The Best Piece Yet


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Below is PROOF that what we've been saying has onviously come to pass. That Mr.Obama, who seems like a genuinely nice guy, in a field where there arent a whole lot, but that's not enough. While an INCREDIBLE Inspirational Speaker, and one who has a rich future as a writer or Tony Robbins-type "Life Coach", his inexperience and naivete' will get HIM, and US(America), in a LOT of trouble.

The danger of Obama's amateur diplomacy

After suggesting that he would invade our ally Pakistan and talk to our enemy Iran, Barack Obama has moved on to potentially damage our relations with Canada, our friendly neighbor and number one foreign oil supplier.
Under the terms of NAFTA, Canada is prohibited from cutting off oil exports to the US if there is a worldwide shortage or supply disruption unless supplies are also rationed to Canadian consumers by the same amount.

After the Hillary/Obama debate, Canada's trade minister pointed out that if NAFTA is re-opened, Canada might want to opt out of this clause, which would then leave Canada free to sell its oil to any other country for whatever price it could get.

Both Clinton and Obama have made a big issue out President Bush's alleged insensitivies to other countries. And now these two geniuses are blithely talking about canceling a trade agreement with our two neighbors on which both their economies now depend.

The Financial Times reports:

Beijing has signalled its interest in Canada's growing oil sector. Two of China's biggest energy groups, China National Offshore Oil Co and Sinopec, have invested in small Calgary-based companies with ambitions to extract heavy crude oil from oilsands in Canada.

So the Obama campaign has been caught in a lie and is potentially opening a door for China (among others) to become involved in our most secure source for foreign oil, where the oil sands contain deposits equal to those of Saudi Arabia, while alienating our best friends in foreign countries.
This is all the more incredible because it has now been confirmed.

At Tuesday night's debate, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama traded charges that the other was not serious about reforming NAFTA - the North American Free Trade Agreement. Unions have been up in arms about the treaty for years because it rewards the mostly non union labor in Mexico while taking union jobs away from Americans - at least in theory. There have been no definitive studies showing NAFTA is a negative for the American worker.

Regardless, both candidates trashed the agreement and said they would reopen it to renegotiation. But Obama went a step further; according to Canadian TV he actually had one of his primary aides get in touch with the Canadian government and assure them that Obama was just demagoguing the issue and that he would not press for any major changes.

The Obama camp denied this story and called it a smear. Evidently CTV doesn't like being referred to as a liar because they have released the information that the Obama camp couldn't afford to have out there - the name of the Obama aide who spoke to the Canadian government:

The Obama campaign told CTV late Thursday night that no message was passed to the Canadian government that suggests that Obama does not mean what he says about opting out of NAFTA if it is not renegotiated.
However, the Obama camp did not respond to repeated questions from CTV on reports that a conversation on this matter was held between Obama's senior economic adviser -- Austan Goolsbee -- and the Canadian Consulate General in Chicago.

Earlier Thursday, the Obama campaign insisted that no conversations have taken place with any of its senior ranks and representatives of the Canadian government on the NAFTA issue.

On Thursday night, CTV spoke with Goolsbee, but he refused to say whether he had such a conversation with the Canadian government office in Chicago. He also said he has been told to direct any questions to the campaign headquarters.
CTV is also reporting that their high level source in the Canadian government is reconfirming the visit by the Obama staffer.

This idiotic gaffe could easily cost Obama Ohio. And the Clinton campaign has a ready made issue of honesty and integrity fall right into their lap.

Goolsbee is Obama's Senior Economic Advisor so it's not like the campaign could argue he went rogue on them. It's just one more piece of evidence that far from being an "Agent of Change" Obama is a politics as usual sort of guy.

Whether his supporters start realizing that is unkown

Do we really want to let this man into the Oval Office?
If Mr. Obama is ALREADY alienating, and causing possibly SERIOUS problems with CANADA, our LARGEST TRADING PARTNER and ALLY, then WHAT damage could he do with Communist China, Russia, Iran and Syria, all possible adversaries, either political or economic??? :pke:

The above post came from a Political Blog called American Thinker. Yes, it seems on the Conservative side. What DIFFERENCE does it make, FACTS ARE FACTS, whether they come from the Left, or the Right!
So as I said, he seems like a really nice guy, but NAIVE isn't the word! He hasn't even learned the first rule in Democrat Politics. If you're going to LIE, especially in the Campaign, before you even get ELECTED, then DON'T get CAUGHT! And DON'T have your SENIOR ECONOMIC ADVISOR meet with a representative of a Foreign Government, and THEN call that representative a LIAR! ESPECIALLY when the rep has PROOF, Haaha!!

And THIS guy's to handle CHINA, the nation who thinks MILLENIA ahead, who's becoming expansionist for the first time in 500 years, and RUSSIA, who Putin rules with an Iron Fist, now? I saw Gary Kasparov's Political Protesters being sadistically beaten with clubs, over the "election" of Putin's handpicked successor as President, who of COURSE picked Putin to be the new "Prime Minister". And OBAMA is going to "HANDLE" these people, and Ahmedinijad, of Iraq? They'll eat him for a between-meals-snack.