The Biden Administration Is Investigating Israel's Possible War Crimes


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Sigh....this is why I have issues with Biden....he makes decisions without having a plan or a back up plan...he did it with Israel, he did it with the migrants and he did it without any fore thought should things go array as they have. This is why people are hedging on voting for this guy. You don't just say yes to shit without thinking things out completely....He has this old school mentality of thought. He campaigned on being able to reach across the isle and work with HIS SO CALLED REPUBLICAN FRIENDS... his words, not mine. Clearly this old man hasn't paid attention to the last 4 years of Trump and his Maga nuts. Because any rational human being would have concluded, these people are cult like beings, unable to think outside the Trump box and are not gonna listen or support you. Now here we are, with Israel, whom we support both financially and military wise, spending billions on these rich jew fucks, who by the way have universal healthcare, paid leave for workers, etc...while our country is telling us, its to costly????? We can spend billions on Israel, billions on Ukraine, millions on migrants....but for us, the tax payers, the shit cost to much????

None the less, Natty that jew fuck in Israel is sensing the discard we're having in this country and is pretty much telling Biden to go fuck himself and I think what we should, is to allow Israel to do what the fuck they want, BUT THE UNITED STATES WILL NO LONGER, NOT ONLY NOT HAVE YOUR FUCKIN JEW BACKS, BUT WE ARE NO LONGER SENDING BOTH MILITARY AIDE AND OUR WEAPONS TO YOU COUNTRY. Yes, the Jews in America will have a jew fit and yes they'll pull their support from democrats and yes all the world will come to a complete halt because the US finally put it foot down to jews who should know better, to the slaughter of innocent women and children.

But I bet that country that's surrounded by Muslims, I bet that Natty jew fuck will straighten up and fly right...who wanna bet me???

There are always war crimes committed by both sides. The ones prosecuted are almost all the losers. There should be no wars. If countries communicated and were honest, it would be easier to not go to war. But for leaders, wars are about money and power.
Sigh....this is why I have issues with Biden....he makes decisions without having a plan or a back up plan...he did it with Israel, he did it with the migrants and he did it without any fore thought should things go array as they have. This is why people are hedging on voting for this guy. You don't just say yes to shit without thinking things out completely....He has this old school mentality of thought. He campaigned on being able to reach across the isle and work with HIS SO CALLED REPUBLICAN FRIENDS... his words, not mine. Clearly this old man hasn't paid attention to the last 4 years of Trump and his Maga nuts. Because any rational human being would have concluded, these people are cult like beings, unable to think outside the Trump box and are not gonna listen or support you. Now here we are, with Israel, whom we support both financially and military wise, spending billions on these rich jew fucks, who by the way have universal healthcare, paid leave for workers, etc...while our country is telling us, its to costly????? We can spend billions on Israel, billions on Ukraine, millions on migrants....but for us, the tax payers, the shit cost to much????

None the less, Natty that jew fuck in Israel is sensing the discard we're having in this country and is pretty much telling Biden to go fuck himself and I think what we should, is to allow Israel to do what the fuck they want, BUT THE UNITED STATES WILL NO LONGER, NOT ONLY NOT HAVE YOUR FUCKIN JEW BACKS, BUT WE ARE NO LONGER SENDING BOTH MILITARY AIDE AND OUR WEAPONS TO YOU COUNTRY. Yes, the Jews in America will have a jew fit and yes they'll pull their support from democrats and yes all the world will come to a complete halt because the US finally put it foot down to jews who should know better, to the slaughter of innocent women and children.

But I bet that country that's surrounded by Muslims, I bet that Natty jew fuck will straighten up and fly right...who wanna bet me???

So, you think that Israel is screwed if the US stops backing them hum? My bet is they switch alliances in a nanosecond to another power that will supply them arms. At the same time, they'll cut ties on the R&D--like Raytheon and the Iron Dome system--and move to supplying their new sugar daddy.

Just what the US needs is an Israel allied with China for example. Stupid fucks like you can't think ahead to the consequences of your actions.
So, you think that Israel is screwed if the US stops backing them hum?
Yes, Israel would be totally screwed if the US stops backing them.

My bet is they switch alliances in a nanosecond to another power that will supply them arms.
... and you would lose your bet. Israel has pissed off everyone else; they have no prospects anywhere. Nobody is looking to supply Israel with anything. The US is all they have.

Stupid fucks like you can't think anything through.
Yes, Israel would be totally screwed if the US stops backing them.

Bullshit. France stopped backing them in the 60's. Israel got the US to step in. Do you really think that a nation that is fully capable of producing top of the line weapons systems and other goods can't find another backer? They could get China's support in a nanosecond.

... and you would lose your bet. Israel has pissed off everyone else; they have no prospects anywhere. Nobody is looking to supply Israel with anything. The US is all they have.

Stupid fucks like you can't think anything through.

You really are a moron. China would love to back them in an instant if the US dropped them as an ally. Israel has a good export economy, and plenty of nations that can't get military stuff elsewhere get it from them.

Remember the Falklands War? Israel had sold Argentina almost 75 IAI Nesher (Dagger) fighters along with AAM's and other equipment. Chile bought hundreds of tanks from Israel. Raytheon, a major US weapons manufacturer has plants and R&D services in Israel. They make Israel's Iron Dome system and that same technology goes into the US Patriot SAM system. China would love to have that technology.
Iscar makes some of the finest tungsten carbide and other hard metal cutting and machining tools in the world. Again, China would love to import those at a discount. Israel is one of the world's top manufacturers of polished synthetic diamonds too. Everybody buys those from them.
Intel's Israel R&D and semiconductor manufacturing invented the 8088 chip, and then successors to it that created the PC revolution.

High technology is an Israeli specialty, and if the US kicks them to the curb, others will step in to take America's place. You can take that to the bank, and the US gets fucked when it happens.
Do you really think that a nation that is fully capable of producing top of the line weapons systems and other goods can't find another backer?
Why do you think that the world isn't rushing to buy Israel's weapon systems? Why is the world not flooded with these supposedly "top of the line" weapon systems?

They could get China's support in a nanosecond.
You're dreaming. China has maintained commercial ties with Israel, and has never purchased any weapons. China favors Philistine in the conflict.

China would love to have that technology.
This is a pivot. You shifted from "the US not supporting Israel" to "Israel actively making an enemy out of the US."
So, you think that Israel is screwed if the US stops backing them hum? My bet is they switch alliances in a nanosecond to another power that will supply them arms. At the same time, they'll cut ties on the R&D--like Raytheon and the Iron Dome system--and move to supplying their new sugar daddy.

Just what the US needs is an Israel allied with China for example. Stupid fucks like you can't think ahead to the consequences of your actions.

Wait a minute, you are envisioning an Israeli Chinese alliance? In case you hadn’t noticed, Israel is a democracy, China a plutocracy, your alliance ain’t happening

The US will never flush Israel, or vice a versa, too many social, political, and historical connections, plus the arrangement is a two way street
Wait a minute, you are envisioning an Israeli Chinese alliance? In case you hadn’t noticed, Israel is a democracy, China a plutocracy, your alliance ain’t happening

The US will never flush Israel, or vice a versa, too many social, political, and historical connections, plus the arrangement is a two way street

Israel was cheated by Nuttinbuttayahoo

He’s trump in Israel