The Bailout: Why it WILL Pass

Okay, first of all, let me jump on the bandwagon with virtually everyone else here, and say that I oppose the $700 billion bailout plan. I've not seen the plan, don't know any of the details, but I am opposed for the same reasons you all are. It seems absurd to spend this amount of taxpayer dollars, bailing out financial institutions who got themselves into trouble, through no fault of my own. Why should my money go to this, when there are so many other things I'd like to see it spent on? Like alternative energy, education, and paying down the national debt.

But here is the thing, it is our fault, and we are liable. We elected this Congress, who did what we told them we wanted, and made housing affordable for all Americans... the good old American Dream! I didn't vote for Barney Frank, but someone did, he was elected, and he ultimately went to Washington and forged the legislation to allow these institutions to do what they did. It's not really the financial institutions fault, they only did what our government allowed them to do, and behaved like Capitalists, which is to be expected in a Capitalist society. Those who made the transactions made good commissions, and everyone was happy, until people began to default on their loans.

I did indeed vote for people who went along with Barney and gave the green light to low-interest loans to low-income people. I have even bragged about how Bush enabled more minorities to own homes, than ever before in history. There was nothing to be ashamed of, and everything to be proud of, until people began to default on the loans and the financial institutions began to fail because of it. Now, the damage is done, the mess has been made. Suddenly, we all want to blame Congress, when it was our fault, we elected them and blessed them when they put forth this legislation. We are great at coming up with brilliant ideas to realize our dreams and goals, but we suck at accepting responsibility for the consequences.

Now here we are, all in opposition of the bailout, but the reality is this... IF we don't bail out these financial institutions, we can forget that 401k, we can forget that IRA, and we better be looking for the nearest Soup Kitchen. If you are invested in any stocks whatsoever, they will be worthless without a bailout of these key financial institutions. This isn't some simple matter of where we would like to spend $700 billion, or what we would rather be doing with the money. If that were the case, we could easily say it's stupid to just give it to the people in trouble now. The fundamental problem is, they are our future. If we don't bail them out, we are all screwed. We can certainly bitch and grumble about it, we can get mad as hell, and we can point fingers of blame all we like, but in the end, we really don't have a choice here.

What this should be, is a 700 billion dollar lesson that Government is never the answer to our problems. If people can't afford housing, it is not the best idea to let government make it easier for them to do so, it is better to improve their situations so that they may one day be able to afford housing, even if we don't see immediate results, even if we can't help all of them. We will have to tolerate the cries of liberals who pull at our heart strings and throw out individual stories about people who are in dire straits, and we will have to grow up and understand, we can't do everything for everybody, all the time. But this won't be a lesson for many, it will simply be another political football, another reason to stick it to the side you despise, and continue bashing. No one likes forking over $700 billion, but it's kind of like war, it is what has to be done now, it's time to pay the consequences for government's actions, a government WE elected, a government who was supposedly doing what WE said we wanted.
They are going to sell off the assets at the end of this. It's not literally going to cost us seven hundred billion dollars. At worst we won't get back what we put in.
The blame everyone, blame noone bullshit.

This democracy is broken. we don't really have a say. People not in bed with corporations cannot even afford to run.
They are going to sell off the assets at the end of this. It's not literally going to cost us seven hundred billion dollars. At worst we won't get back what we put in.

Nobody will want those assets. Buying things you know you will sell at a massive loss is just plain stupid. ANd you're stupid.
It will pass because the alternative is unthinkable.

Exactly! And we can sit here at the comfort of our keyboards and bitch about it all day long, and post thread after thread about why we don't like it, are opposed to it, and don't think we should do it... but it will be done, it has to be done, and the alternative is unthinkable.
It will pass because the alternative is unthinkable.

Well we don't really know, not really, what the alternative is. I bet there is more than one alternative. I like to think. Nothing is unthinkable as far as I'm concerned. Not thinking, unthinking, avoiding thinking, that's a Republican trait. Why do you think that Dixie is such a good republican? Because it's easier than thinking, right Dicks?
I don't know a bailout might be necessary but the $700 billion bailout plucked from thin air certainly isn't necessary. At least not right now.
IB - if you are still thinking of signing up, I hope you will get two movies from Netflix: The Ground Truth, and Body of War.
Exactly! And we can sit here at the comfort of our keyboards and bitch about it all day long, and post thread after thread about why we don't like it, are opposed to it, and don't think we should do it... but it will be done, it has to be done, and the alternative is unthinkable.
Stop your ignorant fearmongering.
Well we don't really know, not really, what the alternative is. I bet there is more than one alternative. I like to think. Nothing is unthinkable as far as I'm concerned. Not thinking, unthinking, avoiding thinking, that's a Republican trait. Why do you think that Dixie is such a good republican? Because it's easier than thinking, right Dicks?

I'm as partisan a Democrat as they come and I support this. I'm opposed at the left by populists and at the right by populists.
I'm actually for it. I think the potential for disaster without it is huge, and not all hype. I also like some of the measures they were able to work into it; it seems much more controlled.

I think that anyone who pretends to understand the complexity of it is probably faking, but if they do really understand it, more power to 'em. I just think that once the measure passes, regardless of some of the details, it will give Wall Street confidence again, and when Wall Street does well, America tends to do well.
Well we don't really know, not really, what the alternative is. I bet there is more than one alternative. I like to think. Nothing is unthinkable as far as I'm concerned. Not thinking, unthinking, avoiding thinking, that's a Republican trait. Why do you think that Dixie is such a good republican? Because it's easier than thinking, right Dicks?

Well here is the alternative scenario... We don't bail out these major financial institutions, which largely control the majority of money lending in this country. Since they have no financial security to back large scale loans, they can't make them anymore, it is against the built-in government safeguards which regulate them to do so, therefore they can't. Without the ability to finance investments, venture capitalists will not be able to do what they do best, invest in capitalist ventures. When that starts happening, no new jobs can be created, and with natural attrition of jobs, it means we will start to see unemployment rise. As unemployment rises, and interest rates on the little money that remains available starts to rise, we will have staggering inflation. This is not some 'doomsday prophecy' designed to scare you, it is the reality we find ourselves in at this time, and if we don't deal with it, that is what is going to happen. If Milton Friedman were alive, you could ask him!

Now, as much as I hate having to bail out these financial giants, I really hate the idea of a gallon of milk costing $20 and a loaf of bread (if you can find it) costing more than I can afford on my dwindling unemployment check. We simply have to do this, the alternative, if not 'unthinkable' is certainly not something you are going to like or want.
Well here is the alternative scenario... We don't bail out these major financial institutions, which largely control the majority of money lending in this country. Since they have no financial security to back large scale loans, they can't make them anymore, it is against the built-in government safeguards which regulate them to do so, therefore they can't. Without the ability to finance investments, venture capitalists will not be able to do what they do best, invest in capitalist ventures. When that starts happening, no new jobs can be created, and with natural attrition of jobs, it means we will start to see unemployment rise. As unemployment rises, and interest rates on the little money that remains available starts to rise, we will have staggering inflation. This is not some 'doomsday prophecy' designed to scare you, it is the reality we find ourselves in at this time, and if we don't deal with it, that is what is going to happen. If Milton Friedman were alive, you could ask him!

Now, as much as I hate having to bail out these financial giants, I really hate the idea of a gallon of milk costing $20 and a loaf of bread (if you can find it) costing more than I can afford on my dwindling unemployment check. We simply have to do this, the alternative, if not 'unthinkable' is certainly not something you are going to like or want.

Fear. Uncertainty and doubt. I thought only liberals propagated those notions to get handouts?

Take your fascist propaganda and shove it.
I'm actually for it. I think the potential for disaster without it is huge, and not all hype. I also like some of the measures they were able to work into it; it seems much more controlled.

I think that anyone who pretends to understand the complexity of it is probably faking, but if they do really understand it, more power to 'em. I just think that once the measure passes, regardless of some of the details, it will give Wall Street confidence again, and when Wall Street does well, America tends to do well.

Well we don't really know, not really, what the alternative is. I bet there is more than one alternative. I like to think. Nothing is unthinkable as far as I'm concerned. Not thinking, unthinking, avoiding thinking, that's a Republican trait. Why do you think that Dixie is such a good republican? Because it's easier than thinking, right Dicks?

Yes for many the alternative is unthinkable because they can only think in binary terms. Yes or No. Maybe the best soloution is mostly no and a little yes.
I cannot believe this is the best soloution for our country.

And all those dumbass "experts" that let it get this way need their asses kicked out of their expert positions.
Surely we need some more janitors somewhere ?