The BIG Thing Dixie either DOES NOT know or does not want you to know.


New member
Might as well make another thread... This needs to be exposed.

My guess, is it is the first and due more to his hate than his stupidity. If I had gone plural then I would be here all day. So let's just go with the big ticket item that he and I have been butting heads on here.

China is no real threat to us. They hold paper that we can honor or not. If we fail to honor the paper it will destroy the SS trust as that is all they have. The SS trust fund will have to be actualized (turned into dollars) and so we will have to sell that debt to some other lender. If China, India and the rest of the world do NOT continue to grow, kiss your grandma's and your own hopes of a retirment goodbye.

You might say, well I am not counting on SS. Good for you. IT DOES NOT MATTER! If you are heavily invested in gold and other durable commodities you might make out alright (even still I would suggest getting out of Dodge before it is too late). Otherwise, you will get screwed.

Our retirees and near term retirees are more dependent on the growth of the third world than anyone. Us younger folks, we could just push the US to default now and put the weight on the current/near term retirees, China and the other debt holders. Of course, it will hurt us, especially those who have much property in goods that are subject to price fluctuations. But we can recover.

I am not suggesting that course. There would likely be some bloodshed. But there is no avoiding the pain. Deal with it now or deal with it later. The shell games are not going to work and those in the know are not fooled.

BTW, there are several ways we can default. They are all painful. We can just discontinue use of the dollar or as Greenspan has suggested we can print more dollars to cover it. The results are pretty much the same. Denying the dollar will be more painful up front but will allow us to recover more quickly. Papering over it with new currency will let us ease into default and it will take longer to recover. Faced with those two options only, I would prefer actual default.

Any economist that tells you this is not where we are headed is lying, a Pollyanna or just expects to die soon. We will not grow our way out of this. The best option is to restructure the unfunded liabilitities NOW.

Start pushing back the retirement age. Means test SS/Medicare. Increase the number of dollars that are subject to payroll taxes. Reduce the overly generous COLA.

Benefits will have to be reduced. A tax solution alone will put too much weight on our economy and in conjuction with our massive debt will make us a bad investment. Taxes will probably have to be increased too, though.

The truth makes you mad? Tough. Thank FDR, Reagan, Bush and Obama.

Jin Baisong, a member of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation which is affiliated to the Ministry of Commerce, said China should wield its power as Japan's largest creditor and "impose sanctions on Japan in the most effective manner". This would deal a "heavy blow" to the Japanese economy, which is already on the brink of a fiscal crisis.
Writing in the Communist Party newspaper China Daily, Baisong said: "An analysis of Sino-Japanese economic interdependence shows that Japan's economy will suffer severely if China were to impose sanctions on it. China's loss would be relatively less."


Oh, but now the lovely Chinese Commies would NEVER do such a thing to the US, would they???
We are NOT broke...not at all. It's just more FEAR.

Bernie Sanders Introduces Bill To Lift The Payroll Tax Cap, Ensuring Full Social Security Funding For Nearly 75 Years
By Zaid Jilani on Aug 25, 2011 at 2:40 pm

Last week, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was a featured speaker at the United Steel Workers 2011 conference in Las Vegas.

Sanders focused much of his speech on the Social Security system, blasting suggestions by Democrats and Republicans alike that, for example, we should adjust the cost of living adjustment to cut Social Security payments to working class Americans or raise the retirement age. “When [Social Security] was developed, 50 percent of seniors lived in poverty. Today, poverty among seniors is too high, but that number is ten percent. Social Security has done exactly what it was designed to do!” he thundered, defending the program. Watch it:

Today, Sanders announced that he will introduce legislation that would strengthen Social Security without cutting benefits to any of its beneficiaries. Sanders’ legislation would eliminate the income cap that currently exists in the payroll tax that does not tax income above $106,800:

To keep Social Security strong for another 75 years, Sanders’ legislation would apply the same payroll tax already paid by more than nine out of 10 Americans to those with incomes over $250,000 a year. [...] Under Sanders’ legislation, Social Security benefits would be untouched. The system would be fully funded by making the wealthiest Americans pay the same payroll tax already assessed on those with incomes up to $106,800 a year.

Sanders points out that President Obama himself endorsed this idea on the campaign trail in 2008. “What we need to do is to raise the cap on the payroll tax so that wealthy individuals are paying a little bit more into the system. Right now, somebody like Warren Buffet pays a fraction of 1 percent of his income in payroll tax, whereas the majority…pays payroll tax on 100 percent of their income. I’ve said that was not fair,” said Obama during the campaign.

The Social Security system is currently fully funded until 2037. Lifting the payroll tax cap would virtually eliminate funding shortfalls the program would experience over the next 75 years.

Recall that polling shows that even a majority of self-identified tea partiers would rather raise the payroll tax cap than raise the retirement age.
Might as well make another thread... This needs to be exposed.

My guess, is it is the first and due more to his hate than his stupidity. If I had gone plural then I would be here all day. So let's just go with the big ticket item that he and I have been butting heads on here.

China is no real threat to us. They hold paper that we can honor or not. If we fail to honor the paper it will destroy the SS trust as that is all they have. The SS trust fund will have to be actualized (turned into dollars) and so we will have to sell that debt to some other lender. If China, India and the rest of the world do NOT continue to grow, kiss your grandma's and your own hopes of a retirment goodbye.

You might say, well I am not counting on SS. Good for you. IT DOES NOT MATTER! If you are heavily invested in gold and other durable commodities you might make out alright (even still I would suggest getting out of Dodge before it is too late). Otherwise, you will get screwed.

Our retirees and near term retirees are more dependent on the growth of the third world than anyone. Us younger folks, we could just push the US to default now and put the weight on the current/near term retirees, China and the other debt holders. Of course, it will hurt us, especially those who have much property in goods that are subject to price fluctuations. But we can recover.

I am not suggesting that course. There would likely be some bloodshed. But there is no avoiding the pain. Deal with it now or deal with it later. The shell games are not going to work and those in the know are not fooled.

BTW, there are several ways we can default. They are all painful. We can just discontinue use of the dollar or as Greenspan has suggested we can print more dollars to cover it. The results are pretty much the same. Denying the dollar will be more painful up front but will allow us to recover more quickly. Papering over it with new currency will let us ease into default and it will take longer to recover. Faced with those two options only, I would prefer actual default.

Any economist that tells you this is not where we are headed is lying, a Pollyanna or just expects to die soon. We will not grow our way out of this. The best option is to restructure the unfunded liabilitities NOW.

Start pushing back the retirement age. Means test SS/Medicare. Increase the number of dollars that are subject to payroll taxes. Reduce the overly generous COLA.

Benefits will have to be reduced. A tax solution alone will put too much weight on our economy and in conjuction with our massive debt will make us a bad investment. Taxes will probably have to be increased too, though.

The truth makes you mad? Tough. Thank FDR, Reagan, Bush and Obama.
Shoot, I didn't even read this and I can sum up your opening statement about what Dixie does not know and does not want to know in one word.


Jin Baisong, a member of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation which is affiliated to the Ministry of Commerce, said China should wield its power as Japan's largest creditor and "impose sanctions on Japan in the most effective manner". This would deal a "heavy blow" to the Japanese economy, which is already on the brink of a fiscal crisis.
Writing in the Communist Party newspaper China Daily, Baisong said: "An analysis of Sino-Japanese economic interdependence shows that Japan's economy will suffer severely if China were to impose sanctions on it. China's loss would be relatively less."


Oh, but now the lovely Chinese Commies would NEVER do such a thing to the US, would they???

Yeah and those who understand economics told him to shut up, I am sure. He is probably just some dinosaur still raging about Nanking, which was a horrible atrocity. But they are also squabbling over some uninhabited islands, which both have legitimate claims to, but are not of much use to either. We don't need our headless chickens butting their nose into it. Instead we need those who look at all sides and take careful and measured responses.

Interdependence. Do you understand what that means?
Shoot, I didn't even read this and I can sum up your opening statement about what Dixie does not know and does not want to know in one word.


How to reason. Chess. Why capitalism rules. Why science rules. Many many things but the first is foremost. He operates on fear, jealousy and anger and does not appreciate the Tibetan people at all.
Yeah and those who understand economics told him to shut up, I am sure. He is probably just some dinosaur still raging about Nanking, which was a horrible atrocity. But they are also squabbling over some uninhabited islands, which both have legitimate claims to, but are not of much use to either. We don't need our headless chickens butting their nose into it. Instead we need those who look at all sides and take careful and measured responses.

Interdependence. Do you understand what that means?

I understand that China holds about 5x more debt of the US than Japan, and they are a Communist nation. I understand they are threatening a bond war with Japan, a virtual next-door neighbor of theirs. I also understand the phrase "having you by the balls" do you?
I understand that China holds about 5x more debt of the US than Japan, and they are a Communist nation. I understand they are threatening a bond war with Japan, a virtual next-door neighbor of theirs. I also understand the phrase "having you by the balls" do you?

I understand that one of their headless chickens was squawking. That's all. You think they speak as one anymore than we do?

Throw another tantrum and we will see where you land.
Their virtual next door neighbor.... lol

Yeah like East Germany and West Germany, before some MODERATE voices got TOGETHER and tore down the wall.

Jesus Christ, READ. The Bible, a history book, Wikipedia, the back of a Starbuck's cup,, must not trust anything beyond hate filled fear mongering spam. That's how they get you. Don't question. Just have faith and do as you are told. Wait for spam to tell us how to respond.

Spamity spam.
You're showing me NOTHING to indicate Japan is any MORE of an "enemy" to Communist China than we are. It's pretty clear that you CAN'T show us this, and so now you are relegated to throwing out insults and denigration to those who dare to speak out.
You're showing me NOTHING to indicate Japan is any MORE of an "enemy" to Communist China than we are. It's pretty clear that you CAN'T show us this, and so now you are relegated to throwing out insults and denigration to those who dare to speak out.

Why on earth would I want to show you that? I never said it and I certainly do not believe it. You are so THOROUGHLY confused.

There are some headless chickens in China and, for that matter, Japan. Just like we have headless chickens here that obsess about China and once did about Japan.

Let me slow it down for you. Just because you might think they look and sound alike does not mean they agree. Japan and China have a long history of conflict. The Rape of Nanking was no joke. It was a horrible thing done by Imperial Japan (that was back when headless chickens here thought it fitting to put Japanese Americans in concentration camps, China was our ally and just before we nuked Japan) to China.

That is still an open wound for many in China. Sort of like Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Pearl Harbor.

Now, Japan and China are arguing over some uninhabitated islands. This goes back again to WWII and we supported China's claims to those islands at the time. Many Americans died on those islands. The leaders back then seemed to think they had some strategic value. I can't see what value they have now, but I don't know. I think it's just a matter of national pride. Being a Nazi, you should understand that.

The point is, that the fact that one fellow spoke out about using their debt over this issue, is not at all that alarming. It might be to headless chickens, but...

If China does that to Japan it will be destructive to the economy of CHINA. They are interdependent with Japan. Just like we are interdependent with China and Japan.

I am sure the one person who spoke was told to shut up by those who understand economics. It's nothing to get your panties into a twist about. But that is what you are good at.
There are no problems with headless chickens. Of all the animals on the planet, chickens rank among the dumbest, even WITH their heads... so, no worries about chickens without heads. Communist Chinese, it's a different story. Mao killed over 60 million people... hardly something a headless chicken could ever do. We've had a long storied history of conflict with Red China as well... Vietnam and Korea come to mind, as well as Cambodia and Taiwan.

China isn't talking of cutting military budgets, they are spending more than they ever have before on their military build up. At the same time, their leaders are pushing for strong-arm economic warfare against their enemies, and the stronger they become financially, the more they will do this, because Communist China rolls like that. One of the problems they have, is too many people in the country to provide for, they don't have enough land and resources, that's why they've implemented barbaric population control measures and continue to violate human rights. Whenever we become unable to service our debts to them, they will come for their retribution in the form of our land and resources, because that's what they need the most. If our money is worthless, they'll assume American property, including YOUR property, and you won't have the military to prevent it because you were too stupid to see it coming... ironically, much like a headless chicken!
There are no problems with headless chickens. Of all the animals on the planet, chickens rank among the dumbest, even WITH their heads... so, no worries about chickens without heads. Communist Chinese, it's a different story. Mao killed over 60 million people... hardly something a headless chicken could ever do. We've had a long storied history of conflict with Red China as well... Vietnam and Korea come to mind, as well as Cambodia and Taiwan.

China isn't talking of cutting military budgets, they are spending more than they ever have before on their military build up. At the same time, their leaders are pushing for strong-arm economic warfare against their enemies, and the stronger they become financially, the more they will do this, because Communist China rolls like that. One of the problems they have, is too many people in the country to provide for, they don't have enough land and resources, that's why they've implemented barbaric population control measures and continue to violate human rights. Whenever we become unable to service our debts to them, they will come for their retribution in the form of our land and resources, because that's what they need the most. If our money is worthless, they'll assume American property, including YOUR property, and you won't have the military to prevent it because you were too stupid to see it coming... ironically, much like a headless chicken!

I don't know if anyone has told you but Mao is dead.

They are spending more than ever on military?!?!? You say some are demanding that more be spent on military? Is that so?

They are pushing for strong arm economic warfare?!?!?!? Like threatening to stop trading? Do some people do that? Really?

There are some there that complain about crowding? Damn those mojados can swim?!?!?!?

Lol... You are a headless chicken. They have theirs we have you.

We are spending more on the military than ever. We and they are also spending more than ever on Kleenex, I am sure, but I don't expect either of us will be buried in it. You, well maybe.

We have a military. It's better than theirs and we spend WAAAAYYY more on it. That's not going to change. Not even under a Ron Paul presidency would we spend less than they or anyone else does on military. They ARE NOT going to assume a thing. They know they cannot invade us with out bringing about MAD.

You demand strong arm economic tactics. Your candidate hints at it (Romney is not really that stupid, but he needs your vote) and everyone knows who you supported over him. They are not going to invade.

You complain all the time about how poor minorities are going to swamp us and that we need to build border walls.

You have been needlessly scaring yourself over these phantom fears for a looooooong time. Your fear is unfounded. Your problem is that you think the Chinese leaders are somehow stupider than you are. They are not. They are far wiser. They are not going to let some idiot like you lead them.

Your approach would ASSURE nuclear armageddon. I would insist that you were just a troll, but I know WAAAYYY too many people like you. Nuclear war seems to be what you want. You are the ultimate tantrum throwers. But nobody is going to let you have your way.
You will know why if you read about the Japanese invasion and particularly the Nanjing massacres.

Oh, no, I'm certainly aware of that. In fact, most of the invaded region still remembers what the Japanese did to them, to include the Koreans. I can certainly understand why they are all pissed.
There's a really great scene in the movie Street Kings where Keanu Reeves as a corrupt and racist LAPD cop meets up with some Korean gangsters and drops a "konichiwa" reference, and the lead gangster has to remind him that it's offensive.
There are no problems with headless chickens. Of all the animals on the planet, chickens rank among the dumbest, even WITH their heads... so, no worries about chickens without heads. Communist Chinese, it's a different story. Mao killed over 60 million people... hardly something a headless chicken could ever do. We've had a long storied history of conflict with Red China as well... Vietnam and Korea come to mind, as well as Cambodia and Taiwan.

China isn't talking of cutting military budgets, they are spending more than they ever have before on their military build up. At the same time, their leaders are pushing for strong-arm economic warfare against their enemies, and the stronger they become financially, the more they will do this, because Communist China rolls like that. One of the problems they have, is too many people in the country to provide for, they don't have enough land and resources, that's why they've implemented barbaric population control measures and continue to violate human rights. Whenever we become unable to service our debts to them, they will come for their retribution in the form of our land and resources, because that's what they need the most. If our money is worthless, they'll assume American property, including YOUR property, and you won't have the military to prevent it because you were too stupid to see it coming... ironically, much like a headless chicken!

Many years ago I had a Chinese landlord. He kept the place neat. Attended to repairs and upkeep. No complaints from me. :)