The Booker problem

Big Money

New member

It was bound to happen after a while, even to Cory Booker.

While the Newark mayor easily won the Democratic primary for the senate race in New Jersey this week, some liberal commentators were rolling their eyes.

The bright-eyed young hero the media and Blue America fell in love with ten years ago for his bid to take over ailing Newark from a Black Power machine gone to seed is increasingly processed as a bit of an empty suit.

The main criticism of Booker seems to be his open embrace of the Powers That Be even while he says he speaks for the poor brother on the street.

Of course, all indications are that this is precisely the kind of black leader that will have any real influence in American life as we move on. Booker is to be commended for knowing it and acting accordingly.

From here on out black politicians will be vetted more on the content of their character than the color of their skin, ironically enough.