The Barracuda!



Here's the interview where our girl Sarah, brings her grandfather along to her latest Couric interview, in an attempt to intimidate Katie, who is known to be traumatized from having grown up next to a crazy old man who used to scream "GET OFF MY LAWN OR I'LL PUT YOU LITTLE BASTARDS IN MY OVEN AND COOK YOU AND DIP YOU IN BARBEQUE SAUCE!" anytime a neighborhood kid even passed his house.

The McCain campaign actually said of this, "Sarah barracuda is back!" Really? This is what they call a barracuda in Alaska? I should totally move there, I could take over that state in two days.
Huffington post---lol

It is funny who you think has credibility and who does not. Put the pipe down tranny!!!

See the commie view point "I can take over that state in two days". Those people would eat you alive, and shit out commie remains. Hey--can we make ethonol from commie remains? Could be a good cheap source of energy?
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Huffington post---lol

It is funny who you think has credibility and who does not. Put the pipe down tranny!!!

See the commie view point "I can take over that state in two days". Those people would eat you alive, and shit out commie remains. Hey--can we make ethonol from commie remains? Could be a good cheap source of energy?

Wow. That was borderline MichaelK psychotic.
The people love Palin!

Yeah, I keep SJ on IA. I've read enough of his insanity over the years to last two lifetimes.

Hmmm, I may do the the same. He's so vile.

On a side note I just got the funniest email from a friend of mine who's an avid Obama supporter:

Did any of you know it was Blue for Obama day? All these people are
dressed in blue at my office and I'm wearing green! They looked at me
and said, "Didn't you get the e-mail...It's blue for Obama Day!". I
don't remember seeing any e-mail.
Getting information from the Huffington post is like getting 4th hand hear say information during recess when you were in 2nd grade.
Hmmm, I may do the the same. He's so vile.

On a side note I just got the funniest email from a friend of mine who's an avid Obama supporter:

Did any of you know it was Blue for Obama day? All these people are
dressed in blue at my office and I'm wearing green! They looked at me
and said, "Didn't you get the e-mail...It's blue for Obama Day!". I
don't remember seeing any e-mail.

Personally---I am not a fan of taking it up the butt. That is pretty vile to me.

You may allow your marxists friends to do that to you---but I have no intention of letting it happen to me.

Forcing liberial progressive (marxist) policies on people is as vile as it gets---so fuck off!!! Your lucky you can get away with bad mouthing America on a computer. I will fight for my freedom to the death---so being a bit vile on a computer where your safe is a pretty good deal for you.
The people love Palin!


Look---I got a vid--I GOT A VID!!!. (and obama has a bracelet too---seeeeeee?) No--I can't tell you where it is from, because the community is totally liberal, gay/lesbo American haters (hell---if the vid is not from CA, it might be from another couutry).

Go back to second grade or the huffington post--and get another vid that means nothing to real Americans who see how shallow you are.
Hmmm, I may do the the same. He's so vile.

On a side note I just got the funniest email from a friend of mine who's an avid Obama supporter:

Did any of you know it was Blue for Obama day? All these people are
dressed in blue at my office and I'm wearing green! They looked at me
and said, "Didn't you get the e-mail...It's blue for Obama Day!". I
don't remember seeing any e-mail.

LOL All over or just in your company?

A dark video with nobody in it. Yep, that tells the whole story of absolutely nothing.

Ya wanna know another reason why I like Palin? She is not a laywer.

If you have ever been involved in a civil in a court case, you will see how a slimy laywer just throws in all kinds of meaningless garbage to try to confuse the jury. A good laywer can push all that BS aside, and get to the issues to m ake things clear to deliberate on.

(I expect the Palin biden debate to ber mostly stacked to foriegn relations to make Palin look bad, and Biden look good---but Palin can cut throught hat laywers BS--so it may be interesting even if it is stacked by the homo/progressive/media/mafia.)

This vid, like 90% of what these commies post on here--is that decieving garbage that means virtually nothing when the facts are known.

It is a feeble attmpt to discredit Palin in this case. It has no subatance for a reason. They can't find anything to attack her about that actually has substance. We all know that no one person can make everybody happy, and nobody hates American like a bunch of domestic homo's or Eurpoean citizens, so it is really easy to see where the vid came from commy tranny---ya gotta do better than that. How about finding some substance--because all these lies will be exposed sooner or later.

Latest lie about Palin is a ad on tv right now--about the killing of wolves in Alaska. The ad does not say that the wolves are decimating the larger carabo population (which got bigger because of the pipe line that was suppose to kill them--acording to city/hippy/environmentalists), and the hunting of the wolves comprises of 9% of Alaskan territory. The DNR does the same thing every year to control animal population's.

In this case--the deer got populated because of the warm pipeline, so the wolves did also. Nature would take it's course eventually IMO, but the DNR tends to give it a helping hand. This wolf ad is going over big in the cities---because they don't know how the world works outside of their city. They call themselfs environmentalists.

Now--knowing those facts--anybody should be able to see the simly lawyer advertisement tactic. The vid above falls way short of that deciptive obama ad-----a total waste of bandwidth.
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LOL All over or just in your company?

It wasn't in my company but apparently there was a national campaign and everyone in office new about it.....even his wife who's wearing blue today...he just got the chain mail this morning. Too funny.
Yeah old Papa Johnny had to come and defend the Saracuda. She could not answer the question by herself, instead, when asked why she took a position that was opposite of what Papa wanted her to say, they accused the press of a gotchya moment when in FACT she was speaking to a voter when she said we might have to launch attacks into Pakistan. She has no ability to remember all the McCain policy stands with a notebook.

Here's the interview where our girl Sarah, brings her grandfather along to her latest Couric interview, in an attempt to intimidate Katie, who is known to be traumatized from having grown up next to a crazy old man who used to scream "GET OFF MY LAWN OR I'LL PUT YOU LITTLE BASTARDS IN MY OVEN AND COOK YOU AND DIP YOU IN BARBEQUE SAUCE!" anytime a neighborhood kid even passed his house.

The McCain campaign actually said of this, "Sarah barracuda is back!" Really? This is what they call a barracuda in Alaska? I should totally move there, I could take over that state in two days.

Ok so reading this, Palin brought along her old grandfather because she knew Couric has a fear of old men? Couldn't be because she wanted to show a family image?
ROFL, this article is the silliest thing I've seen from either side yet, at least cypress raised a real concern.
Ok so reading this, Palin brought along her old grandfather because she knew Couric has a fear of old men? Couldn't be because she wanted to show a family image?
ROFL, this article is the silliest thing I've seen from either side yet, at least cypress raised a real concern.

John McCain is not really Palin's grandfather.
Dano she brought Johnny Mc with her. He chastised Katie because in his words this was a "gotchya moment". So you tell me. Are republicans so ate up with the dumb ass that think that Palin anwsering a question about invading Pakistan from a VOTER was a gotchya moment. Is EVERY stupid thing said by a republican a set up? Are they really just duped constantly by the media. Because that is what this whole McCain/Palin moment on tv was. Them crying about how they would not have answered the question that way if they hadn't been set up by the evil media? Would the answer have been different if there had been no media coverage of the event? Would Saracuda REALLY have said "of course we would NEVER launch an attack into Pakistan."?
I think it is just funny a hell that the Barracuda got eaten alive by Katie Couric.
And Katie did not even have to raise a sweat.