The coming war on opposition

There is about to be an all out blitz on anything not considered mainstream, not considered liberal, or considered radical. The violence is going to escalate and it's going to get bloody.

Round up hate promoters now

By Bonnie Erbe, Thomas Jefferson Street blog.

Three incidents and counting.

If yesterday's Holocaust Museum slaying of security guard and national hero Stephen Tyrone Johns is not a clarion call for banning hate speech, I don't know what is. Playwright Janet Langhart Cohen appeared on CNN yesterday right after the shooting, as she wrote a play that was supposed to have been debuted at the Holocaust Museum last night. Her play is about Emmett Till, whose lynching helped launch the Civil Rights Movement, and Ann Frank, whose diary told the story of Holocaust victims in hiding in the Netherlands during World War II.

She said something must be done about ridding the Internet and the public dialogue of hate speech. I agree. Not only have we had three hate crime murders within the last two weeks (Mr. Johns, as noted above, Dr. George Tiller a week ago last Sunday, and Pvt. William Andrew Long by an American-born Muslim convert outside a recruiting station just before that.)

Now we have this quote from the so-called Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who used to be President Obama's pastor. Hate comes from among all peoples and all religions. He said this about his lack of communication with Barack Obama since he's been elected president, according to the AP:

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office," Wright told the Daily Press of Newport News following a Tuesday night sermon at the 95th annual Hampton University Ministers' Conference.

It's not enough to prosecute these murders as murders. They are hate-motivated crimes and each of these men had been under some sort of police surveillance prior to their actions. Isn't it time we started rounding up promoters of hate before they kill?

this is about more than just 'hate' speech, this is the step in forwarding the war against conservatism. WaterMarx should be happy.
Do you honestly imagine violence over this? How is that going to occur? Are you just going to walk out onto the street and start shooting people who look too liberal?

And I'm still wondering where this hate speech bill is. The congress knows very well it will never get through the supreme court, and an amendment isn't ever going to pass both civil libertarians and conservatives at the same time.
Do you honestly imagine violence over this? How is that going to occur? Are you just going to walk out onto the street and start shooting people who look too liberal?
you can't see the big picture, obviously.

And I'm still wondering where this hate speech bill is.
As the current Dem leaders have said since they got power...'now is not the time'.

The congress knows very well it will never get through the supreme court
has this EVER stopped them from trying?

and an amendment isn't ever going to pass both civil libertarians and conservatives at the same time.

the dems and repubs haven't bothered with amending the constitution to restore or proclaim rights in over 150 years, do you really think they are going to start now?
There is about to be an all out blitz on anything not considered mainstream, not considered liberal, or considered radical. The violence is going to escalate and it's going to get bloody.

Round up hate promoters now

this is about more than just 'hate' speech, this is the step in forwarding the war against conservatism. WaterMarx should be happy.

HUH? what are you smoking?

the longer the recession lasts the more backflash against "conservatism" aka Republicanism.
HUH? what are you smoking?

the longer the recession lasts the more backflash against "conservatism" aka Republicanism.

stop being totally stupid. do you think for a single second, that if the economy REALLY goes to shit, that regular people are going to give a damn about democrat or republican?

If a real depression hits and millions upon millions are affected, these people will not give a flying fuck about what political party you're associated with.
stop being totally stupid. do you think for a single second, that if the economy REALLY goes to shit, that regular people are going to give a damn about democrat or republican?

If a real depression hits and millions upon millions are affected, these people will not give a flying fuck about what political party you're associated with.

Well they will not be endeared to the party that says:
No job? Tough sh#t you should have gotten a better education.

They will not be endeared to the party that is against welfare and other help for the poor and unemployed.
Well they will not be endeared to the party that says:
No job? Tough sh#t you should have gotten a better education.

They will not be endeared to the party that is against welfare and other help for the poor and unemployed.

In fact they'll turn against whichever party is running things (uh ohhh...)
There is about to be an all out blitz on anything not considered mainstream, not considered liberal, or considered radical. The violence is going to escalate and it's going to get bloody.

Round up hate promoters now

this is about more than just 'hate' speech, this is the step in forwarding the war against conservatism. WaterMarx should be happy.

I don't agree with censoring, but thanks for pointing out that hatred, extremism and violence are all tenets of conservatism
There is about to be an all out blitz on anything not considered mainstream, not considered liberal, or considered radical. The violence is going to escalate and it's going to get bloody.

Round up hate promoters now

this is about more than just 'hate' speech, this is the step in forwarding the war against conservatism. WaterMarx should be happy.

OK Asshat, you been eating pudding with a metal spoon? You're paranoia is showing. This isn't Republicans running the government where dissent is viewed as treason. It's expected. So go ahead and feel free to bitch and moan. You won't get arrested and denied your habeus corpus rights, nor will you be sent to Guantanimo and waterboarded.

So just chill.
stop being totally stupid. do you think for a single second, that if the economy REALLY goes to shit, that regular people are going to give a damn about democrat or republican?

If a real depression hits and millions upon millions are affected, these people will not give a flying fuck about what political party you're associated with.
Not really, but they will give a shit about who's in office. Just like they did last time.
Hate speech legislation will never pass constitutional muster. You cannot punish pure speech based on content, Clear and Present Danger still rules so you have to show that the speech is more than just speech but amounts to preparing people for immediate violence. Liberals floor me on this issue. They don't know their history. The mad angry lesbian, Andrea Dworkin wrote some anti obscenity laws and one of the first publications shut down under her law was a magazine of lesbian erotica.
Hate speech legislation will never pass constitutional muster. You cannot punish pure speech based on content, Clear and Present Danger still rules so you have to show that the speech is more than just speech but amounts to preparing people for immediate violence. Liberals floor me on this issue. They don't know their history. The mad angry lesbian, Andrea Dworkin wrote some anti obscenity laws and one of the first publications shut down under her law was a magazine of lesbian erotica.

Most states have inciting to riot laws on the books.
I think they are often misused.
Hate speech legislation will never pass constitutional muster. You cannot punish pure speech based on content, Clear and Present Danger still rules so you have to show that the speech is more than just speech but amounts to preparing people for immediate violence. Liberals floor me on this issue. They don't know their history. The mad angry lesbian, Andrea Dworkin wrote some anti obscenity laws and one of the first publications shut down under her law was a magazine of lesbian erotica.
Isn't it amazing how the pendulum has swung? Back in the early 80's it was the Democrats filled with wack job extremist like Dworkin and McKinnen and now it's Republicans who are filled with the wack job extremist like Limbaugh and Savage.
Isn't it amazing how the pendulum has swung? Back in the early 80's it was the Democrats filled with wack job extremist like Dworkin and McKinnen and now it's Republicans who are filled with the wack job extremist like Limbaugh and Weiner.

fixed that for accuracy.
Most states have inciting to riot laws on the books.
I think they are often misused.
They are but the point is still valid. No right is absolute and with great rights come great responsibilities. You don't have the right to incite violence nor do you have the right to incite panic nor do you have the right to commit libel.