The commie phiolosophy--on this board!


They are so fucked up, and trying to make our populations minds the same--pushing failed policies from all over the world. Here is what happens in a nut shell.

"Oh look (say the socialists/communists-- from other countries.--"Like Frank, a total red commie straight from Russia in Obamas book, and a admitted person of inspiration as a young man in Hawaii"), there are some free people there, lets talk to them." "Hey, You folk have a lot of problems that we think need to be fixed. Would you folks like to be taken care of so a government can have more control of your life and money, and use your money for what the government wants to use it for?" No, you say you want freedom insead--but we don't think you can handle it. look at all those cars and homes you have earned--you call that freedom!!" "We don't think it is fair that a free people can do better than everybody else. We will have to infiltrate your univerisites, politicians, and judges--because you free Ameicans are obviously communists."
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Gay, red, insane, neo, demacrat, socialists ?

yea--that and more--accept for that consertative gay dude I met at a local beer hole. He is a great American.
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They are so fucked up, and trying to make our populations minds the same--pushing failed policies from all over the world. Here is what happens in a nut shell.

"Oh look (say the socialists/communists-- from other countries.--"Like Frank, a total red commie straight from Russia in Obamas book, and a admitted person of inspiration as a young man in Hawaii"), there are some free people there, lets talk to them." "Hey, You folk have a lot of problems that we think need to be fixed. Would you folks like to be taken care of so a government can have more control of your life and money, and use your money for what the government wants to use it for?" No, you say you want freedom insead--but we don't think you can handle it. look at all those cars and homes you have earned--you call that freedom!!" "We don't think it is fair that a free people can do better than everybody else. We will have to infiltrate your univerisites, politicians, and judges--because you free Ameicans are obviously communists."

Oh look (say fascist/extreme right-wingers), there are some people who do not have healthcare. Thats a shame. They should get better jobs so they can have healthcare. What? You are handicapped? Quit whining and making excuses, its up to you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Oh look, there are some people complaining about the problems living in the inner city. They should just move to the suburbs so their life will be better. They don't need the government intereferring in their lives. They just need to work hard and achieve the american dream. What? How do they afford the new house in the suburbs, the UHaul to move them there and the gas to get back and forth to work? Don't ask me, if I solve all your problems you won't be independent and free.

Oh look, there are some college professors trying to get kids to think. Well they are not telling them the conservative truth, they must be commie liberals.

Oh look, there is a gay couple who have been living together for 10 years. Isn't that disgusting? Don't they know that marriage is for a man and a woman ONLY? Do they realize that by allowing them to marry we would ruin every marriage in the entire world? And don't they know that their kids would turn gay because of their influence?

Oh look, there are some high school students. If only we still had prayer in schools they would all be honor students, there would be no teen pregnancies, and the gangs would disappear. Evil liberals have ruined everything.

<the above statements are sarcasm, wholely sarcastic, and nothing but sarcasm>
Oh look (say fascist/extreme right-wingers), there are some people who do not have healthcare. Thats a shame. They should get better jobs so they can have healthcare. What? You are handicapped? Quit whining and making excuses, its up to you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Oh look, there are some people complaining about the problems living in the inner city. They should just move to the suburbs so their life will be better. They don't need the government intereferring in their lives. They just need to work hard and achieve the american dream. What? How do they afford the new house in the suburbs, the UHaul to move them there and the gas to get back and forth to work? Don't ask me, if I solve all your problems you won't be independent and free.

Oh look, there are some college professors trying to get kids to think. Well they are not telling them the conservative truth, they must be commie liberals.

Oh look, there is a gay couple who have been living together for 10 years. Isn't that disgusting? Don't they know that marriage is for a man and a woman ONLY? Do they realize that by allowing them to marry we would ruin every marriage in the entire world? And don't they know that their kids would turn gay because of their influence?

Oh look, there are some high school students. If only we still had prayer in schools they would all be honor students, there would be no teen pregnancies, and the gangs would disappear. Evil liberals have ruined everything.

<the above statements are sarcasm, wholely sarcastic, and nothing but sarcasm>

Yeah, I was wondering... it sounded like the ends of a European government rather than American government...
They are so fucked up, and trying to make our populations minds the same--pushing failed policies from all over the world. Here is what happens in a nut shell.

"Oh look (say the socialists/communists-- from other countries.--"Like Frank, a total red commie straight from Russia in Obamas book, and a admitted person of inspiration as a young man in Hawaii"), there are some free people there, lets talk to them." "Hey, You folk have a lot of problems that we think need to be fixed. Would you folks like to be taken care of so a government can have more control of your life and money, and use your money for what the government wants to use it for?" No, you say you want freedom insead--but we don't think you can handle it. look at all those cars and homes you have earned--you call that freedom!!" "We don't think it is fair that a free people can do better than everybody else. We will have to infiltrate your univerisites, politicians, and judges--because you free Ameicans are obviously communists."

You really haven't got the first clue about what Communism actually is, do you, Maj?
If I'm not mistaken, he wrote a high school term paper on it, and has been an expert ever since.

I believe that's what he said at one point.
Wow, I'm now an expert in "How to Pick Your Friend's Nose Politely"! I once wrote a paper on it in creative writing. Man, it's nice to be an expert.
Yeah Damo also wrote deviant sexual behaviour stuff....
Probably links into the booger picking.
Well, I can't be an expert because it wasn't a paper in school. That was a novel that didn't go anywhere. Now booger picking. I'm also a father of three, that gets me some expertise even without the paper.
More of an expert on devaincy than I am for sure. Remember the scuba suit thread ?

Dude, I'm certainly not ashamed that I submitted an outline for a novel that I researched that sub-culture for. I have no shame being considered an "expert" in that arena.
maybe I am an old fogey but I did not consider that stuff too bright and would be embaressed to death to be caught in a situation like that.
maybe I am an old fogey but I did not consider that stuff too bright and would be embaressed to death to be caught in a situation like that.
Well, I wouldn't want to be caught in a diver suit with something in the out hole either, but doesn't mean I should be ashamed that I tried to make characters realistic in a fiction novel that was never even written.
Well, I wouldn't want to be caught in a diver suit with something in the out hole either, but doesn't mean I should be ashamed that I tried to make characters realistic in a fiction novel that was never even written.

I guess someone needs to do it. But for me I don't even want to get that running thru my head to figure out how to make the characters realistic.
The thread author wouldn't know a commie if he fell over one. American political philosophy and historical education must be extremely poor today. Do people like this attend schools were they think endtime is around the corner or what? The people they call commies are the very people who started this great experiment: liberals. If conservatives ruled, by its very nature, we'd still be caves afraid to go out. Fear does seem to be a integral piece of their limited mindset.
The thread author wouldn't know a commie if he fell over one. American political philosophy and historical education must be extremely poor today. Do people like this attend schools were they think endtime is around the corner or what? The people they call commies are the very people who started this great experiment: liberals. If conservatives ruled, by its very nature, we'd still be caves afraid to go out. Fear does seem to be a integral piece of their limited mindset.

The people who refused to be coerced by the manipulators of an unwritten constitution in the interest of funding the infrastructure of the greater good of a larger commonwealth ruled by a king 3000 miles away were liberals?

These people faught for localism and against non-local taxation. That makes them conservative. They were also moralists and the militiamen considered themselves morally superior to the redcoats (they observed them as profane, irreligious, compulsive gamblers, brawlers, and so forth). They were deeply religious people, which totally rules out liberalism. And lastly, they were not paupers fighting against a rich elite (i.e. France, and nearly every revolution in history with few exceptions, such as the Glorious Revolution, which greatly influenced our own) but were instead the wealthiest people on the planet with the highest standard of living, and fighting to maintain it.