The "Connecticut Effect"?


Sometimes the idiots that run the NRA shouldn't be so transparent in their goals to weaken existing gun laws. We've all known the NRA is kicking the can down the street waiting for discussion over the Newtown massacre to blow over, but I've got some news for you guys.

Ain't gonna happen.

This is from Wisconsin NRA lobbyist Bob Welch:

We have a strong agenda coming up for next year, but of course a lot of that’s going to be delayed as the “Connecticut effect” has to go through the process. [...] What’s even more telling is the people who don’t like guns pretty much realize that they can’t do a thing unless they talk to us. After Connecticut I had one of the leading Democrats in the legislature—he was with us most of the time, not all the time—he came to me and said, “Bob, I got all these people in my caucus that really want to ban guns and do all this bad stuff, we gotta give them something. How about we close this gun show loophole? Wouldn’t that be good?” And I said, “no, we’re not going to do that.” And so far, nothing’s happened on that.