the clinton era is no more


Hi all, long time no talk. I remember watching President Obama's speech last tuesday night and it just made me proud that we can finally have a president that will be so eloquent and even handed. The nasty politics of the clintons are finally going to be put to a rest. The longer she continues in this race the more petty and pathetic she becomes. I feel as though we are on a new dawn, a new era of american politics. We are entering a time of TRUE change. I know many people have a problem with that language, but if you look at the type of man Obama is, the more you see that he's the real deal. He'll be able to speak to world leaders and not trip on his sentences, he'll try to bridge the polarized gap that divides this country, he's going to be an inspiration and a president that everyone will come to respect and admire, I dare say he'll probably be a top ten president when history takes it's course... and to think we are living at the beginning of this beautiful new era, we are all very lucky.

I guess that's all i wanted to share, I'm kind of in a sharing mood recently.

Change and Hope - Yes we can.
Hi all, long time no talk. I remember watching President Obama's speech last tuesday night and it just made me proud that we can finally have a president that will be so eloquent and even handed. The nasty politics of the clintons are finally going to be put to a rest. The longer she continues in this race the more petty and pathetic she becomes. I feel as though we are on a new dawn, a new era of american politics. We are entering a time of TRUE change. I know many people have a problem with that language, but if you look at the type of man Obama is, the more you see that he's the real deal. He'll be able to speak to world leaders and not trip on his sentences, he'll try to bridge the polarized gap that divides this country, he's going to be an inspiration and a president that everyone will come to respect and admire, I dare say he'll probably be a top ten president when history takes it's course... and to think we are living at the beginning of this beautiful new era, we are all very lucky.

I guess that's all i wanted to share, I'm kind of in a sharing mood recently.

Change and Hope - Yes we can.

And it's because of this promise of real change that he could never choose Hillary as his running mate, despite the suggestions of the media pundits. People would feel completely betrayed by that. I wish they would just drop it. When asked about it yesterday, he was very gracious, also very cautious, and I suspect that it's the last thing he would want.
Sorry I have no respect for the man that sits in the front row of a church for 20 years and never realized Rev. Wright was a racist bigot. He either is an idiot or just as racist as Rev. Wright. Either way is had got the democrats fooled.
There's nothing wrong with America that needs changing.

I don't want the changes that the liberal Socialist Democrats offer..

thanks but no thanks..
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Sorry I have no respect for the man that sits in the front row of a church for 20 years and never realized Rev. Wright was a racist bigot. He either is an idiot or just as racist as Rev. Wright. Either way is had got the democrats fooled.

name one thing that wright said which was racist.
Is there anything wrong with Australia that we can help you with?
Other's interest in our nation is normal. Just as we talk for hours about Venezuela and how their government fails to provide what people could provide for themselves if they were given the freedom to do so.

If a self-identified "Yank" presumed to pontificate on an Australian website about Ozzie internal political matters, I strongly supect they'd be told - rightly - to mind their own business, clean up their own backyard, etc.

If you were intellectually honest, you'd admit that if Diuretic was an advocate for President Bush or the war on terrorism, you'd tell him the same.


On the other hand, I want Diuretic to have the right to express himself freely, since unlike a liberal, I welcome all opinions; I just like to make certain that the origins of said opinions are taken into account.

America has faults, Diuretic points them out. Australia has faults, I will point them out, too.

Fair do's.
Is there anything wrong with Australia that we can help you with?

I'm just working my way through and I keep getting evidence of your obsession. Now, I suppose there's a few more coming that I'm not yet aware of but I'll try and answer each inanity with a bit of patience and goodwill. I may lose it but fuck it, it's not like this is a pub and we can settle it in the car park is it? So I suppose I'll just have to wait until you get over whatever is bugging you.

But I bet it gets boring for the poor sods who have to read it.
And just to even things up a bit, it's my experience that many Australian posters on a couple of politics sites are bloody rude to non-Australians and adopt the same head up arse attitude with the "stay in your own domestic politics" remarks. My experience has been that the shove off attitude of American posters in what are American politics sites is rare and the tolerance shown is greater than it would be in an Australian site. But we're a bunch of xenophobic bastards, we really are. That's one of our big social faults.

Anyway, if the internet had been available at the time of the Roman Empire then you would have had ferriners posting about goings on in Rome. You should see/hear the coverage of the Obama and Clinton race in our media. It's absolutely sodden with it.

But if you want to discuss anything about my country I'd be happy to oblige with an opinion.

Now, I'll toddle along and post as I see fit until the owner tells me to fuck off.