The Butchers Are Coming


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The world knew what Hitler was going to do before he did it. The same is true of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, and every other butcher. It is precisely because they stated their brutal intentions beforehand that they attracted enough followers to carry out their slaughters. In Biden’s America every private sector American will suffer the same fate as Hitler’s victims suffered.

The people that Obama and Biden attract are the same kind that every butcher attracts. It is time Americans faced the facts. Just about everyone in Obama’s administration was worse than anybody Hitler ever attracted. Nazis had hard economic times as an excuse. Even Lenin’s Communists could falsely claim they only opposed czarism government, while Obama-Biden people falsely claim they oppose capitalism. That is a bizarre claim coming from tax dollar millionaires/billionaires living in the wealthiest society on earth. In truth, their objective is slaughtering the weak and defenseless out of sheer cruelty.

Biden & Company are guilty of every crime that does not require courage. If history is any guide Biden & Company will not be stopped until their gruesome work is well underway or finished. Remember that Hitler was a failure only in the sense that he was stopped, while nobody ever stopped successful Communist butchers.

QUESTION: Why do butchers succeed to any degree? ANSWER: Decent human beings fear that killing the killers will turn them into the killers. That same philosophical trap is seen in war: If decent men and women treat a defeated enemy the same way they were treated they would become the same thing. It is that moral dilemma that gives butchers all of the courage they need. Hitler understood it:

“The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it.”

Unfortunately, after WWII ended decent men and women failed to imitate totalitarian government just enough to deal with peacetime” butchers. Winning a war is easy, but until the world learns how to deal with peacetime butchers the human race will always lose the peace.

NOTE: Democracy is not an answer to stopping peacetime butchers. Democracy actually encourages slaughter by making it legal. The Netherlands is a sign of where democracy always goes. The Dutch welfare state has gone from meals on wheels to home-delivery killing:

'This is a real tragedy when you consider that in the Second World War the Dutch refused to implement the Nazi euthanasia programme.'

Go-ahead for world's first mobile euthanasia unit that will allow patients to die at home
Teams will end the lives of additional 1,000 a year
2,700 Dutch people a year choose assisted suicide
By Simon Caldwell
Last updated at 12:17 AM on 10th February 2012

To justify taking an innocent individual’s life opens the door to governments murdering millions. If the tens of millions of murders done by governments in the last century taught anything it is that there is no slope slipperier than cultivating the government’s bloodlust. Bottom line: Never, never, never, give the government the authority to kill innocent people.

The road to governments slaughtering their own people begins with the public’s acceptance of things like mercy killing, doctor-assisted suicide, abortion on demand, and so on. The sheer number of abortions makes it the worst mass murder. Slaughtering tens of millions of infants (hundreds of millions worldwide) became doing a kindness for mothers.

A long time ago I asked myself what inhuman pain I would have felt while I was being torn apart had my mother aborted me? I still cry knowing that no one hears the screams of a fetus while it is being torn to pieces more methodically than animals tear apart a prey. Science gave us so much unnecessary brutality, the least scientists can do is find a way to record the screams of a fetus so Democrats can hear them.

NOTE: Murdered infants do not get a choice. So please do not tell me that people choose suicide. The problem is legalized killing. In short: If a person cannot commit suicide on their own they should not get government help doing it.

There is no better example of peacetime butchers at work than those in Holland.

When Obama Voted For Infanticide
By Andrew C. McCarthy
February 9, 2012 5:20 P.M. drew-c-mccarthy

This is my take on the Dutch:

The Netherlands leads the world in Socialist parasites. There is no better example of Socialist morality at work than those in Holland. The Dutch rejected Nazi euthanasia, but now Dutch Communists lead the world in peacetime euthanasia. The Netherlands has long been the proving ground for worldwide Socialism’s Culture of Death. As I said many times “Nazi Germany’s occupation was the last good thing to happen in the Netherlands.”

There is more there than just infanticide including the relevant portion of Obama’s legislative record where he makes his position, and his extremism, crystal clear.

Behind every powerful health care mandate under Obamacare is a power-hungry woman named Kathleen Sebelius. As the Health and Human Services Secretary, she has unprecedented power under Obamacare to control health care decisions, the approval of medical products and the national biomedical research agenda. The Secretary is not only the key player; she is the only one on the field. “The Secretary shall…” is mentioned more than 1000 times in the new health care law.

Obama’s Nurse Ratched
by Robert Goldberg
February 16, 2012, 12:00 AM

Obama’s record is what we ought to find shocking because he did everything he came to do —— he did what he said he was going to do when he promised to “fundamentally transform the United States”. Anyone with a shred of common sense could have predicted what he would do one minute after then-Senator Obama made his first speech on the Senate floor. Should you analyze Obama’s speech you will note it is riddled with his trademarks —— misdirection, doublespeak, and lies:

There is more than enough evidence in Biden’s 36 years as a senator and 8 years as vice president to predict he will do what he says he will do. That is exactly why he had to steal the election.

And why do Socialists always romanticize Communist butchers by calling them freedom fighters when Communism enslaves? In truth, liberals never stop wailing about the evils of war while they glorify peacetime butchers of every stripe. Communist or Muslim terrorist, it makes no difference to Socialists.

No one can tell me that the Sebelius’ vast authority was a mistake. To say that butchering millions under the health care law was not planned is to say that Hitler’s bureaucrats were only following orders. The Butcher in Chief and his henchmen in Congress knew exactly what they were doing when they rammed the Affordable Care Act through.
SCOTUS Chief Justice Rehnquist's diatribe of "it's a Christian Nation" has more than enough lynching enforcement for that "serve the Pope or die" tautology where the USA kills Americans, just as the Catholic Church assassination of JFK for Christiananality pedophilia megalomaniacal business super egos which resulted in the second coming of a Christian Nation religious heritage thru 9/11 for continuing suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming with the current unrest on Capital Hill.