“The Ball-less Buffoons Of Bad And Badder Deals,” .....Act Two


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Who thinks that the House Republicans will stand their ground and demand real spending cuts dollar for dollar for raising the debt ceiling?

Lotta tough talk in Washington by some Republicans about holding Obama’s feet to the fire for real spending cuts before they vote to raise the debt ceiling. Haven’t we seen this act before? When push comes to shove the Republicans that call Obama “The Amateur,” politician, seems the Amateur comes out on top.

It’s become apparent to me that congressional Republicans are always being bested by the Amateur. Just today in Obama’s news conference while being handed softball questions about gun control and the debt ceiling pending fights, he managed to successfully aim any blame for a potential government shut down over the debt ceiling directly at the congressional Republicans. Of course leftist media ate it up like candy and sure as hell will be touting Obama as drawing the proverbial line in the sand daring Republicans to shut down America’s beloved federal government socialist programs.

Obama got reelected by blaming G. W. Bush for the crummy economy and he’s already on the war path to pin the debt ceiling outcome on the House Republicans unless they heal to his wishes.

I can vision the House Republicans now looking ahead at next year’s mid-term elections and folding like a cheap tent and handing Obama another easy win on the debt ceiling fight.

Congressional Republicans are “The Ball-less Buffoons Of Bad And Badder Deals,” because the Amateur has them by the gonads, because he knows they care more about reelection than principles, just like most politicians.
You should.

Until then tell me what you think it is...

The “debt ceiling” is a mandatory “ceiling” set by Congress whereby the Treasury Department can borrow money up to but not beyond.

“…….The Congress shall have the power to….. borrow money and pay the debts of the United States…….”(Article 1, Section 8, United States Constitution)

Now we “both” know what the debt ceiling is, huh?
The “debt ceiling” is a mandatory “ceiling” set by Congress whereby the Treasury Department can borrow money up to but not beyond.

“…….The Congress shall have the power to….. borrow money and pay the debts of the United States…….”(Article 1, Section 8, United States Constitution)

Now we “both” know what the debt ceiling is, huh?

Wrong answer. Try again.
Wrong answer. Try again.

I gave you an accurate explanation of the debt ceiling in my own words, which you claim disagreement with, so I present the internet’s explanation below.

Debt Ceiling 101
Once a little-known aspect of the U.S. government’s fiscal management process, the debt ceiling exploded into the public consciousness following the intense debate that took place in the summer of 2011. As its name would suggest, the debt limit is simply the maximum amount that the U.S. government can borrow at any given time. Currently, the limit is set at $16.394 trillion. Each year, the government spends more than it takes in, and this gap must be funded with debt, or more specifically, bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury. By law, however, the Treasury can’t issue new debt once the country is at its borrowing limit – and this limit, or ceiling, needs to be agreed to by Congress.


Now genius, tell me where my original explanation was wrong as you claim.

Please enlighten us idiots.
I gave you an accurate explanation of the debt ceiling in my own words, which you claim disagreement with, so I present the internet’s explanation below.

Debt Ceiling 101
Once a little-known aspect of the U.S. government’s fiscal management process, the debt ceiling exploded into the public consciousness following the intense debate that took place in the summer of 2011. As its name would suggest, the debt limit is simply the maximum amount that the U.S. government can borrow at any given time.

Did you miss or intentionally leave out the correct answer?

The debt limit doesn’t authorize new spending; instead, it provides the funding to pay for spending commitments that Congress has already made. Since the Treasury can’t issue new debt once the limit has been reached, the government would be forced to slash spending if it exceeds the borrowing limit. The result would be a partial government “shutdown” and a debt default (or the failure to make interest and/or principal payments on time). For any developed market, and particularly for the United States – which has seen as having the safest bond market of any country in the world – a default is almost unthinkable.

There you have it. The answer.

The money was allocated by Congress, not the President. The money's already been spent, by Congress, not the President. The bills for the money already spent have to be paid. If they aren't, we go into default.

It's not like the credit limit on a credit card, dummy.
Did you miss or intentionally leave out the correct answer?

There you have it. The answer.

The money was allocated by Congress, not the President. The money's already been spent, by Congress, not the President. The bills for the money already spent have to be paid. If they aren't, we go into default.

Oh! But your question was never about “The money's already been spent, by Congress, not the President.” You challenged whether I knew what the debt ceiling was or not, the following is your quote.

I guess you two don't understand what the debt ceiling is.

My reply was,

The “debt ceiling” is a mandatory “ceiling” set by Congress whereby the Treasury Department can borrow money up to but not beyond.

You replied,

Wrong answer. Try again.

What was “wrong” about my answer?

Your answer isn’t even relevant to original post or your own challenge. Your answer is OBAMA TALKING POINTS which of course are totally irrelevant to the issue and argument that the Congress is and will be having over the debt ceiling. Republicans in the House want a dollar for dollar cut in government spending ratio for every dollar Congress agrees to allow to raise the debt ceiling.

Now here’s a question for you numb-nuts. How come Obama thought it was a bad vote to vote for the debt ceiling raise when G. W. Bush was President and Obama was a Senator, so he voted against it, but now he just wants Congress to “pay the bills?” Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E?

It's not like the credit limit on a credit card, dummy.

The “debt limit” on a credit card prohibits you from borrowing any more money from a particular credit institution without the institution’s permission. The ‘debt limit” on government prohibits government from borrowing any more money from the public by the Treasury Department issuing bonds without the authority of the Congress. Where’s the REAL difference genius?
The ‘debt limit” on government prohibits government from borrowing any more money from the public by the Treasury Department issuing bonds without the authority of the Congress. Where’s the REAL difference genius?

The difference is Congress already authorized the spending.

As they have for seventy years. It's just now the crazies decided to stir the pot.
The difference is Congress already authorized the spending.

As they have for seventy years. It's just now the crazies decided to stir the pot.

And your problem with the Republicans wanting to get a dollar for dollar spending cut for every dollar that they agree to raise the debt ceiling is what?

And you won’t comment on the fact that Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling when he was a Senator and Bush was President is why?

And you won’t comment on what you think was wrong about my explanation of the debt ceiling because?

Oh! I bet I know!

My explanation of the debt ceiling was perfectly correct. You’re a leftwing partisan Obama supporter and you ignore Obama hypocrisy, and you don’t give a flying fuck about the national debt and federal government run-away spending, you just want Obama to make asses out of Republicans and blame them for everything and to hell with the best interest of the nation, right?
And your problem with the Republicans wanting to get a dollar for dollar spending cut for every dollar that they agree to raise the debt ceiling is what?

And you won’t comment on the fact that Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling when he was a Senator and Bush was President is why?

And you won’t comment on what you think was wrong about my explanation of the debt ceiling because?

Oh! I bet I know!

My explanation of the debt ceiling was perfectly correct. You’re a leftwing partisan Obama supporter and you ignore Obama hypocrisy, and you don’t give a flying fuck about the national debt and federal government run-away spending, you just want Obama to make asses out of Republicans and blame them for everything and to hell with the best interest of the nation, right?

Obama was absolutely correct in 2004.
Show how Obama was incorrect.
Bush spent like a drunken democrat, for eight years. His vice said "deficits don't matter".
We wouldn't be in nearly the situation we are in now if not for Bush's idiotic, childish and utterly reckless spending.
The ONLY hypocrite is YOU.
Obama was absolutely correct in 2004.
Show how Obama was incorrect.
Bush spent like a drunken democrat, for eight years. His vice said "deficits don't matter".
We wouldn't be in nearly the situation we are in now if not for Bush's idiotic, childish and utterly reckless spending.
The ONLY hypocrite is YOU.

But it’s the Congress that “spends” the money. Nary a dime can be spent without the appropriation of Congress. In 2006 after the first 2 years of the Bush watch, the “DEMOCRATS” took control of the House Of Representatives. Thereby, congressional spending was equally the responsibility of both duopoly parties. The national debt has elevated by 5 trillion $ under the Obama Presidency. Even if you could rationally blame all of that on Bush, (and you can’t), why is Obama opposed to cutting spending dollar for dollar relative to any debt ceiling hike of what you falsely claim belongs to Bush? Do you and Obama like what you falsely call the “Bush Debt?”

Maybe you should set your partisan quackery aside and face the actual truth, huh?

You’re only proving that YOU and Obama are both hypocrites.
And your problem with the Republicans wanting to get a dollar for dollar spending cut for every dollar that they agree to raise the debt ceiling is what?

Why would they want to? That's what the budget if for.

I understand your lack of knowledge but I'll try to make this simple for a simple mind. The "budget" is a delineation of government spending for a year (or different period of time). The budget includes all spending, and cuts, for that year. In normal times, the President submits a budget proposal to Congress, Congress acts upon the budget proposal, approves the budget, and sends the budget to the President for signature.

Following that, Congress often has to summarily increase the debt ceiling to allow for payments they already approved under the budget. Increasing the debt ceiling is only a certification of spending already approved by Congress and the President. It is historically not a spending or cutting action.

And you won’t comment on the fact that Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling when he was a Senator and Bush was President is why?

I already did.

And you won’t comment on what you think was wrong about my explanation of the debt ceiling because?

I did comment. Not not as you wished. Your explanation was erroneous in that it was lacking the real reason for the debt ceiling.

My explanation of the debt ceiling was perfectly correct. You’re a leftwing partisan Obama supporter and you ignore Obama hypocrisy, and you don’t give a flying fuck about the national debt and federal government run-away spending, you just want Obama to make asses out of Republicans and blame them for everything and to hell with the best interest of the nation, right?

Republicans don't need Obama to make an ass of them. They're doing a might fine job of it all on their own!
The good thing is I think the idiots in the house are figuring out they cant beat the American people with this hammer without distroying the republican party.

Not enough nutters left
btw...Classless Liberal...

If you don't believe me, will you believe the Congressional Research Service? (pdf)

"the debt limit does not control or limit the ability of the federal government to run deficits or incur obligations. Rather, it is a limit on the ability to pay obligations already incurred".
But it’s the Congress that “spends” the money. Nary a dime can be spent without the appropriation of Congress. In 2006 after the first 2 years of the Bush watch, the “DEMOCRATS” took control of the House Of Representatives. Thereby, congressional spending was equally the responsibility of both duopoly parties. The national debt has elevated by 5 trillion $ under the Obama Presidency. Even if you could rationally blame all of that on Bush, (and you can’t), why is Obama opposed to cutting spending dollar for dollar relative to any debt ceiling hike of what you falsely claim belongs to Bush? Do you and Obama like what you falsely call the “Bush Debt?”

Maybe you should set your partisan quackery aside and face the actual truth, huh?

You’re only proving that YOU and Obama are both hypocrites.

Hardly. You didn't even respond to my point. Thanks for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are indeed the hypocrite.