The "Courage" They Have is Inspiring!(NOT)


New member
:hedb::cof1: The shameful racist tactics used by Hillary and Bill (the Disgraced Ex-President)Clinton against Barack Obama, and the shameful Lying and unfair collusion with Mike Huckabee, of John McCain, are bad, but not surprising, to those like me, who have been around, and paid attention long enough, to know what these people are CAPABLE of. But this Great Nation can withstand a few Power-Hungry Hacks like the Clintons, or Egomaniacal Politicians like McCain, who will sell their souls, or destroy other people, for higher office, for Power. What is TRULY dangerous, however, is when a Free Press, already crooked and biased, becomes any MORE "in the pockets" of these same Hacks. If the Media is AFRAID OR UNWILLING to SHOUT FROM THE ROOFTOPS THE truth about Racist Tactics during a Pres. race, or corrupt collusion between two candidates to destroy a third, or the TRUTH about what MANY Brilliant Scientists and Nobel Prize- Winners say about the Political Scam and Power-Grab known as "Man-Made Global Warming", then we have NO ONE to speak for us, NO ONE TO FIGHT FOR US.

As it IS, these State and Federal politicians feel like they are INVINCIBLE, and Above the Law. The ONLY thing that keeps them from being MORE corrupt than they ARE, the only thing they FEAR, is the Honest members of the Press, the people who will ALWAYS search for the Truth, then report it to the American People. So when Rreporters start kow-towing to politicians like CELEBRITIES, instead of the SERVANTS TO THE VOTERS which they are, worried about "future access", like politicians have the RIGHT to hide the People's business from reporters, then the Corrupt are free to REALLY screw us.

"The Media were once the Guardians, the Champions of Truth. Now they are but toothless infants, suckling on the Sweet Teat of Misinformation, then POOPING it into the diaper they call "The Six O'Clock News"--- Michael K., Internet Prophet, and Wise Sage.
Gee, "Watermark", that was a BRILLIANT retort, on your part! What a DAZZLING statement of wit and Political Insight, "U R a child." Is THAT how they taught English, in the school you went to? Let me ask an important question: When your Mommy waited with you for the school bus, was it a LONG bus, or a SHORT bus?