority of their parents, murdering unborn babies, and erasing any mention of the Lord Almighty from the public square. The Axis defiles the holy name of the One, True, Living God, in favor of a lie -- an idol they have constructed for themselves. The Axis believes the State is a god.

Amongst other goals, they want:

1. As many unborn babies aborted as possible.

2. Parents removed from the education system.

n a modern educational system, the State cannot be given a subsidiary role with respect to families,

3. Children having sex as young as possible.

4. To suppress the masculinity of the male sex. So perhaps there is a reason, besides making more profit, female hormones are being dumped into dairy products?

5. To exterminate the mentally disabled. Example: Terri Schiavo.

I have come to the conclusion that "humane" tactics such as "debate" are no longer an option when it comes to dealing with these wackos. They are the enemy within. It is imperative that we put a stop to their mad anarchist dream, in order that we may secure the existence our People and a future for our Children.

Brent said:
1. As many unborn babies aborted as possible.
Do have a link backing any of this bullshit up or are you drunk again?

Brent said:
2. Parents removed from the education system.

Hey Einstein, the quote you provided didn't state anything about the exclusion of parents in their kids educational system. It said the curriculum would include homosexuality.
3. Children having sex as young as possible.

Ummm, okay.

brent said:
4. To suppress the masculinity of the male sex. So perhaps there is a reason, besides making more profit, female hormones are being dumped into dairy products?

Its to fatten up the livestock so they can make more $. I'm not in favor of this for health reasons, but obviously it has nothing to do with a marxist or feminist movement.

brent said:
I have come to the conclusion that "humane" tactics such as "debate" are no longer an option when it comes to dealing with these wackos. They are the enemy within. It is imperative that we put a stop to their mad anarchist dream, in order that we may secure the existence our People and a future for our Children.

ummmm, okay.:321:
Brent said:
There are, primarily speaking, three ideologies of evil at work in the western world: Marxism, Feminism, and GLBT. These three ideologies work collectively towards the goal of sexualizing young children, removing children from the authority of their parents, murdering unborn babies, and erasing any mention of the Lord Almighty from the public square. The Axis defiles the holy name of the One, True, Living God, in favor of a lie -- an idol they have constructed for themselves. The Axis believes the State is a god.

Amongst other goals, they want:

1. As many unborn babies aborted as possible.

2. Parents removed from the education system.

3. Children having sex as young as possible.

4. To suppress the masculinity of the male sex. So perhaps there is a reason, besides making more profit, female hormones are being dumped into dairy products?

5. To exterminate the mentally disabled. Example: Terri Schiavo.

I have come to the conclusion that "humane" tactics such as "debate" are no longer an option when it comes to dealing with these wackos. They are the enemy within. It is imperative that we put a stop to their mad anarchist dream, in order that we may secure the existence our People and a future for our Children.


Oh the horror!! What country are you describing? If you think the US is remotely like what you are describing, then you are blinder than a one-eyed bat.
"I think the time for violence has now arrived," declared Larry Kramer: "I don't personally think I'm the guy with the guts to do it, but I'd like to see an AIDS terrorist army, like the Irgun which led to the state of Israel." He said, "I think we should blow up Gracie Mansion. One of my favorite notions is that we make fake blood and throw bottles of it in public places, and shout, "This is AIDS blood!" Let them think that it is. We have to scare people. We have to make their lives uncomfortable. I think we should be tying up whole cities. We should cripple this country. We should throw bombs. We should set fires. We should stop traffic. We should surround the White House."

Michael Swift said, in "Gay Revolutionary," "We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together."

He said, "Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us. Women, you cry for freedom. You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy. We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will instruct them; we will embrace them when they weep. Women, you say you wish to live with each other instead of with men. Then go and be with each other. We shall give your men pleasures they have never known because we are foremost men too, and only one man knows how to truly please another man; only one man can understand the depth and feeling, the mind and body of another man."

He said, "All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men. All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically and financially. We will triumph only when we present a common face to the vicious heterosexual enemy. If you dare to cry faggot, fairy, queer, at us, we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile your dead, puny bodies."

Homosexuals and pro-abortionists belonging to the groups ACT-UP and WHAM (Women's Health Action Mobilization) stormed New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral on December 10, 1989, assaulting parishioners, disrupting Cardinal John O'Connor's Mass by screaming and shoving people, and desecrating the consecrated Host by throwing It on the ground and stamping on It. Outside, hundreds of screaming homosexuals burned Cardinal O'Connor in effigy and attacked passersby, all because the Cardinal had refused to toe their immoral "safe sex" line. Some of the placards the homosexuals carried displayed slogans such as; "MARY SHOULD HAVE HAD AN ABORTION; "CHRIST WAS A HOMOSEXUAL;" and "DEATH TO THE CHURCH!" After the invasion of St. Patrick's cathedral, ACT-UP issued a press statement saying that its cause is "... important enough [to allow us] to invade any space, to disrupt any speech."[46] In December of 1990, in defiance of a court order resulting from the attack one year earlier, homosexuals broke into the Mass once again and made off with consecrated Hosts, which they gleefully displayed outside.[47]

In 1989 and 1990, homosexuals waged a continuing war of vandalism and outright destruction against Catholic churches in Los Angeles. Homosexual attackers calling themselves "Greater Religious Responsibility" claimed responsibility for vicious attacks against Cardinal Roger Mahony, calling him a "murderer" for opposing their "safe sex" programs and for labeling the use of condoms "immoral." They attacked the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption in Los Angeles, desecrating it with bloody-red hand prints and pornographic photographs of perverted sex acts plastered on the windows. ACT-UP posters were pasted everywhere. At St. Catherine's, they nailed a ten-foot cross festooned with plastic penises and used condoms to the church door. They smeared the chancery with animal blood and entrails that appeared to be the products of Satanic sacrifices.[48]

Dr. Chuck McIlhenny was pastor of San Francisco's First Orthodox Presbyterian Church for many years. In 1989, he exercised his Constitutional rights of free speech and assembly and helped engineer the defeat of a domestic partnership law that would have forced the public to accept homosexual immorality by compelling everyone to treat two homosexuals as a family. Anyone who did not willingly comply would be heavily fined or jailed. As one of the city's few politically active pastors, McIlhenny and his family became the focus of intense and vicious homosexual hate. For three years, they received thousands of threatening and harassing phone calls 24 hours a day, and many callers swore to sodomize and kill the McIlhenny's three young daughters. McIlhenny's home and church were firebombed. The arsons culminated in their home being firebombed while they were sleeping inside. In 1990, homosexual groups repeatedly vandalized the church and home with graffiti like "Dykes for Choice," and attacked the crisis pregnancy center housed in the church. Cowardly, skulking homosexuals broke the church's windows so many times the parishioners boarded them up permanently.[49]

When California Governor Pete Wilson vetoed the "gay rights" legislation sent to his desk in 1991, hundreds of screaming homosexuals rioted and overpowered police. They grabbed wooden police barriers and used them to smash the heavy plate glass in several office buildings, and then used the broken glass like Frisbees, pitching them at the knees of police. At least one policeman had his kneecaps shattered by this technique. The rioting homosexuals set fire to one building, causing $250,000 in damages. In keeping with a policy of greater police department "sensitivity" towards "gays," there were no arrests.[50]

"I can, in the privacy of my own skull, douse [Senator] Helms with a bucket of gasoline and set his putrid ass on fire or throw [Congressman] William Dannemeyer off the Empire State Building."

"It's hard to refrain from taking this man [Pat Buchanan] by the throat and squeezing as hard as you can while you look into his ugly, disgusting face and watch the eyeballs burst and pop out of their sockets. Or maybe you feel like stepping on his face and squishing his demented brain until the rot oozes out of it and onto the pavement. I have no problem with imagining violence against this wacko."

"We should have shut down the subway and burned down city hall. I think rioting is a valid tactic and should be tried ... If someone took out [killed] Jesse Helms or William Dannemeyer of California, I would be the first to stand up and applaud."

"If [AIDS] research money is not forthcoming at a certain level by a certain date, all gay males should give blood. Whatever action is required to get national attention is valid. If that includes blood terrorism, so be it."

Brent said:
So, nobody has any response to the quotes and facts I've posted?

I thought so.

My goal is to pee on your automobile. When Im done I'll scream "AHHH, that felt good". Then proceed to taunt you by finding that girl you like and spanking her... just like she likes it. She might even enjoy a good hair pullin'....
Brent, I don't think anyone can take your facist dilusions seriously. Feminists want to increase the number of abortions???? WTF? I started off school at a women's college and not once did any of my women's studies class bring this bull$hit you're ranting about. Its utter retarded. If you really believe this garbage, then you really are hopeless.

Homosexuals and pro-abortionists belonging to the groups ACT-UP and WHAM (Women's Health Action Mobilization) stormed New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral on December 10, 1989, assaulting parishioners, disrupting Cardinal John O'Connor's Mass by screaming and shoving people, and desecrating the consecrated Host by throwing It on the ground and stamping on It. Outside, hundreds of screaming homosexuals burned Cardinal O'Connor in effigy and attacked passersby, all because the Cardinal had refused to toe their immoral "safe sex" line. Some of the placards the homosexuals carried displayed slogans such as; "MARY SHOULD HAVE HAD AN ABORTION; "CHRIST WAS A HOMOSEXUAL;" and "DEATH TO THE CHURCH!" After the invasion of St. Patrick's cathedral, ACT-UP issued a press statement saying that its cause is "... important enough [to allow us] to invade any space, to disrupt any speech."[46] In December of 1990, in defiance of a court order resulting from the attack one year earlier, homosexuals broke into the Mass once again and made off with consecrated Hosts, which they gleefully displayed outside.[47]

In 1989 and 1990, homosexuals waged a continuing war of vandalism and outright destruction against Catholic churches in Los Angeles. Homosexual attackers calling themselves "Greater Religious Responsibility" claimed responsibility for vicious attacks against Cardinal Roger Mahony, calling him a "murderer" for opposing their "safe sex" programs and for labeling the use of condoms "immoral." They attacked the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption in Los Angeles, desecrating it with bloody-red hand prints and pornographic photographs of perverted sex acts plastered on the windows. ACT-UP posters were pasted everywhere. At St. Catherine's, they nailed a ten-foot cross festooned with plastic penises and used condoms to the church door. They smeared the chancery with animal blood and entrails that appeared to be the products of Satanic sacrifices.[48]

Dr. Chuck McIlhenny was pastor of San Francisco's First Orthodox Presbyterian Church for many years. In 1989, he exercised his Constitutional rights of free speech and assembly and helped engineer the defeat of a domestic partnership law that would have forced the public to accept homosexual immorality by compelling everyone to treat two homosexuals as a family. Anyone who did not willingly comply would be heavily fined or jailed. As one of the city's few politically active pastors, McIlhenny and his family became the focus of intense and vicious homosexual hate. For three years, they received thousands of threatening and harassing phone calls 24 hours a day, and many callers swore to sodomize and kill the McIlhenny's three young daughters. McIlhenny's home and church were firebombed. The arsons culminated in their home being firebombed while they were sleeping inside. In 1990, homosexual groups repeatedly vandalized the church and home with graffiti like "Dykes for Choice," and attacked the crisis pregnancy center housed in the church. Cowardly, skulking homosexuals broke the church's windows so many times the parishioners boarded them up permanently.[49]

When California Governor Pete Wilson vetoed the "gay rights" legislation sent to his desk in 1991, hundreds of screaming homosexuals rioted and overpowered police. They grabbed wooden police barriers and used them to smash the heavy plate glass in several office buildings, and then used the broken glass like Frisbees, pitching them at the knees of police. At least one policeman had his kneecaps shattered by this technique. The rioting homosexuals set fire to one building, causing $250,000 in damages. In keeping with a policy of greater police department "sensitivity" towards "gays," there were no arrests.[50]

So much for the "peaceful" sodomite movement. Rob himself has said he would vandalize a church. Does it really surprise you that these wackos are capable of violence?
brent said:
In 1989 and 1990, homosexuals waged a continuing war of vandalism and outright destruction against Catholic churches in Los Angeles. Homosexual attackers calling themselves "Greater Religious Responsibility" .........48

Do you really want to bring up the catholic church when you are talking about scandals. Even if this bs is true it pales in comparison to institutionalized molestation and cover up.
LadyT said:
Do you really want to bring up the catholic church when you are talking about scandals. Even if this bs is true it pales in comparison to institutionalized molestation and cover up.

Molestation was not institutionalized. Morevoer, the Church is doing everything it can to uproot that evil. The sodomite agenda, by comparison, does not seek to change for the better. Every day they become more militant, violent, and oppressive.

Maybe now you can address what I have said instead of dodging it.
Brent said:
Molestation was not institutionalized. Morevoer, the Church is doing everything it can to uproot that evil. The sodomite agenda, by comparison, does not seek to change for the better. Every day they become more militant, violent, and oppressive.

Maybe now you can address what I have said instead of dodging it.

It was. They made it so when they decided to cover it up rather than to put them in prison where they belonged. It became a place of safety for molesters... If you don't think those people talk to each other then you ignore the reality of NAMBLA and other organizations of those who molest.