The Cackling OLD Ho is no good.......

But we all already KNEW that anyway......

That's the classic LBJ 2-story prestressed concrete projects. We have them here, too.

The divider walls of each unit are 4" thick pre-made concrete sections with rebar running all through it. So is the 2nd story floor.

They're pretty strong, I never heard of anyone having to evacuate projects in a storm.

I've done work in the projects.
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Marxism= The politics of PUSSIES. Marxism is for those too lame and feeble to do for themselves and their offspring and instead depend on the strong and tough minded to provide for their weakling asses. Thats just the simple truth of it. Lazy and lame. After next November we go back to the old tried and true system of NO WORK= NO EAT. We will care for the needy and disabled who truly need and deserve our help but not one thin dime for the lazy and corrupt. WORK OR STARVE.
Marxism= The politics of PUSSIES. Marxism is for those too lame and feeble to do for themselves and their offspring and instead depend on the strong and tough minded to provide for their weakling asses. Thats just the simple truth of it. Lazy and lame. After next November we go back to the old tried and true system of NO WORK= NO EAT. We will care for the needy and disabled who truly need and deserve our help but not one thin dime for the lazy and corrupt. WORK OR STARVE.

Those who are physically and mentally able to work and prefer not to work…can eat their shoes.
Heels Up Harris’ father was a Marxist economist, equal outcomes for everyone.

Like father like daughter…income re-distribution…a nightmare.
The Repubs are for distributing income too, straight up to the top. They have been very successful . Our wealth gap is worse than during the Gilded Age, and continues the trickle up. A terrible wealth gap is dangerous for the stability of the nation.
The Repubs are for distributing income too, straight up to the top. They have been very successful . Our wealth gap is worse than during the Gilded Age, and continues the trickle up. A terrible wealth gap is dangerous for the stability of the nation.
Well, no, Nordy.

The top are wealthy due to their economic acuity.

Marxism…equality of outcomes, means outcomes (economic outcomes ) are all equal, irregardless of economic acuity.

CEO’s are paid more than hamburger flippers because the CEO has a much higher economic acuity.

This is the right order of things, Nordy.
The Repubs are for distributing income too, straight up to the top. They have been very successful . Our wealth gap is worse than during the Gilded Age, and continues the trickle up. A terrible wealth gap is dangerous for the stability of the nation.
It is unsustainable. An infinity fountain doesn’t work unless water coms down from the top level.