The Battle of the Tunnels is about to begin in Gaza

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
The leaders of Hamas know that once the Israeli counter-offensive starts they will lose their greatest asset: the interconnected tunnels in which their missiles are assembled and taken to launch openings, ready for fire into Israeli territory.

These underground networks have many uses, with everything from weapons drills hidden from overhead balloons or synthetic aperture radars (which produce photo-like images in all degrees of visibility) to makeshift headquarters and even rest areas protected from air strikes.

Built with the cement and rebar donated by the European Union, Qatar and both Islamic and Western charities “to build housing for refugees”, and delivered to Gaza through the Israeli port of Ashdod – Israeli governments that tried to limit the cement imports were barraged with “human rights” demands – the tunnel network has grown exponentially over the past decade. Israeli soldier-analysts even refer to it as “the Underground”, in reference to London’s labyrinthine tube network.

The discovery that Hamas was going all out to build its tunnels was also the start of the Israeli army’s education in the arcane art of finding, conquering and quickly demolishing tunnels .
The leaders of Hamas know that once the Israeli counter-offensive starts they will lose their greatest asset: the interconnected tunnels in which their missiles are assembled and taken to launch openings, ready for fire into Israeli territory.

These underground networks have many uses, with everything from weapons drills hidden from overhead balloons or synthetic aperture radars (which produce photo-like images in all degrees of visibility) to makeshift headquarters and even rest areas protected from air strikes.

Built with the cement and rebar donated by the European Union, Qatar and both Islamic and Western charities “to build housing for refugees”, and delivered to Gaza through the Israeli port of Ashdod – Israeli governments that tried to limit the cement imports were barraged with “human rights” demands – the tunnel network has grown exponentially over the past decade. Israeli soldier-analysts even refer to it as “the Underground”, in reference to London’s labyrinthine tube network.

The discovery that Hamas was going all out to build its tunnels was also the start of the Israeli army’s education in the arcane art of finding, conquering and quickly demolishing tunnels .

Yet you continue to support and vote for the party of talib and the towelhead.
The genius Bibi gave them a couple of weeks to reinforce the tunnels and boobytrap them. He is not trying to save lives on either side.
Remotely operated vehicles and explosives would deal with both handily.

...and the Sponge Bomb. :thup:

Seal'em up and let them stew for awhile before going in to neutralize them.
"The 'sponge bomb' – technically a liquid emulsion – is hazardous to work with, and some Israeli soldiers have lost their sight through mishandling the mixture," the Telegraph reported, again without providing any substantiating information....

...Various grades of quick-hardening and expanding foam are in widespread use in commercial construction and might be able to provide a useful seal, at least temporarily. One U.S. manufacturer of commercial urethane foam, U.S. Composites, Inc., says that its "16LB density foam is essentially as hard as a rock" and "you would need a hammer in order to make any dents in this product."
Yet you continue to support and vote for the party of talib and the towelhead.

A small segment of the Dem party.

Ilhan Omar is one of a small group known as the squad, fairly minor in the Democratic Party and, as it happens, the Tepublican MAGA white goyim party has more than its fair share of virulent antisemites. Why would Jews go running to vote for a party that contains Klansmen and Neo-Nazis just because there are a few people, largely marginalized within their own parties, who have dodgy views on Israel and Jews.
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No, it doesn't. Hamas can only move men and small arms though those tunnels to create small unit, local actions. Once they reveal their location, the Israelis will easily overpower the Hamas combatants. That will also reveal the location of the tunnel on a search by Israel. At that point, the best strategy for Hamas would be to collapse the tunnel after retreating to prevent Israel from accessing more of the system.

Thus, what you're likely to see are a bunch of pinprick attacks that amount to little or nothing while the Israelis slowly wreck the tunnel system.

Again, the Israeli's best tactic would be to use small drones and ROV to move down tunnels they find intact. These could locate the enemy, then either detonate if they have explosives loaded on them, or be withdrawn and an explosive laden ROV sent in. Why send troops in first? There is no reason with today's technology.
No, it doesn't. Hamas can only move men and small arms though those tunnels to create small unit, local actions. Once they reveal their location, the Israelis will easily overpower the Hamas combatants. That will also reveal the location of the tunnel on a search by Israel. At that point, the best strategy for Hamas would be to collapse the tunnel after retreating to prevent Israel from accessing more of the system.

Thus, what you're likely to see are a bunch of pinprick attacks that amount to little or nothing while the Israelis slowly wreck the tunnel system.

Again, the Israeli's best tactic would be to use small drones and ROV to move down tunnels they find intact. These could locate the enemy, then either detonate if they have explosives loaded on them, or be withdrawn and an explosive laden ROV sent in. Why send troops in first? There is no reason with today's technology.
It appears the IDF is just collapsing the tunnel entrances and not going into them.
No, it doesn't. Hamas can only move men and small arms though those tunnels to create small unit, local actions. Once they reveal their location, the Israelis will easily overpower the Hamas combatants. That will also reveal the location of the tunnel on a search by Israel. At that point, the best strategy for Hamas would be to collapse the tunnel after retreating to prevent Israel from accessing more of the system.

Thus, what you're likely to see are a bunch of pinprick attacks that amount to little or nothing while the Israelis slowly wreck the tunnel system.

Again, the Israeli's best tactic would be to use small drones and ROV to move down tunnels they find intact. These could locate the enemy, then either detonate if they have explosives loaded on them, or be withdrawn and an explosive laden ROV sent in. Why send troops in first? There is no reason with today's technology.

Geeze, you should send them your advanced technology and knowledge of tactics. I gave you real info, but you know more somehow.
It appears the IDF is just collapsing the tunnel entrances and not going into them.

That is a viable short-term solution. It seals the tunnels so they can't be used for the battle going on now. However, in the long run, Hamas will just rebuild the entrances and the system will expand once this round of fighting is over. That is, unless Israel has some plan in mind that will ultimately leave Hamas castrated and helpless...
That is a viable short-term solution. It seals the tunnels so they can't be used for the battle going on now. However, in the long run, Hamas will just rebuild the entrances and the system will expand once this round of fighting is over. That is, unless Israel has some plan in mind that will ultimately leave Hamas castrated and helpless...
...after Hamas clears out the bodies of their dead leaders and terrorists who died of asphyxiation, dehydration or starvation.
Depends on whether the other exits were blocked.

That's their plan; block them all. I don't know the level of tech, but Israelis have good stuff. Among the best in the world. If they can identify the tunnels underneath and track their exits/entrances, that would be a clincher.