The best debate of all

Why should he debate these morons? None of them are running for president.

The way it works, he debates those he is campaigning against. He wins those debates, then he has record-breaking attendance rallies and his poll numbers continue to rise. Then he starts to win states.

From what I gather, there aren't any Muslims running for the Republican nomination. We have a Muslim president, but he is term-limited from a third shot at the title.

Trump would kick his dumb ass anyway.

Here's some advice for the Muslim community.

Are you ready, rags?


See, that wasn't so complicated. Some of you camel jockeys are planning acts of terror in your mosques and President Trump is going to put that shit to an end once and for all. So you need to make sure your visa is in order, because if you're here illegally, your dung-smelling ass is going to be deported.
Here's some advice for the Muslim community.

Are you ready, rags?


See, that wasn't so complicated. Some of you camel jockeys are planning acts of terror in your mosques and President Trump is going to put that shit to an end once and for all. So you need to make sure your visa is in order, because if you're here illegally, your dung-smelling ass is going to be deported.

You seem to have mastered the Trump debating technique and vocabulary. Trump, minus the bombast could not debate a schoolboy. If the media would do it's job and correct the agregious lies he would have nothing whatever to say, to anyone.

I cannot wait for Hillary, or Sanders, to tear him a new one.
these racists hate everyone

their souls are set on hate mode

it makes them the most hated people on the planet
You seem to have mastered the Trump debating technique and vocabulary. Trump, minus the bombast could not debate a schoolboy. If the media would do it's job and correct the agregious lies he would have nothing whatever to say, to anyone.

I cannot wait for Hillary, or Sanders, to tear him a new one.

yeah we have a corporate media
Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins ... Society is in every state a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. — THOMAS PAINE