The Catholic Church was compromised during the cold war


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All countries during the Cold War had their own cleaners. Countries also used the cleaners of other countries.

The CIA provided cleaning services to The Shah of Iran, Nato Allies, South Vietnam, and other places.

The Soviet Union provided cleaning services to The War Saw Pact countries, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Cuba, Afghanistan and other places

Richard Nixon's plumbers totally incompetent

Rodrigo Borgia Alexander the 6th cleaners totally incompetent.

From the Years 1000-1945 Catholic Church cleaners totally incompetent.

From Years 1945-1980’s Catholic Church cleaners top notch some of the best in the world. Managed to cover up Child Sexual abuse on a very large global scale.

Did the Catholic Church ever use the cleaning services of the CIA or the KGB? Possibly but no direct evidence.

The collapse of the Catholic Church’s child sexual abuse occurs around the same time as the Collapse of the Soviet Union. This could be an indication that the Catholic Church used the cleaning services of the KGB but this is not proof as it could be a total coincidence. When the Soviet Union started collapsing the KGB stopped providing Cleaning services to other countries. The US is way to moral to have ever helped the Catholic Church cover up child sexual abuse so it’s unlikely the CIA ever helped the Catholic Church. There is no direct evidence that the Catholic Church ever used the cleaning services of the CIA or KGB.

My question is who are the Churches Cleaners and why have they never been brought to justice for covering up child sexual abuse on a massive scale. They were not covering up espionage or affairs with mistresses, bribery or normal corruption. The average Bishop would not have a cleaner on staff and would have to contact the Vatican directly for a cleaner in order to keep the truth about child sexual abuse from getting out. The Catholic Church has a large history of sacking cities and killing thousands of people. Like when they sacked Constantinople. They also have a history of Popes and Bishops having mistresses. Child sexual abuse of male boys is a new thing. Having a 13 year old girl as a mistress was perfectly acceptable in the middle ages and will not be considered sexual abuse in this scenario. The church does not have a long history of sexually abusing young boys this appears to be a uniquely 20th century problem as there is no direct evidence of it happening in early centuries.

Another questions is did the Soviet Union know about the child sexual abuse and start blackmailing the Catholic Church during the cold war. We know that both the Soviet Union and the United States routinely black mailed foreign leaders. A lot of the priests, bishops, cardinals, monks from Eastern bloc countries / Soviet Union were loyal to communism, socialism, Marxism, their country and the Soviet Union. If any of them learned about wide spread child sexual abuse they would have contacted their own country and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union also placed bugs all over the Vatican. The Soviets also bugged confessionals in the Eastern Block. The odds the Soviet Union didn’t know about the child sexual abuse scheme are extremely slim about 1 in a trillion. I am going to assume that of course the Soviet Union knew about the child sexual abuse scandal. The odds the Soviet Union knew about the child sexual abuse scandal are 100%. If the Soviet Union knew about the child abuse scandal did they black mail the church. Of course the Soviet Union black mailed the Catholic Church they black mailed everyone. The Soviet Union loved kompromat and the leverage and power that it provided. The Catholic Church was obviously compromised throughout the entire cold war. The Catholic Church is probably still compromised to this day by the Russian Federation.

The Strength of the Catholic Church lies in the moral authority of its top leadership. It doesn't matter that the American, French and British governments are doing worst things in Africa and Asia because their strength lies in military power and economic might. The Vatican is the most morally bankrupt government because moral authority is all they have. Look at happened when Pope Alexander the 6th had an affair with Giulia Farnesea a married woman and eventually she bore him a child. Pope Alexander the 6th lacked moral authority and this hurt the church because people were starting to question the idea of paying for their sins to raise money to help pay for orphanages, hospitals, and schools. Having a quota for priests to collect on sin taxes encouraged sin. If a rich married man couldn't stay faithful to his wife and he kept paying for his sins what incentive would this create to encourage priests to reform sinners. Taxing sin created conflicts of interest and lead to severe corruption. If you’re running a corrupt financial scheme off sin taxes and skimming a little off the top you are seriously compromised, and this led to the protestant reformation. The selling of indulgences was a serious problem for the church. In modern times if you go to a priest they well never ask you to pay for your sins because even church leaders know it was sinful to tax sin in such a way as to encourage sin to increase revenue.

Unlike paying for your sins which through Machiavellian reasoning can easily be justified as the ends justify the means and we needed money to save the lives of the poor. Money was transferred from rich sinners to starving people. The sexual abuse of children was not a money-making scheme designed to raise money to help the poor. There was no way to morally justify how the Church was unable to deal with the problem.

The Borgias were strong leaders in charge of a corrupt tax system but nothing they were ever accused of is anything as bad as covering up child sexual abuse on such a massive scale and being totally compromised to a country that was officially atheist.

The Catholic Church was no longer a strong Machiavellian power but a deeply corrupt dysfunctional pointless organization of pettiness, but this is exactly what the Soviet Union needed. The church was so compromised, and they knew the Russians probably had recordings of many conversations regarding child sexual abuse cover ups.

Stalin had always feared the power of the Vatican. The Pope was a sovereign king and a head of state, the ruler of a government many considered strong and powerful but in truth it was nothing. It was now a compromised country so vulnerable to blackmail. The Catholic leadership knew that the Soviets could leak the information involving covering up child sexual abuse. What the Soviet Union did was morally wrong. The Soviet Union should have told the entire world that priests were abusing children and that the Vatican and the Bishops were covering it all up. The Soviet Union was a member of the UN and had a duty to inform on the Catholic Church. The UN should have been notified immediately failure to notify the UN shows a serious lack of judgement on part of one of the UNs most important members. Failure to inform the UN about the wide spread sexual abuse of the Catholic Church was a terrible thing as every UN member had a right to know. Most countries in the UN had young children at risk of being abused. The UN needed to be informed so that a UN investigation into the corrupt illegal actions of the Catholic Church would have begun right away and the lives of thousands of children could have been saved. This is one of the worst most despicable actions that the Soviet Union ever took on the world stage and its top leadership of the Soviet Union throughout the entire cold war should burn in hell for not informing the UN of what was going on in the Catholic Church. This involved sexual abuse of children does the Soviet Union have no decency. Have they no morals values or ethics what so ever. What kind of sick people would rather black mail a small country called the Vatican rather than protect the children of UN member’s. In this situation the Soviet Union had an obligation to rat on the Vatican directly to all UN members. The communists claim to fight for worker’s rights, gender rights, racial equality, equal access to the basic necessities, is proven to be meaning less propaganda. Most of the children abused by Catholic priests were from the working class. The children abused were part of the proletariat which the Soviet Union claimed to be the champion of. The failure of the Soviet Union to protect the proletariat children around the world from the Catholic Church is a disgrace to everything the UN stands for and is a stain on the honor of the communist party and the Russian people. The Vatican is not a member of the UN so the Pope who receives daily intelligence briefings just like every other world leader and knew about all of the child sexual abuse had no obligation to inform the UN. All of the Popes during the cold war knew about the child sexual abuse and the cover ups and they did nothing about it. However the Pope is the head of state of a country. His obligation was to protect Vatican City at all costs. None of the popes had any obligation to stop the child sexual abuse or to inform the UN. Only the Soviet Union had a duty to inform the UN. The Catholic Church had no duty obligation to the UN to stop the sexual abuse or to come clean about it. The actions of all involved in the cover ups like the Bishops, Cardinals and the Popes they did nothing wrong. They were protecting the national security of Vatican City. Had this come out it would have hurt their national security. The pope is both a religious leader and monarch with absolute unquestioned power and authority the buck stops with him. They may be personally responsible for all the child sexual abuse going on at the time but they never joined the UN and gave up a little sovereignty in the process. What the Soviet Union did was wrong and every Soviet Leader should burn in hell for it. What Popes did was act in the best interest of their country. The Popes were smart enough to ensure that the national security of their country and so long as the Vatican never became a full UN member no harm no foul to all the Popes and cardinals who covered up all the child sexual abuse. Shame on the Soviet Union burn in hell communists. Full responsivity for what happened goes to the Russians who were required to inform the UN. The popes did nothing wrong they all knew about the child sexual abuse and did nothing but they had no obligation to do so. The Soviet Union knew what was going on and they did nothing they screwed over all UN member. The Popes had no obligation to inform the UN but the Russians did. The Russians hurt the national security of all UN member states by not informing on the Catholic Church. The Vatican was a clear threat to all members but the Vatican had no obligation to confess, come clean or do the right thing. The Russians did. So as long as the Vatican never applies for full UN membership they can safely blame the Russians for every child that was abused. The Popes can safely say Russia why didn’t you stop us we didn’t have enough self-control you as a full UN member should have known better. Every Pope since World War 2 knew about all the sexual abuse of children you should have rated us out to the UN and spared those children. The Popes bare no responsibility for covering up wide spread global sexual abuse covering most of the members of the UN Russia alone is responsible. Putin should immediately apologies to the Vatican for not contacting the UN and telling them what was going on. Russia may try to argue that the Popes could have come clean at any time and informed the UN but hey what were the odds of that. The Leaders of the Soviet Union had a higher moral obligation then a lowly none UN member. With UN member ship comes a commitment to ethics, morality, a code of conduct a hostility to wide spread global sexual abuse that a lowly non UN member state could ever have. The Popes did not have any obligation to be moral and most of them weren’t. Look at history Russia look what the Popes did. The Soviet Union calls themselves communist and they let a religion deeply despised by Karl Marx get away with Global sexual abuse shame on Russia.
I disagree, Catholic church was a compromise away from Politics and into educating hope, faith, charity life originated outside the moment separating everyone alive now. Science does the same thing. Philosophies do the same thing.

Economics is based upon how reproduction works in plain sight only in inverse order whole lifetimes added become the percentage of the whole reproductions forward. It is why every lifetime is unique, compounding DNA per merged reproductive cells. Now the Catholic church can do something here to correct 101 in 2020. That is 101 reproductive cycles since year 0 AD and humanity hasn't ever been honest in any reality so far about life is actually eternally spacing reproductions present apart now.

Time to correct choices followed blindly wishing life were more than what exists naturally here. No exception socially. Being etrnally timed apart really does make choice exactly what each reality has become historically.

Every choice to pick a side makes interpretation borderless walls to character typecasting cradle to grave. Now being etrnity and every choice can be a second chance to stop pretending points of origin are beyond being spaced apart now as life is cycles timed apart from now on.

But nobody is going to believe this. And nothing is going to change but the people adapting to spaced apart so far.